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Thursday, November 25, 2021

November 25, 2021

One year ago today: November 25, 2020, Sparkie is gone.
Five years ago today: November 25, 2016, Eureka, it’s repairable.
Nine years ago today: November 25, 2012, smeared his kneecaps.
Random years ago today: November 25, 2011, I still have that radio.

           Every business we look at gets put through a series of comparisons of which I’d guess three out of four would not pass. You just cannot be careful enough these days, this might be a capitalist system, but it is highly regulated and until you succeed, you are not really a club member. This photo shows a relic, the one remaining part of the original lawn swing. It simply got repaired out of existence until only the frame is left. Ah, but the question is why is it still there? See how this blog spares no effort to get you the goods? The reason is community convenience. (Later, I'm informed this has become a landmark for giving directions around here.)
           It’s blog history, but this house number on the yellow plaque solved a neighborhood-wide problem of wrong deliveries. The locals were too cheap or too busy or whatever to put up house numbers visible from the street. The few that did loved to put them behind bushes or only readable from the sidewalk or certain angles We used to find their boxes on our doorstep every other day.
           Note this number is not on the house, but sideways from anyone turning into the street. It was an i nstant boon to UPS, an solved the problem of them just dumping stuff on our stoop. Thus, it bacame a fixture and there is no easy alternative to just leaving it there Plus the old frame is unique and kind of suits the rest of the yard. Remind me there is still a half gallon of that nice brown paint left over in the shed.

           By late morning several tidbits of good news. I had logged on to some Florida county sites and found lists I did not understand. I contacted Trent and watched a webinar. Bedanged, I have stumbled on the exact lists and Trent reports I have more than enough money to do deals right away. Here is a copy of one of the sample lists and the column you are interested in is the Funds Held. This is money potentially owed to the Defendant that has not been claimed. There is a very good chance that after 90 days, they don’t know about the money or their right to it.
           And that column is what catches my eye. None of it involves risking a centavo of my own cash. As Trent would put it, I probably know more than I think I do from my experiences with house auctions.

Picture of the day.
High pressure pump.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Rain. It let up long enough for me and the doggies to suit up and head for the lake. Good, because if they know she’s going away, they get underfoot something fierce. I told her to leave before we got back, a good plan. I took the remainder of the afternoon to watch webinars. No matter how great the business, on-line advertising means you have to sort through the bull. Every ad seems to get into the “llifestyle” thing, which is fine But let’s talk about the money and the process and let me worry about how it changes my situation. Look at this picture of Hillary stunned at how “other people” have to live. I feel much the same for stupid people, but that’s another story.
           More rain, means an hour looking at the news. Some immigrants in Germany told a national to leave, which he did and returned with his buddies to teach them a little respect. A California fireman gets heat for wiping his butt with a vaccine mandate. England tells France they have to take back all the illegals they let cross the Channel. The left has cancelled all news about the massacre in Wisconsin. Hillary finally states American citizens must be silenced. Pro athletes continue to collapse and programs that ask if they were vaccinated are cut off.

           The communist Biden wants to run our banks is being rejected by her own. Rittenhouse accuses his lawyer of pocketing bail money. As for all the whining, some people are very lucky it was the Europeans who showed up and not some other race. Some of the outlying Australian islands have resorted to violence. The tide has turned despite every effort of some to deny it Trump said these are interesting times. The rioter who survived attacking Rittenhouse has wisely decided to sue the city iinstead, claiming they allowed a dangerous situation to exist. He can be his own witness on that one.
           I’m not sure what to make of the rumor CNN was funded by the CIA. I recall years ago how a dude named Turner started the show against all odds Then he sold it, and says the Reb, tried to buy it back at twice the price when the new owners messed things up. But this must have been all television coverage and not the sort of article I would read in the papers. Until newspapers priced themselves out of the market, I used to consume them in preference to on-line reporting, even in the early and formatie years Now I distrust them all.

           It has become annoyingly dfficult to find pirated movies on youTube anymore I don’t much are until I get to Tennessee, where the DVDs at the Thrifts are all picked over something fierce. Yes, the Internet was better when it was a free-for-all. That’s what it was intended to be. The smart get smarter and the stupid get stupider. Not a typo.

           I remind the reader this is not a political blog. I have never liked Hillary as a person regardless of whether in office or not. My low opinion of her has nothing to do with her politic affiliations. And I further remind the reader that, like Donald Trump, she is not a politician at this time, nor running for office.

Last Laugh