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Sunday, October 17, 2021

October 17, 2021

One year ago today: October 17, 2020, feast your eyes.
Five years ago today: October 17, 2016, like a termite picnic.
Nine years ago today: October 17, 2012, quitting the repair business.
Random years ago today: October 17, 2010, but usually not.

           Bright and early, I was up before dawn to get the majority of the kudzu yanked away from the shed platform. This required twenty barrel loads of these pesky vines, but they are not hard to uproot. I found the platform in excellent condition, I forgot I’d thrown a tarp over the majority of the exposed wood. The shed is 8 x 6 foot, I’d forgotten it was that small. Thus, I was able to scrounge enough plywood to complete most of the subfloor. Taking some other measurements, this changed the plan. I have enough lumber to complete the shed, but it is 2 x 3” and this gives me an idea.
           If I throw up a temporary shed on the platform using the 2 x 3s, I can completely clear out the shed while renovating. By making as few cuts as possible, I can reuse the same lumber when it comes time to replace the shed walls [this new shed] with 2 x 4s or 2 x 6s. Rather than ponder the problem, I went ahead and bought the lumber. Shown here is the platform with most of the kudzu now in the fire pit.

           I boiled up a huge pot of chicken and made a ton of rice. That’s for both Dave and the two dogs, one of which is super afraid of strangers and won’t come near me. He was supposed to help me with tarring the roof, but I shanghai’d him to work on the shed. I had stopped earlier for groceries and saw evidence of panic buying. Blank shelves of the cheaper products up to full shelves of the more expensive, it is a dead giveaway. No chicken left except drumsticks, so even the doggies feasted on that.
           Turns out the guy has never framed anything before. I gave him pointers and he caught on fast enough we have the deck down and two of the walls ready. Whoops, I never thought to snap a photo until it was dark, but they are spindly two-foot on center, just enough to keep the weather off my stuff unless it gets really nasty. I have to take advantage of the hillbilly while he’s here, crashing at his sister’s. Then I find out that is no vacation due to family tension. Yep, it’s the same old.

           Pawlowski, the Canadian church guy arrested on the pavements has been issued a $23,000 fine. He narrowly avoided a four-year jail term for “violating COVID-19 measures”. I’ve anyone who thinks Canada is a free and democratic country about this sort of incident. It happens all the time, the only difference with Pawlowski is it’s higher profile. He did not even do the alleged violation in Canada. He was arrested on a return flight, which the yellow-bellied RCMAP, the Gestapo of Canada, ordered his plane to land away from reporters and his family. That’s Canada, you just disappear.
           Pawlowski has been thrown in jail without trial. His church lost their tax-exempt status for speaking out against abortion, divorce, and faggotry. He was once arrested for laying an electric extension cord across a city sidewalk. In addition to the outrageous fine, he has been ordered by a Canadian “judge” that he must recite pro-government talking points whenever speaking and include a plug for vaccines. As I’ve said so often before, there is no such thing as a fair trial in Canada, and it has always been communistic in its application of laws against all but the ruling elite.

           One more thing. Their Prime Minister, that Trudeau wierdo, has outlawed the use of the term “Let’s go, Brandon” in all government communication. That, people, is how free Canada has always been. Pawlowski was originally convicted of contempt of court, except nobody knows over what because the court ruling was secret. This guy is not going to cave, and in Canada that means jail time. Remember Charles Vernon Meyers. Remember Ernst Zundel. These are just the few you hear about and even their memories have been purged from Canadian records, archives, and libraries.
           I’ll say it again, we are at war. Those who are not vaccinated by now will not willingly comply. Those who want to force the vaccination on them well stop at nothing. Now they are going after the food supply. War may not be declared but these two groups cannot coexist. There is no peaceful solution since the only thing that will break the deadlock is extreme government enforcement to the point of mass arrests and imprisonment which will meet increasing resistance until it becomes a shooting war.

Picture of the day.
Paint job.
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           Gallons of iced tea later, we stopped at the two walls. Let me explain, the lumber is eight foot long, which is more than standard ceiling height. Again, I’m avoiding cuts. These pieces are a dollar cheaper each than shorter studs, which I can’t really use in the shed. If I must cut them anyway, why pay extra? Thus, the shed will look funny as in unusually tall off the ground with no windows for now. The power will be all extension cords, but it is in a shady spot. The trouble with that is shady spots are dangerous for tree damage during hurricanes. Here is a photo of the subflooring, it is patched together but very solidly put together.
           Check back tomorrow, there is enough lumber for one of the remaining walls, so something should be standing by then, even if there is no roof over top yet. The siding is destined to be tarpaper for now. The roofing is two sheets of ¼ inch plywood. We’ll be okay as long as there are no hurricanes for a couple of weeks.
           What a mistake it was setting up the Win 10 computer for blog access. The product is a piece of crap and cannot be made right. So many things wrong with it, but the worst is how they’ve changed the file system to “libraries”. If you’ve ever tried to simply copy files off your old computer and transfer them to these, you realize what a bunch of sick bastards work at MicroSoft. Or how about the search? Try it and you’ll meet with grief. There may be a way to get it to filter the results, but it is not intuitive and who has the time? The worst feature is how thumbnails will display without the image. Where does MicroSoft even find people who think like that? Sick, sick, sick.

           The Parson called about band rehearsal tomorrow. He is okay with the places I’ve picked but as time passes, he reveals he has been aware of the more serious non-musical problems of this band, For example, it does not seem to bother the other two guys when they mess up on stage. To me, that is the learning process for people who don’t get it any other way. The difference this time is there is no rhythm section except the keyboards and bass. I’ve already noticed the drummer, in particular, knows he can no longer force tempo acceleration on us.
           There are four potential bookings. One is all the way out in Plant City, the farther fringes of where I care to drive, as you don’t get home until past midnight. The other is a bit of a hallmark for whether your band can cut it in Polk County. The one thing the Parson and I know is the huge demand for our brand of dance music. This area is like north Miami. All the bars book scuzzy bands that play boring crap because there is nobody else to hire. It’s been that way for years because guitar players love that situation. Instead of entertaining the room, they can play all their favorites no matter how unsuitable.

           Another coincidence. While moving boxes around to clear space, a book turned up on my desk. It sat there a week because the title, “Stigma”, had me thinking it was another take on exorcism. Published in 2007, I finally started reading and you’ll never guess what. It is an in depth story (so far) about a company with a lab in Guatemala that is researching a new vaccine. This supposed miracle that uses particles of virus DNA to cause the body to produce a permanent immunity to a whole spectrum of flu strains. Except, the people who were vaccinated start dying. Doctors and nurses who suspect the injection start suffering accidents if they say anything. Others are given gag orders and arrested for any reason. And I’m only on page 72.

Last Laugh