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Thursday, December 10, 2020

December 10, 2020

One year ago today: December 10, 2019, free-range dogs?
Five years ago today: December 10, 2015, Mulberry anniversary coincidence.
Nine years ago today: December 10, 2011, the instictive Hollywood tromp.
Random years ago today: December 10, 2013, a boring day.

           Car news. It would seem Ford never made too many car models that had a rear tire assembly that could not be adjusted for camber or toe-in. I consider it notable that in the other 30 vehicles in my lifetime in which I had financial interest, not one of them ever had this feature go wrong or require any attention. Today the Taurus was up on the hoist to discover the way the axles are attached, there are none of the slots visible in the instruction manual that are required to correct this problem. This is consistent with Ford’s long-term reputation of being the lesser of two evils. But why me?
           Here is the unit from behind showing the evident splay of the rear tires. This was in Mulberry, where fived years ago today, JZ and I stopped for coffee. Later, going on-line, I found a kit of some sort that is said to adjust the camber and toe-in. I’ll download it and show the guy, but he’s been in the business for 30 years and has not seen this arrangement before.

           So I spend some time in Muberry, more than ever before. Just walking around. It was my second choice to buy a place, there were a few small acreages. But not no more, in fact, I don’t think there are really any more “cabins in the woods” for sale any more except the pre-fab types that soak you. I read the BeatBuddy manual and other than the fact the screen is too small to read without stooping, I’m considering it. The price tag is $299 and it makes me a bit jealous.
           You see, I wanted to go partners with the guy, so I gave him the ideas that are now big selling points of the unit. He did not steal them, I stress, I gave them away as enticement to be on the management team. I still have a few more ideas I did not part with. I may try to get one working unit out of the two that I have before shelling out too much money on a concept. Remember, I was one of the first users who wasted my coin on the original DR Rhythm-550. If I did not say, it took up to six hours to program each new drum beat and the sound was still mechanical.

           What’s this, the Supreme Court of the US has voted 6-3 to heard the Texas case concerning, whatever else they call it, voter fraud? I can’t get any confirmation and FactCheck is just a bunch of Bidenista bull donkey. By the way, where are Joe & Kamela lately, has anyone seen hide nor hair of them. We know the Democrats have quit denying there was fraud and instead switched to the “no evidence” theme, but what now, Pelosi? This sure as hell was not supposed to happen. I find it interesting because it is so many state Attorney Generals closing ranks. These boys don’t take chances, they don’t attack unless they are certain they can win.
           Again, no confirmation, but this kind of news always has some basis. There are many remedies including splitting the electoral vote. If so, the shoe is on the other foot, with 80% of Americans agreeing there was something funny going on. That means a lot of Democrats have stopped denying the fraud. The one chance lett for the Democrats is that neither candidate is chosen, meaning the speaker, Pelosi, would be acting President. Even if, by golly, her speaches are more rare and slurred than ever.

Picture of the day.
Bavarian wine cellar.
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           Beat Buddy. The quotes on eBay go as high as $503 for the complete setup. The local price is less but that is still one stiff tag for a unit I’m not certain is best for the job. For that kind of money, I need a wheel alignment on my car. What can I do here, other than see if I can make my older two units into one. Or buy a cheap-o and use that to buy up, a tactic I’ve used very often in this music trade. Nobody I know turns out to be of any help on this.
           Pat-B suggests using this tablet with an on-line kit, but I can’t find any suitable for use on stage. Fine, if you have both hands free to operate things like that. I wrote back as mall documentary on how to properly use a drum box. I wonder if the guy is okay, he’s kind of dropped out of the music scene, says he is even looking for a day job. Here’s a picture of a pole in my yard, called the Lizard Pole. It is just sunk in the ground, it is not a tree, and it’s main purpose is a place for lizards to warm up in the sun.

           Breaking news (RebelNews, Canada, no link) classified documents show the Trudeau government has secretly been training Chinese communist officers in cold-weather warfare in northern Ontario Way to go, Justin, training the people who are one day going to kill you. The Canadian populace were not told of this, but they are a complacent bunch who would probably do nothing anyway. They can’t, they are all on file. Remember, in Canada, if it is not forbidden, it is compulsory. They can’t really criticize a govement that does their thinking for them.
           I may have found the method to adjust the camber on the Taurus. It involves buying new pieces, a kit, and removing a metal panel. But apparently it can be done. That would save me enough to afford a Beat Buddy, so what do you suppose my decision will be?

           On a separate subject, I have been reading when I can about celestial navigation to get a better background. Why? Because all the sources I have want to teach the dead reckoning globa location aspect right away. This is not how one learns theory. I needed more input, like why do you measure the height from the horizon? Just because it is there? Why all the confusing talk about hour angles? And while i can do the calculations, there is no real understanding of why. I’m finally gaining ground.
           I think it would produce better navigators if the topic was broken down into four or five smaller pieces. But nobody wants to be the one who does that, since the segments would be pretty boring to anyone who didn’t have the lure of becoming a sextant operator. What I did was keep reading about the celestial sphere until the concept of “great circle” became solid in my brain. And there are four of them of importance. Remember—this may be the first and only time you hear it put this way, so pay attention. If there was an exam, this would be on it.

           First circle – the horizon. This is from your perspective from where you are positioned. It is the horizon all round you, preferably on a flat stretch of water. This extends out to the edge of the universe—and it changes every time you move.
           Second circle — the equator, the one you learned in grade school but were never told why. Navigation on Earth is impossible without it. This also extends out to infinity, and unless you are standing on the equator, is different than your horizon. Think about this, it must intersect every other circle in two and only two places.
           Third circle — the celestial meridian, this is at right angles to your horizon circle. It is the arc that passes from north to south at the spot directly over your head, the highest spot in the sky from where you are. It is so important it has a name, the Zenith. See, you already forgot I said north to south.
           Fourth circle — the trickiest one, it is the path the sun takes across the sky, which varies daily because the Earth is tilted 23-1/2ยบ off the plane on which it revolves. Don’t worry about this one, all the data you need is contained in a book, called an Almanac.

           I won’t elaborate further, but if you want a real handle on navigation, spend some time learning these circles and what they implicate. For instance, the celestial meridian is moving eastwards because so are you, as fast as the earth rotates . Since the horizon and celestial meridian both have a north and south pole, they have some interesting characteristics. And that fourth circle, called the Ecliptic, has to cut the horizon circle on the east and west. The point on the east is where the sun comes up, on the west where it sets. This becomes surprising easy once you are aware of how these simple circles interact.

           The lid continues to come off the whole Democrat scheme to take over the country. The real problem is that collectively they are just too dumb and can’t recruit anybody with the brains to carry out the directives of their masters. Gates is evil, using his private agenda to inject peope with vaccines that have unspecified effects. I base that on reports coming out of India of a mysterious outbreak in India that cannot be traced to any water or air-borne vector.
           The people get violently ill, pass out, then recover quickly. They all test with trace elements of heavy metals in their blood. Hmmm, isn’t that why Gates was kicked out more than a few times? Injecting people with heavy metals? I’m not sure, but there is strange coincicence. All the victims live in the area in India where the COVID vaccine was made mandatory? I’m not saying Gates was behind this, but that I am always suspicious of coincidence.
           Like the year-end statistics coming out that deaths from other causes in 2020 declined by the same numbers as COVID increased. No manipulation going on here.

Last Laugh