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Tuesday, December 7, 2021

December 7, 2021

One year ago today: December 7, 2020, the camo-coop.
Five years ago today: December 7, 2016, now that’s a wrench.
Nine years ago today: December 7, 2012, only good for framing – people.
Random years ago today: December 7, 2009, dumb shoplifter can’t run.

           Happy birthday, Eatmore. That was a lifetime ago and probably 150 bands I’ve played in or tried out. Throw in a few college degrees, two careers, and a few trips around the world, I still remember you as the most fun I had as a teen. We met too early. While it was the sexual revolution, there was still that monumental pressure to “settle down and get married” that did little but erupt the divorce rate down the line. Tomorrow is 42 years since John Lennon was shot, I still remember the moment in time. They are still keeping the killer in jail, for his own protection.
           Much more time and effort and we may as well have put in a proper fence around back. The deer are over-populated again and even with the raised sections, the big doggie has found a way out. I doubt he is going under or through it, so he’s able to get over somewhere. This means I cannot leave on schedule, that has to be fixed. I put in a couple hours today in the cold as a reminder why I left winter in my distant past. This photo shows another section of the fence to keep the big dog in the back yard. The crooked pieces I had nothing to do with, ahem. This is hard work in the winter. I do not enjoy working up a sweat in freezing conditions, so there.

           We can’t say much yet about the latest business undertaking, but I’m finding it easy and fun, in the sense I can easily find deals that make my eyes water. I’m also finding barriers to those deals in the form of counties that say they do not accept applications except from a lawyer. I did not know they had the right to do that. How can they take away your right to have anybody you please work on your behalf? Looks like we’ll find out.
           Looks like some European factions are beginning to take pity on what happened in Australia. In one year, it went from one of the most free nations on Earth back to being a penal colony. Some of the bastard they elected are making insane statements in the media, vowing to starve and imprison the population into submission. I dare say, some are looking to Australia as the model of what’s in store for the rest of us and hoping there is an uprising. The police in Australia should all hang by the tongue. They are not “just doing their jobs” and should stand down.
           I get a laugh out of the looters in California. If I lived there, I would daily publish the addresses of all left-wing politician mansions along with fake media reports on the luxuries and goodies contained therein. Hey, they’ve been doing much the same thing to the poor people.

           [Author's note: if you notice an uptick of typos when I'm away from the Florida office, there is a reason. On the road I use a tablet with a Bluetooth keyboard. It's 2021 and they still can't get them damn things to work right.]

Picture of the day.
Cedar lumber.
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           The fence will be a flimsy affair for now. It will rely on height to stop the dog from challenging it. The alternative for now is putting on a muzzle every time he is let out, which the Reb is unwilling to do. Chooks is clever at getting out only when nobody is watching. He’s m aking me work, the more because the chill is deep enough to aggravate every little injurty in my lifetime that is remotely like arthritis. Sadly, much of this work is because we cannot find the spot where Chooks is getting out, he is much too clever to jump anything when he knows you are watching.
           It is fairly accepted by now that our lead player is up to no good. Parson called today to say the guy has changed his mind yet again and decided he will play the New Year’s gig. One lie leads to another as he is claiming the trip he was going to take is too expensive, so he canceled it. As Parson put it, we don’t even want to know the real story. But I can tell you what it is. His other gig with his other band fell through. In Polk county, any band like that must have been a last minute slap-together, which also explains to me why his reluctance to learn new material with us.
           So, our gig is back on and that could be partially due to my instance that we do not pull the pin. It would be a royal mess if we had called it off and then tried to get it back. The importance here is once more the vast gap in band management experience that is more than gradually steering things in my direction. This isn’t gloating, peeps, I set out to avoid this aspect of things.

           To dispel any myths that I get to loll around when it is cold ouside, I was busy fixing a lawn ornament, as depicted. That’s how I discovered it had been repaired before by many people in many ways. I found out that Dollar Tree sells an epoxy where both compounds are clear, so a little guesswork always gets into the mix. And my new battery drill never indicates when it is fully charged as the light never turns green. It redeems itself by being exceptionally powerful for a smaller 18V tool.
           I never did get to watch any DVDs this trip. There is no such thing as an uninterupted day when everybody is at home Yet I found time to read the chapters on rare and useful metals in the back of my book on atomic power. After a while, you get the impression the rarer the subtance, the more useful it is as a steel alloy. What caught my attention was cesium, formerly used a lot in picture tubes, and its similar behavior to the avalanche diodes now making headlines. Cesium was, I recall, first used to make pictures of distant stars whose twinkles made it difficult to observe otherwise.

           Whoops, I may be wrong about how these SPAD lenses detect distance and depth while taking color pictures in the dark. Think of it as a digital sensor. Right now, your digital camera has a CMOS picture element that records the intensity of light and captures the image. This process is pretty much analog. I could not find a single sample of pictures taken with this device.
           Instad, I found this recognition chart. The mllitary bounces a laser off an airplane. The SPAD can see this image from various angles and compare it to a known type. I looked at diagrams of the SPAD and it is similar to a PNP transistor. Instead of using a signal from a wire, the base uses the collision of photons. So, the question is, how long before they turn this device on your head to “see” what your brain is up to?

           The book is written in that corny 1950s style by some untrained hack. A lot of material back then reads like a substitute textbook for sixth-graders. In this example, the guy wrote the basic chapters, which therefore have somewhat of a theme. Then he went back and tried to spice things up, which throws off the train of thought. Just like that! You know what I mean!

           Biden’s medical advisor, the guy who looks like he wears zombie make-up, has spoken. He says even triple-vaxxed people should wear masks even indoors to “fully enjoy” this Christmas.

Last Laugh