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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

November 16, 2021

One year ago today: November 16, 2020, well, now I cook . . .
Five years ago today: November 16, 2016, my last turkey.
Nine years ago today: November 16, 2012, Marathon Key, the visit.
Random years ago today: November 16, 1982, some early conclusions.

           She’s another cold one, this could be a ten-coffee day. Here’s a view of the north shed metal roofing, minus that last strip I may have to purchase. I found a vacant building lot for less thatn $20Gs near Murfreesboro. Again, the plan is to find anything that holds value during the upcoming Bidenflation mess. His staff had the audacity to tell Americans inflation was no big deal because they have plenty of money to deal with it. Something’s brewing and it ain’t just my French roast. More troubling stats from the people who study American retirement plans. They go on about having a financial adviser without addressing the fact most Americans are morbidly afraid of telling a third party about their finances. The IRS stokes that fear.
           The good news is the rise of “IRA millionaires”. All the stats are based on an erroneous assumption that all Americas operate at enough of a surplus to put money away. Wrong, some forty million households, or a third of the population, live paycheck to paycheck. Most of it is their own fault, but even if a tiny fraction of it is caused by the system, that is where a dispropotionate amount of blame falls. I am confident I would be outright rich today if I had not had to pay so much income tax. That’s the one sense I don’t blame millennials, why should they work to support others—but at the same time, they agree with so much welfare, so screw America.

           That was JZ on the line. We were talking money and I have mostly a free hand talking about that topic, except you don’t get many cash numbers. My specialty is money management and the result is the curious situation where he had to turn down a good deal because he did not have the cash. Ten years ago, his net worth was 60 times mine. Today his net worth is identical, but only 9 times what I can muster. So what is the comparison here?
           He missed a piece of property for $26,000 because they wanted cash. Now, don’t pick on JZ, I’ve seen this everywhere. Property rich and cash poor. People worth hundreds of thousands more than myself can’t come up with any hard money when a deal happens along. We spent an hour on the phone but nothing can be done now that I need a new van. He’s convinced all Dodge vans are junk but does not specify any alternatives.
           Music. I’m resorting to my old trick of memorizing the notes for the harmonies. There was no other way and this is not economical due to the effort required. The good news is I reviewed the rehearsal videos and the drummer is right, the vocals are quite nicely blended with I harmonize to the keyboard guy. Not so much with the drummer, who has a “thin” voice that gets more so on stage.

           Laff of the day has got to be Twitter, the thought-cramming message board. They have a 280 character limit, but most of their users rarely get past 190. In standard Enlgish, that’s around the length of this the two sentences in this paragraph.
           The joke is that Twitter had an auto-refresh feature. It seems their average readership did not have the IQ or skills to read that much in one minute. They complained so much about the tweets disappearing before they were finished that Twitter had to remove the timer. Just when you think nobody could be that slow and stupid, America proves you wrong.

Picture of the day.
Most popular 2020 Xmas gift.
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           Another great work day, I worked on the yard and shed for six hours. That’s full-time for me. In fact, I felt energetic and took apart all the pallets I had stacked up. Enough lumber to build a small cot in the north shed, it seemed like a good idea. There’s a lot of shelving in there now and that will soon almost double. The decision is should I insulate, but I’ve never gone wrong on that in Florida yet. Here is the emergency bed in the north shed, which is the only building here anchored solidly to the ground and soon to the surrounding trees. The bed is from a packing crate and lined with memory foam.
           Another less overt advantage is I’m working harder without having to push myself. For the first time in years I’m experiencing that plateau where for hours your system is burning calories faster than your diet can replace them. No results yet, but it’s pure logic that something has to compensate.

           It took hours to clean the pallet boards of bent nails, so I had time to plan and think. By cobbling together small sources, same as I did when I bought this house, I’m able to come up with another $4,000 toward a nicer van than the budget alone. And the Reb is keen on the vacant lot near Murfreesboro, though it will not likely be there if she waits for me to show up. I do not know if there are gems like building restrictions and these days you can’t get answers out of the real estate people unless you give them your firstborn.
           The emergency supplies are stacked up over six feet high, not a good idea if the area is earthquake-prone. But this is the best way to keep the floor space free for moving around.

           Shown here is a two week supply for two. I let the hillbilly store his bicycle and things in the spare area behind the lean-to, he’s arriving tomorrow to move it all away. Things did not work out with getting back together with his old girlfriend, so I don’t think he has a place to stay. Too bad, I can’t help because nothing here is designed for that kind of inhabitation. I let him crash once to find a job and he did not get the job, so he’s on his own.
           But I’m undecided about Lady Girl (the Reb-approved name for Hot Girl). It would sure take the pressure off him looking after two such large animals, but I would have to tie her up most of the days or take her with me. It’s possible so let me think a long time about that.

           Politics. The Democrats are a fiasco but they are firmly entrenched, or as I like to say, the school boards are only the bottom of their food chain. They’ve bought and paid for the FBI. The latest Pelosi brain fart was to subpoena that Bannon guy who has his own Internet following. That propelled him from show host to national celebrity over the executive privilege issue, whereby he doesn’t have to give up information that the President he works for doesn’t have to. Trust the liberal left to try getting around to Trump that way, long after such records have any legal legitimacy.
           Another Biden disaster is the Rittenhouse shootings, the whole world saw it was self-defense. But the radical liberals need these fake prosecutions to push their agenda and they are woefully behind schedule. I’m reminded of Operation Barbarossa, when Hitler tried to blitzkreig the Soviets. He was counting on a number of the same factors are the Biden election steal. That the enemy would crumble, and what remained would be too intimidated to put up a fight. The population was to believe the propaganda and the opposition was to be carved up into so many pockets they could not offer effective resistance.

           That’s Biden these days. Like Hitler, the resistance did not collapse and now he has outrun his supply lines, figuratively speaking. His administration is desperately seeking some issue over which to push their agenda too far to resist, but other than this ersatz “infrastructure” crap, they are already losing battles and losing ground. That horrid Kamela has gone into hiding, Pelosi is jumping ship, and I can no longer keep up with the Democrats who are resigning, retiring, or losing their seats to Trump-endorsed newcomers. Trump is not making the same mistake twice. He tried top-down because he didn’t know better, now he’s got grass roots, a more bottom-up approach that the Democrats thought could not happen.
           The Democrats counted on convincing people that they tiny but tight following was a majority. They spent years fractionalizing society to be the largest minority. It worked as long as the other minorities could be kept bickering between themselves. Then along comes Trump and rallies them.

           What’s hilarious is not so much the downfall of the fake news, but the caliber of people addicted to their Kool-aid. They continue with all the railroading and bandwagon tactics that held sway when big media was the only game in town. But nowadays, the Internet spreads the word of any funny stuff far too quickly for the eFAG group to stifle. It surprises me how slow so many “whiz kids” are to change over from their vulnerable accounts on Twitter and such. They show up on Gab, for example, complaining they lost their FB account or whatever.
           Expecting sympathy, they get ridicule. They get blasted for still even using FB, which is so “2015” these days. Phooey on those still using Twitter, and so on. Call me old-fashioned but I would have thought after the first few exposures to Google and Facebook censorship, we should have seen a mass exodus. But no, years later they are no wiser than before. So much for the wired generation.

Last Laugh