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Saturday, October 16, 2021

October 16, 2021

One year ago today: October 16, 2020, long-winded.
Five years ago today: October 16, 2016, millions of cases annually.
Nine years ago today: October 16, 2012, I was dying & angry, remember.
Random years ago today: October 16, 2009, an adventure day.

           What a day in history. The Biden regime is collapsing and I remain amazed at how close they came to pulling it off. And it is not over yet, we are at war in the sense we have two incompatible ideologies, one which wants to be left alone, the other which will never back off. The result is one side willing to kill, the other thinking there is a negotiated settlement possible. Gab has emerged as the last free speech site that allows non-leftists to post, so they may not last a year. Used cars are cascading in price because of a “shortage” of new ones due to a chip crisis, a complete lie.
           Where does Gab fit into my situation? Easy, they are beginning to list real estate. It’s one site I like to quickly check before listening to news. It has a reputation for being “right-wing” which basically means anything except radical left, so it often provides a great perspective before you get the slanted radio versions. I heard that unlike Twitter and ilk, who promote anti-white agendas, Gab censors them. Maybe I’ll pay closer attention. That’s

           Only here, you can count on something like a tar bucket being top story. This stuff has to work if it possibly can. I remember one of the worst accidents I saw as a teen was a French guy who slipped and fell and his arm went into a bucket of boiling tar. Relax, all that happened was he pulled it out and the tar cooled quickly, peeling off his top layer. He as back at work in a few days looking like he had bad sunburn. As usual, I could not find a single website that describes how to mix this tar, which has separated.            Most of to day was logistics. Time to time I get great compliments on how productive things can get around here, but I assure you if not for advance planning, we’d have nothing of the kind. There are seven immediate projects around the house, and that roofing has to be top priority. It hasn’t rained in a week but the heat is crippling. As usual, once I get started, it will go until the job is finished.

Picture of the day.
Secluded beach painting.
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           Logistics takes time. What contributes to the productivity illusion is that I keep the two functions separate. Thinking is strategy, doing is tactics. So it seems like all the doing happens smoothly. If they only knew. I’m up early tomorrow to tackle the kudzu before sunrise. I know there are some tools that got covered over. Here’s a view of the shed in the twilight, with the interior lighting giving a nice warm glow through the new window. The recent work on this shed, including the new roof, has synergistically made it really as cozy as it looks.
           In fact, this shed is taking on a personality of its own. Nothing fancy is in there yet. I kept you informed in good time when the wiring, roof, and A/C were completed, and now the three seem to work together. For some reason, it is more comfy to work in than the white shed, so I intend to get the shelving out of the interior. That’s why I need that platform. There is music gear and such inside there. Even tarps are not suitable for protecting that from rain, so it will become a major chore. You might say the shed is now comfortable enough to sleep in.
           So, I’m not finished yet in the sense that I’ve learned the value of insulation, and this shed will benefit greatly from it. I calculate it’s going to cost $54 to cover the walls and ceiling, and will somebody remind me where I saw those treated ground-contact furring strips? I’d like to lay down a plywood floor, which would make the shed like an extra bedroom, but intended for my hobby work. Ah, some say, isn’t that what the new shed was for? Um, I’m not going to chance that just yet.

Last Laugh