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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

September 29, 2021

One year ago today: September 29, 2020, her one real talent.
Five years ago today: September 29, 2016, like a sonic boom.
Nine years ago today: September 29, 2012, dissing Tanya Tucker.
Random years ago today: September 29, 2019, I expect mistakes.

           Today was an excellent reminder of why I got the hell out of Miami. Traffic, or as Dave Barry puts it, Miami, a city where you are allowed to practice the driving habits of your country of origin. I’m all for the latest proposal for a law that bans all immigration to this country for 1,000 years. We don’t want you here, period. If you hear otherwise, it is government propaganda, and a government that is not doing so well lately. And probably nine-tenths of any left-wing shit you hear on the Internet are paid government trolls. If can find their pay schedule, I’ll maybe link.
           The Reb has located this small acreage, but to me six acres is only if I want to become a lumberjack. The old growth forest in Tennessee is nice, but if you want a sweeping view, you have to cut it down. I’d done enough of this sort of work by the time I was 16 and can’t afford to have it done by somebody else. But with the Reb backing me up I not ruling anything out.

           This shows the edge of the property, one advantage to me is that this is tucked behind another large house and cannot be viewed directly from the roadway. It has a narrow service road and just large enough that if you located your house in the center, the view on all three “public sides” would be dense forest.
           The financing discussion (that’s my finances, since I’m the only one around here with any) got relocated to the Roast & Toast. Bloggable because it is the finest omelet I’ve ever had. This one was spinach & mushroom and at $16, cut one in half and get an extra order of toast. Why the off-diet meal? Because I have to fast more than 18 hours in case of a blood test tomorrow. I’m not instructed to fast, but I’ve learned to be prepared. I no longer get paid over $200 for each of these trips.
           Research is a must, we soon headed for the Pinecrest Library to find the joint has gone completely downhill. It is now useless for research and the “handicap” bookshelves have been spaced even further apart. It has also been millennialized, that is, instead of a wide range of topics, it is now stocked only with books that get read the most. It’s disgusting, the name-your-baby selection is larger than the fix-it-yourself section. I counted 41 books on how to draw with pencils and crayons but not a single volume on robotics. This, folks, is how an empire implodes. Eight books on Lego and seven books on the Keto diet.

Picture of the day.
Marketed as “soft and warm”.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I burned a quarter tank of gas, but got my chasing around done. I stopped by Fred’s and thanks to the ass-clowns at Cano, I’m getting junk mail again. I must say, the scam artists have gotten much better at printing fake invoices. One was a bill for $548 that could probably fool anybody. Except I don’t go to places where my insurance doesn’t cover all. Next, I was over to Agt. M’s where we went over more finances. He’s planning a trip to see his relatives back in Europe, so I’ll keep an eye on the accounts again, you recall I was (past tense) the secretary treasurer.
           Next, we were over at the second-hand auto parts store, known to some as the wrecking yard. We found the exact door for my van. But it was the wrong color and the guy wanted $200. We figured maybe $50, since it would have to be repainted. I stopped by my old clinic hoping to catch the staff inside. If so, I would have the chance to get out of town tomorrow before noon. No such luck. This is my last visit and these trips have been part of my life for five years.

           Blog rules say I must tell you the outstanding part of every day, good or bad. I got back to the apartment early enough that we decided to go chat up women at Corbett’s. Normally, I don’t care fore that old folks home. The place does have single women but all too often you instantly spot the reason for that. I’m automatically on guard when any local types show interest in me. Off the table, Mable, the ten bucks is for the beer. And that’s me pointing at one of my favorite libations, Budweiser in a bottle. In the background is JZ and you can see the lady checking him out, although he thinks it is the other way around.
           We stuck around for a few, since beer does not affect my metabolism next day. Sure enough, after he bought her four rounds that I know if (probably $30 in that joint), in walks the boyfriend she was waiting for. Of course, she forgot mention that for the entire time. Ut-tut, JZ, I don’t wanna hear about it. BWAAAAa-ha-ha-ha.            Back home for coffee, he orders this Boston pizza and we get to talking politics. He was completely unaware the Australia had gone communist. That’s what relying on TV does to your brain. He then decides he wants to watch the worst Uma Thurman movie ever, “The Truth About Cats & Dogs”. I could not even read a book with that playing, I’d hear her voice and look up expecting to see some gams, but instead she wears granny gowns the whole move.

Last Laugh

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