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Friday, December 17, 2021

December 17, 2021

One year ago today: December 17, 2020, women merely dislike rejection.
Five years ago today: December 17, 2016, another ballad junkie.
Nine years ago today: December 17, 2012, my Fakebook account.
Random years ago today: December 17, 2011, then came the tattoos.

           Happy B’day to any of the thousands of my former students who share this birthday. From the earliest days of the Internet, I taught all my classes how to fake information on-line and one of the classic birthdates was December 17. Your grandfather’s occupation was gravedigger, and your zip code was always 96958. That’s at the South Pole, regardless of the countless “experts” on-line who tell you otherwise. Some of them will even argue the point because on-line, everybody is tall, educated, and they sing well, too. Are we ready for another day in the trenches?
           The new venture has been an eye-opener. There’s you government corruption in its most basic form, the return of money. It works like so. When the government confiscates anything, and that would include the taxes off your paycheck, they often wind up taking too much. (Yes, it they take it against your will, it is confiscation, Brandon.) They don’t hand back the surplus. They make one half-hearted attempt to contact you, usually by sending a letter some stale-dated address they have on file. Then the requirement that you apply for the funds has a time limit, after which they pocket the money. They rake in billions with this racket.
           Here is a picture of my initial prospect list. Shown are the sale date, followed by a column of “days between”, a function that Excel and MicroSoft in general have never mastered. If the date is too old, the green turns grey, if it is still too young, the cell turns yellow. The parcel info is private, but here are a list of the funds waiting to be claimed. I listed only above $18,000 with no LLCs and while I like the results, I’m suspicious. Why is this county, with the easiest and best claim lists and forms, relatively untouched. There’s over $1.1 million just in these twenty properties. I’ll soon know what is up.

           As mentioned, I’ve completely reviewed the instructions and am ready to make mistakes. That’s how you do this business, and in a micro-sense, that is how lawyers do the same. I’m finally spotting how each county is a variation on a single theme that varies by state. There is much more to this business that surplus funds. Trust me, pick only one to start with and a year from now, you will be enough of your own attorney to make decisions, regardless of the advice to never be your own lawyer. That advice presumes you don’t learn while doing.
           I’ve picked a county and sent the initial set of instructions to the Reb. She does the phone work, a wise idea considering how much respect I have for civil servants. I am about to find out what has changed in the realm of skip-tracing, legal fees, and on-line paperwork. Later this morning saw the first coordinated action between here and Tennessee, which I can explain. The Reb & I got accustomed to a daily turnaround time or more. Nothing was that critical. That is about to become a luxury.

           If need be, we can confirm activity within the hour though I hope it does not come to that. Either of us filing a document means the other must be aware of it pronto. I know there are virtual office apps out there, I just never trusted one enough to try any, or maybe we can VPN some file sharing. That’s all in the future. I have a short-list of twenty names that we will attempt to skip-trace over the weekend using two different strategies. I’m curious just how much info there really is on such people, Internet or no Internet. Even later, nope, I cannot record off tapes while using the sound card (or whatever) for anything else.
That, MicroSoft, really sucks.
Picture of the day.
Afghanistan wheat field.
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           Ha, the Salvation Army is on the brink of folding. They are by no means bankrupt, but they wound up inadvertently proving it is only white Europeans who donate on any large scale. The Salvation Army screwed the pooch on that one. The donation totals dropped far out of proportion to the ratio of white people. This picture shows my results of two hours work. It should be simple nowadays to rig up a computer to record off a cassette player, and if that’s all you want, it probably is.
           However, I wanted a setup that would record in the background while I’m doing other things, like playing bass. The wiring scheme, shown here in the top panel, turned out sparse enough, but getting there was half a nightmare. The bigger picture is the new van does not have a cassette deck, but an excellent DVD player. I have a surplus of audio tapes that I would now like to record to disk or flash drive. The logical time for this is while I’m doing other work. The bottom panel shows Audacity changing the tape to MP3. I don’t want to listen to the tape being recorded, rather just peek at the graph once in a while to monitor progress.
           The challenge was bypassing the tape deck record system, you know, those two pair of tape in and tape out jacks found on the back of old equipment, in this case a nearly new Pioneer double deck. To accomplish my ends, I wanted a single analog button I could press to hear the audio momentarily. I had to disable my capability to record to tape from the computer, but that is so rare I doubt I’ll ever miss the function.

           The next challenge is to set up the double deck so I can record two tapes at a time. There are no instructions but I believe I’ve seen it. You put a tape in drive A and another in drive B, so when tape A is done, tape B picks up and records. That would make recording a breeze. I’m also planning a couple other moves if this turns out well. Moments later, I got it. Called “relay playback”, you fiddle with the Dolby Switch. And, you can change tapes on the fly, up to 15 tapes. Did somebody mention podcast?
           Not so fast. The directions are a Chinese translation. The three switches involved both have three positions. They say to “set” the switch. Set it to what? You can’t tell if a setting works until you get to the end of the tape. I reverted back to one at a time and we’ll try again later. The thing is, I understand some Chinese and that logic, “set the switch” makes perfect sense to them. I tried three of the 27 possible settings. And you wonder why, with a 5,000 year head start these people never got a damn thing off the ground.

           The spectacle of the year, the Maxwell trial, has all but wrapped up. Seems the mid-twenties ex-prostitutes who testified could not pass for “children”. Still, the trial is a massive cover-up of some sort. Nobody of any consequence was put on the stand and a mountain of evidence has been held back. National security agencies take another dive in popularity and their trust ratio must be a negative number. To hell with it, I said, and went over to the club in Bartow, not that far. Never saw that many fat women in a room since I don’t know when.
           Last for today, I always kept my old clothes for painting and work. Fact is, I now have enough such clothes to throw away. In a way, kind of sad, probably the age thing. I just never really threw a lot of clothes away before. Tomorrow, I measure out the space for a washing machine. We have to get something going with that. I stopped out for a Bud. The crowd tonight was new country and that half-disco rap. And I was one of the skinnier people in the building.

           Politics continues to heat up in this county. The leftists are clinging to power, they are not backing off an inch. They intend to dominate you or bury you. Their inane behavior is galvanizing people and the on-line rantings are getting noticeably hotter. I have no mercy for the fate of leftists, they are evil beings whose one goal in life is to attack the very society that protects them. I compare them to parasites who would not exist without a host and that host is anybody who believes humans can best fend for themselves. It’s extreme, but no more so than the tax bill I’ve paid in my life. I undoubtedly would have used that money to do good. What good has any liberal ever done, and don’t tell me. Show me.
           The Sandman settled out of court with NBC. Part of the agreement was that he never say how much. I posted on social media that in that case he should just post zero, and in the number of zeros. The gag order does not prevent him from posting 0, or 00, or 00,000,000 if you get the picture.

Last Laugh