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Thursday, October 7, 2021

October 7, 2021

One year ago today: October 7, 2020, prefabbed GFCIs.
Five years ago today: October 7, 2016, shopping @ the checkout.
Nine years ago today: October 7, 2012, two rainstorms.
Random years ago today: October 7, 2010, 5261 Eureka.

           Is this my pet frog? Not quite. He got into the kitchen, so brilliant me, I caught him in my milkshake glass. Figuring he’d hop away, I set the glass outside. Instead, he set up shop in the glass. Serves me right. This morning baked pies and ran through the new band songlist. As long as they provide a path to playing out at paid gigs, I’ll commit to being there. But there are serious defects in the music and the structure you don’t want to know. That’s why I’m not inviting anyone I know to the show. If anyone asks, I’m just standing in, nomsayn?
           My alerts have been silent, indicating every piece of property in my price range in Florida or Tennessee has dropped off the market. And that poor hillbilly, he’s got those two huge dogs to feed and he’s walking. How well I know that situation, society thinks all they have to do is give you a hammer and you’re in business. The fact is, you’ll probably have to sell the hammer long before that.

           Two big Texas chicken pies this morning. One with garlic, the other without. Hang on, it was another hot day but I see a breeze has come up. If you see pictures of the yard and shed, then I got out there. My video editing computer had a memory chip go bad, that has been the delay on videos and gifs for a while here. I can’t find that brand of memory card for sale, but I know I have a matching set in the shed. Time for a scavenger hunt on my own turf. Also, I was called a troll because I have an unusually low number of followers. It proves that those who post truth and facts will never be as popular as those who don’t.
           I spent nearly an hour on “Margaritaville”, a song I never could sing much less play bass at the same time. I can now fake it but you can’t make me like it. I had some reviews of the last rehearsal video and it is not just my ear, others know the drummer is not up to snuff. My choice remains to play the song at a constant tempo or follow him. Since I’m having a tough enough time singing, I have to stick with what I can do. There’s the catch that the more they rely on me singing, the more they will rely on the bass. Is this an opportunity or a blind alley? No smart answers, please, bands are hard work.

           Next, I took some time to look for any new or interesting software. Nothing. Not a single truly new or innovative program in twenty years running. I mean on the scale of the spreadsheet, which had no precedent larger than a single sheet of paper and yet revolutionized the financial system. No such product has appeared, although some spotty novelties have made their appearance. My study did not include on-line or cloud apps, which invariably are subordinate to their already-faulty operating systems.
           I’m thinking of finally getting that dust collection system for the shed. Some of the chores are pretty messy and my jointer really makes a pile fast. My budget is around $200 so let’s see what we come up with. It took an hour to do one load of laundry, so that washer is never far from my mind.

           The van seems to run okay again, but I no longer trust it. The big fan still does not cut in when it should and the A/C did not start working as I’d hoped. I missed the gumption bus this morning and never quite got up to speed. I plan a study session later, but no topic really picked for attention. Here’s pictures of the pies, always a getter. The top is the filling being cooked, this is butter and cream, not for calorie counters. The middle picture is the prepared unit. The bottom pic shows two pies, baked separately. The darker crust is my favorite, the only other difference is the lighter pie does not contain garlic.

Picture of the day.
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           Whenever I crow about a full day’s work, the next day can often be considerably slower, and that’s where I am for now. I have to get downtown, you know, laundry and stuff. But how about an early siesta? I wrote a letter to Marion and my electric bill is $83 on the nose. Check back later to see if got back up in the attic. My reading finally got around to how Carl Gustavus, the Swedish guy, revolutionized warfare with a country that had such severe shortages of everything needed. The theory is that it was this situation that produced the constant innovation that made Europeans the military masters of world empire. It would seem so.
           One condition seems to be the ability to strike the enemy from a longer distance than he can hit back. In the case of the Spanish Armada, the English only needed around 100 yards. Gustavus lightened his weapons and drilled his infantry well. However, the idea I expressed does not show up in the records. If you pause to think about the success of cavalry, artillery, the airplane and the longbow, in each case the enemy was defeated whenever he was even marginally outranged.

           These slats of wood are part of the trunk progress for the Reb, you might hear me call this Sammy’s trunk. The blue tape is to keep the pieces oriented as they are slightly run through the jointer, leaving just enough rough edges to keep it looking rustic. The nail holes are intentionally left where they will show near the corners. One pallet is not quite enough of this lumber so I do the lid last in case I can’t find matching pieces.
           I seem to be missing four clamps but they could be in Tenessee. I’m due for a major tool upgrade, including that long-awaited jobsite 10” table saw. Shown here is the clamped bottom pieces. This wood does not align by itself so often must be clamped in two dimensions. That the metal stems shown jutting upwards. They keep the pieces from bowing under the rather tightly squeezed sides.
           This box technology continues to intrigue and challenge me. The construction is empirical and probably many times stronger than needed. The largest size hobby biscuits, called “20”s are spaced every six inches on the side. I have not yet learned to join corners, where I still use a rabbet cut. I consider this sort of edge to be better looking. And I don’t yet know how to match dimensions. This box should be around 32” long and 15” wide, outside dimensions.

           Of interest to people with “nothing to hide”, the Justice Department revealed it ordered Google to hand over not just the records, but the passwords of anyone who searched a certain name. Be very afraid. This folks, is why you never put anything Google in your own name. They can find you, but they can never be certain it was you. Such things don’t become important until your name goes on the suspect list.
On the other hand, if they were real passwords, Google would not have them on file in a form that could be forked over.            Yet another study shows Facebook creates “negative mental health” among Gen-Zers, but not other age groups. Must be something in the flavored Evian water. Major providers are starting to block climate change deniers, another indicator that the green people are okay in communes, but not anything bigger. Australia calls Facebook a coward’s palace for allowing anonymous comments. And Facebook gets additional blame for making teenage girls feel worse about their bodies. Well, with all the fat ones out there, quit blaming social media.

Last Laugh