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Sunday, November 28, 2021

November 28, 2021

One year ago today: November 28, 2020, a lot of politics.
Five years ago today: November 28, 2016, batbike at the Terrace.
Nine years ago today: November 28, 2012, jumbo cargo box.
Random years ago today: November 28, 2009, my 2nd most popular post.

           I was up early enough to finish listening to the compilation of 90s tunes. I recognized one, the rest sounded to me like tribal chanting. Probably because they were. I see the charts have really changed. Either the ones who invented popular American music are now a minority, or someone is pushing a lot of this on us. The criteria has certainly changed but most of it shows very little increase in talent. Before dawn, I let the dogs out and watched. I did not find where Chooksie is getting through the fence. The Reb will have to help on that one when she gets home. Take a peek at these objects, which are underwater turbines, slated for the Faroe Islands. It is hard to believe so many people live in such a godforsaken place. Some say the same of New York City.
           Meanwhile, the boys and I took a long walk along the power lines. It was time to think, and one issue was how the left-wing media is referring to the parade killings in Wisconsin as caused by “an SUV”, like somehow the driver wasn’t directly involved. The Democrat criminal gangs are gearing up. They have organized into stealing burglary supplies from Home Depot. The Democrat areas will soon be looted and they will have to start attacking the suburbs. Whether the homeowners cry for protection, or start defending themselves, the Democrats have their militarized police standing by to enforce “law & order”.

           The Reb got home early so we had a long talk about plans for the immediate future. The major topic of agreementremains that there is nobody out there to trust with.any finances, in the sense if somebody steals, there is so little can be done about it. In America, you can sue a theif but you’ll still never see your money. We’ll be making another investment shortly, this one involving quite a bit more than we are used to, but in which we have experience with the paperwork and routines.
           Needing a break, I took the doggies for an extra stroll around the power lines. This gave me time to think and reminds me why I don’t like cold weather. It’s mild compared to what I lived through on the prairies but that was so long ago I don’t like to recall what minus 30F is like. And once again, 100% of the financing will be under my direction. I have never had a single penny go missing fon my watch during my entire lifetime.

Picture of the day.
At the radio museum.
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           A little bird got into the screen porch. I left the back screen open until it found its way out and sure enough, I spotted where the dog was getting through the fence. It will have to wait for a warmer day, that patch is not going to be fast or easy. I could not get back into the warm living room fast enough, where I believe I did solve the antenna mystery. For those who know this stuff, yes, a ceramic capacitor is needed. The original schematics I used were not, it turns out, a matching set. For all I know, the antennas were working. I’m raring to test the modified version, but the nearest hobby shop that sells what I need is close to 40 miles away.
           I acquired a packet of wire-wound resistors. They are higher tolerance to high temperature and more accurate than regular types. One question I had was if they were really wire as said, would they not form an inductor? The answer is they do, but there are differences in the material and also the wire is wound at two angles, so as to cancel out the inductance That is what I learned today. These resistors have a blue coloration that makes the colored bands hard to read.

           Just my luck, I found these four sheets of siding on sale, but no way to haul them all the way back to Florida. It’s rare to find anything really usable like this in the extreme third-world scrounging that goes on back home. Look at this beautiful plywood for $9 a sheet, but I had to walk away from the deal. The big news is the Maxwell trial, that’s the lady accused of producing young women for Epstein, the private island guy who reportedly committed suicide. Naw, it’s generally accepted that he knew too much. However much we are being told that girls “as young as 14” were victims, time after time the ones we are shown are in their mid-twenties. I smell a set-up.
           For example, this Helm woman. She was 22 when she took a job as Epstein’s massage therapist. That makes her an adult, not a child. And her claims of sexual abuse at age 8 were not Epstein, but her father. In total, if the media is trying to twist this into abuse of a minor, I’m not buying. Plus I’m saying it sheds doubt on other claims they are making about younger women.

           Several sources report a shift back to e-mail as the primary market tool of on-liners. The cause, they say, is reported to be recent advances in anti-spyware and anti-tracking features on cellphones and computers. Retailers consider e-mail the least effective but it is all some of them have left. I use an array of e-mail addresses set up long before Google arrived, one e-mail for each purpose such sites that require memberships. I have not checked that e-mail since 1999 except to confirm it is still in operation. Many are so old they have the hotmail suffix.

Last Laugh