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Sunday, December 12, 2021

December 12, 2021

One year ago today: December 12, 2020, Supreme Court dodgeball.
Five years ago today: December 12, 2016, two possible responses.
Nine years ago today: December 12, 2012, a seventh son.
Random years ago today: December 12, xxxx, WIP

           I’ve never heard of Merlindata until now. It’s a paid search site, an alternative to Accruint who a lot of people, including myself, deplore. The main reason I hate such sites is they allow others to search for you anonymously but you cannot do the same thing back. And often, the ast thing you want is somebody knowing that you accessed their records. You can say that works both ways, but it doesn’t if you are one of those rare types who carefully limit what info is available. I don’t mind at all if that is the case. As of this morning, I found that 2/3 of the counties in Georgia do not have information on their websites to a report they are required by state law to have available to the public. All that does is slow me down, and of course, in the end I will have a chart of whose nice and who isn’t.
           So far, 2/3rds of the counties in Georgia are not [nice]. I’m surprised, after reading the state law, how so few of them have openly complied with the requirement of making tax lists openly availale. Nowadays, that means on-line. The few who have the material do a shitty job of it. Often they post static PDFs of spreadsheets, but more often you find nothing. The plan is to contact them. To date, I have not received a single reply despite another law that says they must respond within 3 working days. I’ve even developed a new vocabulary to deal with these people. NWP means “not worth pursuing” and Qpublic means a useless generic website, named after the outfit that produces them.

           This photo shows the Haralson County Court House. I’ve selected Haralson County is the place to practice on. I’m rarin’ to get home to my big office. I can function here but like most home offices, it is equipped only for short term and shallow operations. The printer is not centrally located, you have to climb the stairs.
           Even then, I had to drive 15 miles to get more paper and an XL ink cartridge. The only piece of heavy-duty office equipment is a three-hole punch. This place is not bad, all that interrupts me a lot is walking the dogs, but I still prefer a location where even to ask me questions requires an appointment. There is a reason at the cabin five years later the doorbell still is not connected.

           That reminds me of when I was still living at home. My aversion to idiots was solidified by the age of eight and I used to require an appointment for my brothers to talk to me. Sounds odd? Then you don’t know very much about the situation Okay, bro, can give you five minutes, but that is a week from Thursday. Of course, they would blow up about this and retaliate by not doing other common things of a normally shared nature. Only to be further infuriated to discover you had already worked around their petty methods. True, it made for a dreadfully ineffecient system, but I got more done in my youth than all five of them put togther, still. Maybe this is just something I thought the casual reader should know—not everybody in the world is obligated to put up with your bullshit.
           The rule is actually simple--do not bother me when I am working. If you lack the IQ to know when I'm working, do not bother me at all. Don’t get me wrong, I fully understand how the idle-minded view all computer work to be as frivilous, It’s mainly because that is the depth to which they are capable. I’ve found for a couple days now I’m not being productive. I like Tennessee but it is not one of my power spots. And while these are pleasant interruptions, they must be put on hold until things get underway. While overall effiency drops when I’m far away, I accept slower progress as part of this. I’m loading up the van now, not caring for the biting cold. I’ll wrap up a few chores, like that spot the doggie is rooting under the east fence, and fix a couple article in the shed, but let’s call this visit a success and get on the other side of the mountains.

Picture of the day.
Crown molding.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           It makes me a lonely voice, but my question remains about this Ghislaine Maxwell trial for “child” trafficing. I want to see something about any children being involved and I have not to date. A few stories from questionable sources doesn’t cut it. What crops up is pictures like this one, showing Maxwell and a publishing friend. The context is the magazine claims the child trafficking is a fake. But I have not seen the article and like myself, might it just be asking for a shred of proof? So far, every one of the accusers were definitely not chidren at the time they claimed abuse. And in many cases they were grown women who, if they were in fact in a situation, should have known better.
           I’m stressing that if you want to convict anyone of this crime, you’ll have to do better than producing full adult women and go on about how they used to be children. The popular take is that the facts of the trial are being withheld. I’m allowing for the possibility there aren’t any facts of the sort some are implying. Trust me ladies, when you are your average American 23 and some rich, handsome stranger offers you an exoctic job, get at least a little suspicious.

           I spent too much time finding nothing on-line today, so I’m going to stop looking for more [Georgia] listings and pore over what I have. Let’s say the instruction book that came with this venture again presumes too much, the major issue being that you are set up or equipped to do things the way they are. I’m close on that count, but that didn’t happen overnight and a real home office is not at all cheap. I’m listening to the overhead and I see the Hildabeeste is getting back into the picture. She’s actually got her sites seton 2024, if not to run for President, then to go up against whatever it is Trump has in mind. She’d best mind her manners this time.
           He angle is that if Trump gets in, we are headed for disaster. To bad her pal Joe has already done that. Americans are worse off in almost every way. Where they have lost much is using their old-style media spins on a world where alternate facts move at warp speed. Examples are how they explain away the empty store shelves as proof Americans buy too much stuff, or that infation means nothing because thanks to Joe, Americans have so much more money to spend. They have also worn out words like “terrorist”, “Nazi”, and “racist”. The unspoken question everywhere is, “What is Trump up to.”
           TMOR, nobody significant is saying Trump is the best or the cure. His impetus is because he is an alternative to the “uniparty”, the view that old-school Republicans and Democrats are the same evil group. The very existence of Trump, right or wrong, messes up their agenda. And we’ve already discussed that glorius effect.

           Now that I’ve learned silver is one of the most manipulated markets on the planet, it is curious fun to watch the price slowly dropping. From a recent high of nearly $28 to around $22, that is not enough to make money when you add in the bar charge of $3 per ounce, both buying and selling. I’ve attempted to buy any, but I have people saying there is still no silver to be bought. I usually bypass the specialty shops and buy from local coin dealers.

Last Laugh

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