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Sunday, September 5, 2021

September 5, 2021

One year ago today: September 5, 2020, Fall-through coding.
Five years ago today: September 5, 2016, my “winter” lawn.
Nine years ago today: September 5, 2012, can’t name even one?
Random years ago today: September 5, 2014, very interesting video.

           It’s official, there is a 100% news blackout from Australia. There is your laboratory for the rest of the world. If Marxist leftist commies succeed there, that is the destiny of every democratic state simply because the bad guys have planned too long and too hard to back down now. They aren’t saying it out loud, but in retaliation to the trucker’s strike, the Aussie government is now blocking medical treatment of any kind to the unvaccinated. Oh well, the country started out as a penal colony. It won’t be long now before there’s real trouble. In other news, there are some saying that the trucker’s strike was fake and only two trucks participated.
           Ray-B sent a longer note, he’s met a 40-ish redhead (really?) lady from San Diego who strums and sings. I’ve advised him to hold on to that, it’s more than I ever found out there. He admits to not playing much any more. Any entertainer can tell you about the doldrums. I sent a long reply neutral in tone about women and music.
I told him how at long last I learned the suck-song of the Sixties, “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door”. If you like it, good for you. Same with 40-ish women, there is a reason a woman is still single at that age, chum. That’s why today, I intend to clean out the back bedroom. What else is there to do in Central Florida? Forget age-appropriate dating. Can you just see me dating some broad who wants to show me phone pics of her pudgy grandchildren?

           At least a few people are getting the right idea. By the thousands, Trump supporters are turning out to become poll workers and electioneering committees. I am not knowledgeable of how the process works, but if the Democrats cannot stock the poll counting with their servants, it is unlikely they could win anything except the inner city welfare ghettos. I believe most states have precincts that appoint or nominate poll watchers, which would significantly dent any attempts at ballot fraud. No doubt the Democrats will attack the process and the people. They have to obstruct or lose, and them idiots left the back door open.
           How about that California recall? It’s strange how money can sway voters when issues are at stake. But, that State has Canadian-style rules. The people in power can get all the money they want to “campaign”, but those running against them are subject to financing restrictions. The point is, unless the incumbent (an elected person running again) gets in, it upsets the delicate power balance way over in DC. There’d be no sweeping changes, but it would effectively block the Democrats from using arbitrary powers to cram their agendas through. Like that ridiculous “Green New Deal” which seeks to pour government money into “climate change” companies owned by Democrats.

Picture of the day.
Top speed: 56 knots.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           That was the Reb on the phone, the only person alive who can get me to chat that way. The travel situation is too unhinged to risk a big trip for now, so we’ll leave everything put. It’s millennial world out there. For travel info, they say just get in touch, then they hide behind a robot and every click eventually takes you back to the home page. And they fancy themselves clever. There is no place to get a straight answer any more and strange as it seems, lowlifes love that situation. They believe confusion delays the game in their favor. They’ve never been right yet.
           The “most popular president in US history” has plainly not been to many football stadiums lately. I’ve no plans for the upcoming week in case there is any chance of heading out of town, so how about I get around to reading how Assembler works on a C+ computer? I can’t find any info on how to work directly with my CPU, so the next best thing is an edit window, or whatever the buzz-word these days. IDE?

           My goal is a brush-up on the Assembler language and commands, not running simulators. Why? Because I have also been reading Arduino sketches that interest me and I’ve got a couple ideas I’d like to try. Unlike C+, Assembler is lightning fast. One of the worst features of Arduino is you cannot tell if or what programming it contains. I have a concept that could be stored in an array for easy display but for now even a number would help to cross reference the contents.
           Meanwhile, more shelves please. I can finally move around in the bedrooms again. And find stuff, because nothing is underneath or behind any more. It has been that long since some boxes were packed. Later I’ll be configuring the Win 10 computer for use as a combination work station.
Combination of recording studio, on-line business, and in a break with tradition, a small entertainment center. It’s amazing the things I forget because I don’t have a centralized spot and haven’t had one for five years. It’s more than symbolic, as it’s all to easy for me to forget new things if I’m busy chasing around. Here’s a revelation on that—I’ve been forgetting to buy a new set of frying pans for three months already. At my age, you need great frying pans, but only after all the important things are taken care of. Man, this blog is a gold mine of info

           Recently good old “Minesweeper” has been rated again among the most popular of computer games. Who remembers how to cheat? Ohhhh, not many, so I’ll repeat how it is done. Here is how to do it.

                      • Open a new game of Minesweeper. Then click anywhere on the title bar. This is the blue bar at the top of the Minesweeper window that contains the word Minesweeper and the minimum/maximum buttons. Just click on it anywhere and nothing happens.
                      • Then you type, without the quotation marks, the lower case “xyzzy”. Press and hold shift and then press enter. Release both keys. Nothing apparently happens.
                      • Okay so far? Now look, very, very closely at the upper left-hand corner of your desktop. This is the main screen with all your icons, not the Minesweeper window. Move your cursor over the Minesweeper squares (which are called ‘cells’). You will notice a single pixel in the corner will turn white whenever you are over a cell that does NOT have a mine, and revert to your background color when the cell IS a mine.
                      • It takes a little practice, but the following advice may help. The first cell is never a mine no matter what color the pixel is. The “key” has to be set up each time you open a new Minesweeper session, but lasts for the entire session. Don’t give up, for sometimes the key does not “take”, and you have to re-enter it and test until it works.

           The good news from Europe is Romanians 70% refused the vaccine and the government backed down. But they are a minor player. The big money is on France, where they lose wars but have considerable know-how when it comes to dealing with meddlesome politicians. The total blackout of news from Australia remains, but this is not their first trucker’s strike. The population gave up their guns and now they face a militarized police force that does the bidding of their political masters. Are you listening, America?
           By now, you should be boycotting the products of every company who makes a COVID vaccine. Do you even know who makes your medicine? You should know by name every politician who votes for lockdowns and mandates. Can you name even three? How many RINOs can you identify, do you know where they live and who voted for them? Are you aware that Democrats do not “take over”, they create meaningless conflict between their opponents, then step into any vacuum that results. Are you organized enough to resist this? Probably not.

           And the ESC key on your computer is not “escape”. It stands for “extra services control”. Now that you understand prefetch from y’day’s blog, you can see a computer lockup can be caused by the prefetch assuming the next CPU instruction is in the consecutive memory location. If it isn’t, you get a lockup, but not a complete crash. One function of ESC is to clear the prefetch, which causes to stack counter to look for a different memory location. If it is there, you can continue. Makes sense once you know the workings.

Last Laugh