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Wednesday, October 13, 2021

October 13, 2021

One year ago today: October 13, 2020, “to the post”.
Five years ago today: October 13, 2016, Run, Jason, run.
Nine years ago today: October 13, 2012, yes, I do Visi-Calc.
Random years ago today: October 13, 2008, a rambling post.

           As I sort out all the plywood I curbsided, I found this one with two holes, see the picture. That’s today’s mystery object. It’s too large for a door and not the right shape for most other uses. Give up? If you look closely at the far left end you see it was raised slightly off the ground. Why it was the ramp from one of those mini-golf games. With railings and astroturf, those are the golf holes. This board is destined to be the base plate of dry storage in my attic. Measured to store 164 cans of food dated at least 2025. For the coming “everything” crisis brought to you by the Biden administration.
           Now America gets the wakeup call. All you bozos who thought the stimulus checks were free have by now gone to the grocery store. You’ve filled up your gas tanks. There are two possible good outcomes, first is that the non-Biden people just got one massive jolt out of their little cocoons, and next the people lying around being paid to not work have a gap in their employment that will haunt them for life. It’s all their own doing. My average trip (grocery shopping) has increased 19.358%.
           I looked into some property as a hedge against inflation. I know it worked for this place, though I have no experience buying and holding for a profit. Compared to others, I’m probably sitting pretty here as far as a roof over my head. There’s been no news on the evictions which for all the mainstream media is saying, could be happening all over without us knowing a thing. Remind me to get that scooter in for a carb job, as the van is acting up again. Time to get it just in good enough shape to sell it, I think.

           That’s not enough bad news, I have a plumbing problem. The water in the kitchen has started running really slow. Told you I should have d those pipes while I was running in the electric. It works and all, but who likes waiting a minute for a pot to fill? And not when I’ve got 15 things going on to fix in the yard. Ah, sure I complain but I know in my heart this is better than having nothing to do. I’ll tell you who has real problems. Old Joe, the pretend President. The media is calling what Trump does “campaign” rallies, but that’s a lie. Trump isn’t a candidate.
           But he is sure running interference. Myself, I think his real contribution was exposing the civil service as Public Enemy #1. The problems out there now are caused by people with cushy government jobs who sit inside offices with security guards. They spend all day cranking out misery to others, and then go home at the end of the day smugly thinking all is well and they are immune from backlash. I blast people like Gateway Pundit, who echo the headlines without doing the homework of naming names.

           The info of civil servants is public information, so I along with many don’t want to hear “the School Board”. I want names, numbers, and home addresses. They have long since made this up close and personal. There’s a gal I like who doesn’t like me that can’t even visit her mom in the hospital. There is growing unrest with this “vaccine mandate” which turns out to be not a mandate at all. It was a press release Biden called a mandate and it is horrifying how many sheeple went along with it.
           California is cracking down on gas-powered yard tools. If you ask me, it has nothing to do with going green. The feds have wanted to crack down on small cash-flow businesses since I can remember. This will give the landscapers a hard time and put solo guitarists on notice. We’ll have no more untaxed dollars floating around at that level, by god.

Picture of the day.
“Alligator” belt lacing system.
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           Music. I’m doomed. I’m ready to be a star, but I meant a bass player type star. Nor can I expect any mercy from my own people, who I told of the progress early on. They see nothing wrong with me singing and brush aside any insecurity on my part. It is serious enough that I took the afternoon off to contemplate. This is a good path in music for an entertainer, but not the one I had chosen. Yet here is an opportunity I may never see again. A band that out seems to come along only once every two and a half years in Florida, at best. That’s a lot of wasting the time and paying the dues, as legend has it.
           Thusforth, I’m going to get no help or even moral support on this one. My plan is to follow my own history. How many times did I leap in both feet and unprepared? That’s not a lot of comfort, mind you. The two most common outcomes for me are once I get there, I realize there was a much easier path but nobody told me. Or that I find out I accomplish the task with such apparent ease that no credit is returned for the monstrous effort. There often is a third result—you find out who your friends are not.

           Joking aside, this new situation uneases me. Quitting uneases me more. And not trying isn’t an option. Two weeks from now, will I be singing “Margaritaville” to the trailer court crowd? If so, make it so isolated that I gain a new appreciation for the whole concept of trailer court. Here’s a view of my hanging planter. The slats were meant to be temporary and they certainly were. That was untreated lumber. My estimation says that pallet lumber comes in just the right size for this repair. The swinging planter is the local emblematic symbol of my yard.
           Seeking any good news, I’ve come up with my shoulder. After five years, I can raise it almost full upwards with enough strength to lift or push. It meant keeping up with the therapy excercises, whose greatest challenge was the boredom involved. They are set up near the shed door to remind me, and it does add to the time of every project, in a good way I mean.

           Dang, I can’t get enough bad news about Windows 11. It’s proving to be another Me and Vista, crap they can’t pull of the market fast enough. But why does this happen, isn’t MicroSoft the most experienced of software companies. Yes, but people who work there are not. Think NASA. Once a product is built, you cannot sit back and collect. Management down to labor knows your paycheck is dependent on the twin factors of tweaking the old product and a firm belief that the next product will be an improvement. Even past the point where there are any ideas to support the concept.
           Years ago I documented why companies that use object-oriented programming would eventually code themselves into a corner. To be more clear, I described how circular code always gets to a point where changes cannot be made in isolation. Everything you fix breaks something else. The only thing certain is that this quagmire gets reached a little sooner following each release.
In this instance, Windows 11 was issuing patches and updates by the dozen almost simultaneously with the new software. Following the tradition of Windows 95, it offers no truly new features.
           Making news are the newest stratospheric drones. They fly around at 60,000 feet, almost twice the height of commercial aircraft. They are solar-powered and stay up for months. However, calling them airplanes at this point sounds non-scientific to me. Until they can carry more payload and demonstrate more reliability, I’ll wait and see. They are more like gliders with tiny propellers. I would like to see live footage, but it seems they are only flown one at a time. So, how do they even take the pictures already seen? Photoshop?

Last Laugh