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Saturday, October 30, 2021

October 30, 2021

One year ago today: October 30, 2020, R.I.P Michael B.
Five years ago today: October 30, 2016, on breakfast food.
Nine years ago today: October 30, 2012, fake job agencies.on
Random years ago today: October 30, 2013, camping at its best.

           Half my work crew showed up this morning. That’s Cash, and there is the wood destined by this evening to be at least one shelf in the north shed. Rather than trim the pallet wood to size, I’ve decided to space the boards around in strips, mainly for stability and to hold that tarpaper in place. It will peel too easily if a wind comes up. You’ll see what I mean in the pictures. My energy level today has returned to normal, so this will happen in no great hurry.
           As for Halloween, it is being held tonight and it doesn’t seem to be shaping up as the big deal it once was. Maybe it is good we did not get a call to play since the joint was dead. Must be COVID unless you can think of another way to get kids to refuse free candy. I was the oddball one in my family for conserving my haul and allowing myself one treat per day for the next few months. Just always eat all the chocolate first. The thieves around there were not only lazy, they could be particular.

           Both doggies were outside the door from the moment they heard me moving around. Today I added double their ration of powdered milk. They got ground turkey and vegetables, kind of an early Thanksgiving. I took a load of laundry downtown and I see the husband-hunting bunch are out in droves. Long ago I told you how I used to meet women. Forgotten? I’ll remind you. I would read women’s magazines with articles on where to meet men. Then I would go there to get met. I was reminded one of the articles said laundromats because the men would be single and need help sorting their colors. It also said weekends meant the man had a day job.
           I was tripping over widows, bumping into divorcees, and running the gauntlet. One even held the door open for me and I know I don’t look that decrepit. Outside of none of them being my type, they were 30 or 40 years behind in their tactics. Sure, it is flirting but it is schoolgirl grade and will not produce results after a certain age. I’m still single and can be approached. Not one of these gals had any clue as to how to go about that, tipping me off they may be looking for a prince but their longest term experience was at kissing toads. (A few looked like the toads kissed back.)

Picture of the day.
Desert rainstorm.
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           It was dark before I stopped work, meaning I got a half day in after all. Two exterior walls are patched with pallet wood which appears strong enough to stay put. If so, leave it there and when I find economical siding, just fasten it to the slats. There was a winter chill in the air, first in a long time, so I pushed ahead with getting at least one heavy duty shelf up. I ran out of wood getting almost there. Remind me to staple a layer of vapor barrier, not to keep out the damp but it is mosquito season again. You cannot enjoy an open air evening in this part of the world. It is common to see huge patios and pools inside a screened structure.
           Looking a how to get light and power into the shed, a fifty-foot roll of 14/2 will work better than everything else I planned out. Two ceiling lights and four two-gang duplex outlets, one on each wall. Then, for now, a dongle to connect to an extension chord, which I have already strung out high overhead. Two years ago I lost a roll of hardware cloth, or what most people call metal screen. Eventually I bought another roll, so guess what I found today? Yep, it fell behind the chicken coop, which is still back there. Hmm, when I think about the vine problem in the back yard and I see that roll of wire, I’m wondering how it would couple as camouflage. Any ideas?
           Working into the dark is a good sign around here. Exploring the fringes of pallet lumber is also contemporary, at least according to the comic-book-like farces that many magazines have become. Just don’t go over to the far side, where working with pallets is to carpentry what Elvis jumpsuits are to no holds barred Karaoke night.
           The possum trap is set, let’s see where this one is hiding. They make a lot of noise so I know I have to entice it from what sounds like behind the kitchen counter. That’s an old part of the house I’ve not seen and could be an entry. In the meanwhile, here is part of the wood pile to be burned, twice the size of my incinerator. I can’t repair it until I find more cinder blocks, which seem to be sold out whenever I’m near a store. You can see some of the oak flooring which did not keep, it was old and brittle when I tried to salvage it.

           I finished reading “The Changing Pace of Warfare” and it is maybe intermediate depth. It provides some enlightenment but fails my expectations in two areas. First, there is no mention of the Boer War which resulted in the ultimate dissolution of the British Empire. And an entire chapter devoted to that goof, Montgomery. Paragraph after paragraph straining to throw a positive light on his performance. One example is how Montgomery lost only 20% of his tanks in a battle where Rommel lost 35%. The reality is Montgomery lost over a hundred tanks and Rommel lost fifteen.
           Everything I’ve read is that Montgomery was a true Brit azz-hole and only won set-piece battles with such overwhelming superiority in every arm that a hockey puck would have done better. Rommel was defeated by lack of supplies caused by the sinking of cargo ships in transit to Tunisia. Montgomery had no part of that and was a thousand miles away, which could explain why the Royal Navy succeeded as well as it did. And I say again, I do not buy that wild story that the Germans had no idea their codes were broken. The real story on that is still secret, so something fishy is going on for sure.

           How about that flint knife found in Tennessee at an archeological dig? It has been dated to 19,000 years ago and seems to have originated in France. Did it come across from Asia? Unlikely, as there are no signs of human inhabitation in Siberia until around 15,000 years ago. The American east coast all the way down to Brazil has artifacts dating back to 26,000 years ago and many tribes with white European markers in their DNA. The current Indian tribes which migrated from Asia over the Bering land bridge have no European markers.
           This raises a serious question of whether the Indians of today with their land claims did not themselves immigrate here and wipe out those who already lived here and who may have been white and from Europe. The primary opponent of any theory that disputes that the Americas were populated by Asians comes from the friendly people at the UN. Huh? That racist and anti-white organization denies any findings that indicate Euro-centric influence. That’s why for 80 years, all US schools taught that modern day Indians are the aboriginal settlers. Far from it.

           Another anomaly is the situation with language. At the time of the settlers, most Indian tribes could not understand each other and used sign language. But all their languages shared a common Asian origin. Except small and isolated tribes whose language has no Asian ancestry. Explain that one. I passed the exams and understand the theory than mankind originated in sub-Saharan Africa and migrated to the rest of the world where they mutated into modern man. But I never believed that. It was just too radical to account for Cro-Magnons, who appeared fully formed humans with no African parts and this was confirmed years later by DNA testing.
           One curious article shows that the most modern of sub-Saharan tribes show European influence, meaning it was Europeans who migrated to Africa much later in the game. Mutation is a slow process and there is just too much evidence that modern Europeans much less Asians could not have evolved as we are taught. I’m no expert but I know somebody with a hidden agenda is pushing a narrative. I believe the white race, in the form of Cro-Magnon, arrived fully formed in Europe and possessing tool, technology, and weapons that some races even today have not come up with. Where they came from I have no idea, but it certainly was not Africa.

           My look today reveals no new findings except more arrowheads because they now have identified six sites. They are getting better at knowing which digs will produce the arrowheads and other artifacts, though the prevailing thought is rising sea levels have obliterated most of the choice locations. Like I said, no new theories and it will be along time before the academics give up the idea of whites having a separate origin. The world knows only too well that most people’s concept of equality means dragging others down to their level.

Last Laugh