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Thursday, October 14, 2021

October 14, 2020

One year ago today: October 14, 2020, electrical work.
Five years ago today: October 14, 2016, it’s the humidity.
Nine years ago today: October 14, 2012, I typed lots back then.
Random years ago today: October 14, 2006, the bicycle that saved me.

           Yep, I’m going to have to install my operating system and it has to be this computer. Damn AVG, the product has gone to hell. This morning found me on the other side of the county, where an RV dealership has a dude who works on scooters. Not only that, when he saw my Zuma (Yamaha), his specialty was working on that year and model. It’s mainly the carburetor acting up, but with the van doing the same, I’m going to need that backup, mark my words. He even knows where I can buy the signal light brackets, which are the first thing to break when this scooter is tilted on its side. Shown here, parked at the dealership, notice the custom wooden carrier.
           Another business meeting and it looks like I’m stuck with that van until March 2022. At that point I can afford something pretty nice. Right now, nothing is secure and when I go over the planning and activity for the last eight months, it is almost identical to what I would do if there was a war going on. For example, there are another 144 cans of vegetables going into storage. Both for the predicted shortages and certainty of price increases.

           Is it time to get the garden planted again? What happened to the last one? Well, I don’t know. I had to get to Tennessee and when I got back, it was completely weeded over. Nothing useful survived. And with another trip planned, I know better than to plant anything right now. Ha, you should hear people griping about food prices. They ain’t seen nothing yet, they are the same bunch who thought the stimulus was free money. Like $2,000 is going to save them now.

Picture of the day.
Neat petunia.
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           Noon found me at the mechanic, who wants me to sell the van. I can’t right now. So the plan is to fix the wheel problems as much as can be done to get it back to Tennessee and sell it there. It has that wobble at 55mph that isn’t going to get any better, so do something now. Real estate. I did not buy that doublewide in Winter Haven that was on the market so long. Nobody would say what was wrong with it. However, I still have my real estate lady keeping an eye open for a real bargain. That would mean somebody who needs money and can’t wait.
           My circadian rhythm is thrown so I sat in the shade and burned all the yard scraps this afternoon. Shown here in this panel, you can see the lawn blower turning the incinerator into a blast furnace. It works a bit too well, as you can see it cracked some of the cinder blocks on the rear. Easy to replace. I should have been sawing plywood and stuff but I’m whooped out, it was not fun loading that scooter into the van by myself. In fact, I should use some of that plywood to make a small ramp. Check back with me on that.

           Real estate. That doublewide was probably worth the price because I have several reliable people who would rent from me. I stopped in to see one of them on the way home and sure enough, the pad rental at where she parked her mobile home went from $320 to $550. The old common area maintenance scam, plus the park has an HOA who can legally spread the cost of vacancies between the other tenants. These are both measures to get around the legal cap on rent increases in the state of Florida.

           You’d like this lady. She’s not my type, but what a looker. She’s a buyer for beverage routes but I gather it doesn’t pay all that well. Anyway, if I get something and she’ll pay $550 rent, she can have it. Did I mention she makes other women extremely jealous? She is 48 and has the perfect figure of an 18 year old model, utterly delicious. Way too rough around the edges for me, but you are invited to feast your eyes. She does not mind, the way she puts her hair in twin ponytails and her Daisy May cutoffs will make your eyes water.
           Actually, while I have your interest, let me tell you more. She’ll tell I am the only man she knows that has never hit on her and isn’t constantly hitting on her. So it’s quite the spectacle how she’s learned to pretend she is after me when other men start slobbering on her. The looks on their faces when she asks me to massage her shoulders. And the pool league is not soon going forget the time she got a cramp walking the dog and asked me to unroll her leggings. Not to mention how she gets me to check if “everything is okay” before she gets on stage for Karaoke. And I know her signal to say she has no VPL (visible panty lines) whence for the benefit of some obnoxious on-looker she says she isn’t wearing any.

           I’m really off balance today. Jet lag, but I have not been anywhere. This is a note to myself to go see a doctor if this persists. It is not dizziness or wooziness, but a physical unsteadiness if I stand suddenly or turn around like always. It’s like vertigo, but without the sense of knowing something isn’t 100%. Let’s take bets. Is it age? Something new? Or maybe nothing?

Last Laugh