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Sunday, December 19, 2021

December 19, 2021

One year ago today: December 19, 2020, yes, I do windows.
Five years ago today: December 19, 2016, define ‘famous’.
Nine years ago today: December 19, 2012, 56,000 houses disappear.
Random years ago today: December 19, 2013, Putin envies Obama.

           The morning was dedicated to learning what’s changed on people searching, for the new business venture. No surprises, but an ability to think like a fucked-up millennial is a real help. Spokeo, for example, cannot search with middle names. You’ll find John Smith by the kazillions, but not John Xerxes Smith. However, Spokeo is good for telling who is related to who, which is a bigger problem on the Internet that just handing out people’s identities without their knowledge. I’m still trying to decide which service is best and that might be the one that offers a $3.95 single search which may only serve to eliminate the dead ends. Expect results shortly.
           Since it dries to a paintable surface, I’m planning to coat the cable spools with linseed oil. It yellows with age, which I’m okay with as decoration. Did you know linseed oil is the basic binder of linoleum? I went on-line and other than a turnable bookshelf, the people there were as unimaginative as I am. C’mon people, what can be done with cable spools? There was a chicken coop, but I’ve already got one I’m not using. Maybe I should try imagining something that moves? Work with me here.
           This picture is apple cider vinegar from Turkey. It’s from Dollar-25 Tree, that place that used to be Dollar Tree. This product is non-GMO and is delicious, especially made into tea. They are doing something right.

           So the UN wants to curb robot weapons. They have a history of being against anything that gives white nations an advantage, so this follows suit. It would mean a drastic decrease in casualties for the side that possesses the technology. Yet, it is a logical outcome of the war on terrorism when one side hides within the civilian population. And Toronto has banned “sidewalk robots”. They already require the bots to beep, have reflectors, yield to pedestrians, carry insurance, and be marked with the operators name and phone.            Oh, and maximum speed is 10 kph. This folks, is why Canada has so few new inventions.
More than ever, we see a pushback against the Biden regime, but I’m not forgiving anyone or forgetting who were the sheep. The resistance is not so much at ground level as ever higher politicians realizing the jig is up and are hedging their bets.

           And so you don’t think I’m slacking off, I tried my hand at La Bamba. On paper it makes sense. I’ve learned to sing and play bass at the same time, why should I not be able to sing in Spanish. Since I know the words and meanings, this should happen. Wrong. That distinct bass line and the lyrics don’t match up worth a thing. An hour later I hung up the bass. This tune has to wait until I systematically memorize what I call anchor points, spots where the lyrics somewhat match a natural down-pick on the bass.
           This song should be worth the effort, for even at this stage, it projects that seeming disjoint between what I’m doing which I know from experience takes many audiences by surprise. That’s a funny payoff, in a ways because I originally went into live music to get more women than I ever could otherwise. I had no idea, at twelve years old, what spectacular results that would have for me, but even now, years later, the fun continues. Even though I no longer desire 99% of the women I meet, I still enjoy the flattery. Being only human, and a red-blooded male at that, I have an ego and so does everybody else. The fact so many people suppress theirs just tells me that’s because they have nothing to feed it, so they can call it an asset all they want.

Picture of the day.
Bad Műnchen.
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           This was the afternoon, see the cleared out space for the laundry deck. The dryer is setting off the right. That canopy was temporary but I need it in case of rain. I’ll pick up the foundation planks in about an hour. I thought this would be easier, in that I designed it to be taken apart. Instead, the raking along required two hours. Like the shed, I’ll focus on building the deck first, giving a nice platform to work on. That’s a bit of a treat in Florida.
           I’ll slate the work for tomorrow, this being on the shady side of the building, I’m planning a full 8-hour day rather than letting it work out that way. Hey, it’s a big distinction for this old cowboy, a planned full day of labor. Not shown, the plumbing and electrical is all in place, this will be ready to go soon after a new canopy is there to protect the appliances. Within the hour, I found most of what I needed on the cull cart at the local Lowe’s. What luck, half my deck built for $29.

           Not only is the Town & Country too short to enclose a 4x8 sheet, there is no place on the rear hatch to conveniently tie down the lid and nothing to tie it to. Geez, Chrysler, who would ever want to haul building materials in your truck. Ooops, pardon me, it’s a mini-van. What part of mini don’t you understand? I can answer that. Just like the “engineers” who designed the van, the part needed to do the job is 4 inches too short. I faked it home with a coat hanger.
           Condusive with my growing confidence with wood joints and influence by conservationism by Tennessee, I have looked at two more tools. I don’t have room, but we’ve made do all along. This is prompted by the large number of lumber end pieces that I’ve been burning. Many are over a foot long, so that seems a shame. I watched two detailed videos on finger jointing. It’s a bit of a no brainer. This is in addition to the lock miter router bit I would like for Xmas and which I cannot find in any local stores.
           The second tool is a thickness planer. I have a natural suspicion of these tools as being too flimsy for most home uses. There’s no harm in trying, whaddaya say? The finger joint bit comes first, though. I might have a knack of getting the boards to match enough by themselves. My plan is to find the two router bits, the lock miter and the finger jointer, tomorrow, December 21, shortest day of the year.

           Y’know what I think is funny? Listening to Native Indians complain about all their money disappearing. That’s not funny to some, but I find the low mentality and accents are a hoot. I’d feel more sorry for the money. Even with the white man’s education and vocabulary, they still can’t seem to form clear ideas or grasp concepts. Time and again you get some hefty Geronimo type who watched the chief drive around in a new Cadillac while she was living on welfare, and this went on for fifty years before she suspected a thing. It seems hundreds of millions went missing before anybody asked questions.
           Another data breach, 18 million credit card records. Part of the problem is millennial design, putting all the data in one file. That let the thieves steal even the account passwords. All my sensitive files are on two computers minimum, and you need a key to relate the files. Stealing the file or the computer might get you a list of account numbers, but not what or where the accounts exist. I call it segregated data, if the millies have a term for it, I’ve never heard them use it.
           To some it is funny to watch me work (on a computer). Every hour or so, you’ll see me get up with a notepad and move to a computer in another room for ten minutes. What you will never see is a security problem. It’s not perfect, but it isn’t sports-store stupid, either. There is a link between all these computers, but it is in Venezuela down a street you’ll never find.

Last Laugh