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Friday, December 10, 2021

December 10, 2021

One year ago today: December 10, 2020, Ford lets me down.
Five years ago today: December 10, 2016, curb the corporations.
Nine years ago today: December 10, 2012, what do you call . . .
Random years ago today: December 10, 2002, on toothpick display cases.

           Computer art. Unlike other fields with computers, forty years down the line, it still requires at least some talent.. I don’t have it, but here is my schematic diagram of the upgraded yard fence. It is 84 feet between the tree and the shed. The orginal fence was made of pallets, placed zig-zag in the fasbion of an old rail fence. The only stability is where the joints were at acute angles and held together with baling wire. These pallets were 5-1/2 feet long, the new addition is 8-foot pieces, shown in green. They tend to “straighten the profile, creating those small triangle gaps. The dog cannot make it over the top. But those gaps remain.
           The plan is to take the considerable amount of twigs, bramblesand deadfall from the yard and place them down the gaps to for a rustic type of picket. This dog avoids even the flimsiest of this type of barricade.

           I put in close to seven hours on the computer again today, progress has slowed as I run into repeat patterns of country websites that have been either picked clean or make it nearly impossible to find their listings. Nonetheless, the potential is there are if it means competing with others doing the same business, we already have some unique advantages. One being, we are better organized but that tells you a lot about them.

           What’s this? The boneheads who bought cars that start with their iPhones could lose service forever. In the IoT (Internet of Thugs), there is no guarantee the software company will always be there for the hardware company. If the rumor is true, it serves them right. I know the bunch, tell them it is new and improved and they’ll fork over their next hundred paychecks. Good morning and it is a nice one. Even doggies got into the perfect weather. Alas, I spent most of the day on the latest project and despite another 34 contacts, none were successful. Fine, that kind of thing ensures a high dropout rate, but I found locations that had been thoroughly picked over. It’s too early to judge. Some good news would have been welcome.
           I’ll say it again, computers and their capabilities have ourun the intellect of the current generation. The disasters, data breaches, shortages, and horror stories you hear on a daily basis are not the result of poor “machinery”, but severe mental faults of the operators. This is no exaggeration, those who know computers have been pointing this out for 30 years. Putting an indoctrinated, close-minded, gender-confused,Marxist-leaning, orange-haired, tattooed freak behind a computer keyboard is your very definition of “garbage in”. They’ve based their lifestyles and careers on small-scale, short-term scams and rip-offs, they lack the foresight to even ponder the near-future outcome of the crap they code today. But it is coming and they are fucked.

           The mom & pops are gone, along with those opportunities to innovate. The regimentation of jobs in the corporate world breeds mass conformity. They are as brainwashed as any generation in the Soviet Union. They should be working for a better nation but instead they are more obsessed with climate change than productivity. No wonder they can be led around like cattle. I know this degeneration of society well, because unlike 99% of Americans, I lived and worked overseas in a country where all this happened in my late twenties. I saw first-hand how easily the unwashed are led down a garden path to their own oblivion.

Picture of the day.
French want ad.
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           We went to the movies. It was the latest James Bond and I am sad to report it has really gone downhill. The plots of most in the series was fine, it did not need changes. Gone are the sexy bombshell women, replaced with more “representative” body shapes. It stinks. The women are pretty but I want actresses to be an ideal, not an average. The film was three hours long, one of which is entirely Bond crunning up and down stairwells. Worse, 007 is replaced by a black woman who is not pretty, slim, talented, or athletic. What’s with that shit.
           It get’s worse. Bond falls iove and has a kid and waxes poetic and apparently dies at the end of the tale. You’ll see a few special effects, but thy could have done more. The big picture remains the fight against evil forces trying to enslave the world. If they had left it at that fine, but there are too many social media messages to claim this is authentic Bond adventure. Even Moneypenny is a squat black lady. And you can keep the body on the female lead. A face that reminds you of Johannsen, but the body of a thirty-something meter maid getting thick in the wrong places.

           The storm was another series of 80 to 200 tornadoes andone of them hit the area around the movie theater that the Reb & I had just left. The sirens bother the doggies, so we sing in harmony to their howling. That was at 2:30AM, long after we were home safe and sound. But there was a calm that lasted hours first. This makes the second close call to this address in as many years.

           There is a grand shifting of mood in the American public, judging by the amount of people on-line who are willing to speak out against leftardism. Before Trump became involved, the leftist had a strange grip on the media, where nobody dared speak out against their outrageous policies and behavior. That has changed. This morning some bubba posted about there still being “Americans” stuck in Afghanistan. He got his arse chewed off. Leave them there. No Europeans. They did it to themselves. This is quite a departure from the commentaries not that long ago, and worse for the liberals, there are ominous signs that new social media upstarts are rapidly gaining all that readership.
           his comes at a time when the mainstream outfits are losing viewers daily and, it seems, by the thousands. Ratings are so low even their detractors can’t believe it. Top of the list would be, a far from perfect bulletin board style list run by a Jesus freak who won’t get off that bandwagon. I recommend you at least read the Explore list, which you can do without opening an account. You’ll need to join (use a fake protonmail account) to see the comments, which are a brand of humor all on their own.

Last Laugh