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Wednesday, December 15, 2021

December 15, 2021

One year ago today: December 15, 2020, old-fashioned me.
Five years ago today: December 15, 2016, Largo, FL.
Nine years ago today: December 15, 2012, ABC News sucks.
Random years ago today: December 15, 2009, an economic indicator.

           Everything gets abbreviated for a day or two. I got back to find my entire office system will not work with the apps needed for out latest venture. I wasted this morning going into my admin area and selecting exceptions for some of the worst spyware on the market. Fortunately, I had a computer reserved for just such a millienialism and it is now working. I’m reviewing a couple of the modules as the information presented doesn’t quite add together and I don’t have confidence in what they keep saying is easy. Good morning.
           Here is today’s mystery object. Most women recognize it but men don’t. They’ll say it is a paperweight, to which I give them the clue that, if used properly, this tries to get away from the paper. It is a balloon weight. They sell for nearly a buck each over at Wal*Mart. Thanks to Biden, it shan’t be long before it is cheaper to tie balloons to silver dollars. TMOR, "silver dollar" is a figure of speech, left over from the last century when the US actually made dollars from silver.
           First the gossip. The hillbilly came over, he is fine but it is going to take months for his burns to heal. The big changes since I left are his girlfriend’s dog had a litter of pups from Cash, and that created a problem for Lady Girl (the tame version of Hot Girl). Cash will get violent and not let her near the puppies. So she has been farmed out to Indian Lakes, a situation that I know to be less than ideal. I told him to show up another day soon and we’ll go get her. At least around here she’ll eat like royalty and I’ll get my walking exercise.

           That lady down the street, the one who thinks I’m a neat guy? She apparently fell and broke her neck. She survived and is paralyzed from the neck down. The talk is this is extremely suspicious but I don’t know any of the people involved to know what that is about. By sunup, I was around the whole yard and all seems shipshape. I sure don’t miss that Tennessee cold. I finished reading “Then We Take Berlin”, which leaves you hanging. The burglar spy guy accidentally shoots a Jewish scientist he was trying to smuggle out of East Berlin using the Kennedy visit as cover.
           Changing my computer setup is not a favorite. The millies have bastardized the process. When I enabled the video player, now when you insert a disk, it begins playing without displaying a control screen. You have to go into start and click on the app before you can turn it down or stop the sound. I suppose there is a setting, but the idea that they gear the operation to simple-minded morons by default tells you how far things have gone downhill. The Win 7 media player is no better, it cannot find individual tracks unless you go in there and rip them. And Nero Ahead will not install on this computer until I find the right version.

Picture of the day.
Cringeworthy fashion.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           A trip over to Winter Haven took hours longer than it should. Heavy traffic, and some bozo taking a half-hour to work the ATM. Stuff like that. I waited so long total I wound up writing two personal letters. America has degenerated into a third-world mess in business procedures. The American way was to pay well enough to have long-term loyal employees who did a superior job of keeping records. The third-world prefers to lower the standards so badly that untrained clerks can do the work. Now, instead of any semblance of efficiency, everything has slowed down to idiots waiting in line behind other idiots, all of them blocking the way.
           Yikes, I just got the power bill. The hillbilly used $43 in electricity, most of it no doubt air conditioning. By noon I still can’t shake the jet lag. That’s one reason I avoid any 9 to 5 commitments any more. I canceled the day and opted to do the shopping and pay bills. It is not your imagination that these droll activities have risen to prominence in this once highly active blog. It’s been so long that most days don’t have a central high point any more. I mean, of course, on the scale things used to be. Still, I’ll match my worst days to the best of many.
           Still no word from the band on rehearsal tomorrow, I’m guessing not. They may have finally concluded we need a guitarist who contributes his share. Instead, I’ll opt for an extra siesta. It’s not a constant party over here any more, but that’s a judgment call. I mean, some people will just never know the thrill of being a pseudo-famous small city hack musician, the poor sots.

Last Laugh