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Sunday, January 9, 2022

January 9, 2022

One year ago today: January 9, 2021, it clears the baffles.
Five years ago today: January 9, 2017, a work day.
Nine years ago today: January 9, 2013, early “bass shoulder” pain.
Random years ago today: January 9, 2003, sleep deprivation, I said.

           Let’s chat a little American philosophy. I’ve switched counties at the last minute for one simple reason. The original county had the option of demanding a lawyer. I’d rather avoid that at first. It seems each time I go back over the rule book, another pitfall or layer becomes exposed. When they say something “may” be required, it will be. If I had known back when I was 18 what I know now about the American system, I would have done anything to go on welfare for life. I said the American system, not American society, two different animals. Here’s the promised pic of the big agave, now around 4-foot-6 tall and in diameter. They love the citrus fertilizer.
           Welfare? Yes, even to the extent of cutting off an arm. They used to say this about India, how the beggars would do that. It would have spared me a life of working in lumber mills, factories, and cubicles. I would have definitely had an advanced degree or two and a life devoted to fixing something wrong with the world. Like the welfare system. It’s a bright cool morning, we are primed to finish the deck and the shed roofing today. Plus a lengthy e-mail to the Reb concerning the country change. I don’t have PayPal.

           The Webb telescope has deployed the left and right arrays of panels, a process they call unfurling. The instrument is now ready but will not reach its destination until end of this month. As usual, the first batches of the telescope you paid for will be heavily censored for six months, after which you will be allowed to see only the “ooh” and “aah” versions.
           The 2021 welfare statistics are slowly being unveiled, and it is the usual snow job. They include social security pension benefits to foster the claim that 43% of welfare recipients are white. This is totally fake, as social security is not welfare, it is a forced participation insurance scheme funded by a draw on the worker’s pay. Thus, social security is an insurance benefit, welfare, paid to the millions of white workers who paid into the fund, some as many as 47 years.

           If the people getting their own pensions they paid into are removed from the equation, and we look only at people on welfare who have no been net contributors to the system, the statistics show a horrifying shift in demographics. Every published statistic is misleading. The claim that equal percentages of black and whites belies the fact blacks are only around 13% of the population. It means there are vastly more numbers of blacks on welfare than who work for a living. Or the claim the average welfare recipient only gets $421 per month, but if you divide the $813 billion welfare budget by the number of people on means-tested welfare, the figure leaps to over $34,000 per welfare case per month.
           They lower that number anyway by including the number of children. The remainder of the $9.88 trillion (with a “t”) spent on welfare is the government payroll to administer all this, a form of welfare in itself. The “single mothers” who are on welfare are overwhelming black. The largest, fastest growing welfare population is immigrants. The government admits 51% of them instantly go on welfare and 20% stay on it for life. Some facts to consider:

           The claim the US loses only $185 billion per year to welfare fraud is an insane lie. They are referring to the actual number of successfully prosecuted cases. Although most states brag about their welfare fraud hotlines, of the hundreds of thousands of reports, less than a thousand get investigated. The last year stats were reliable was 2005. Only 425 people were convicted, few of them did any jail time. A single Cuban welfare scam in Miami to netted the thieves $13,000,000 and none of them were even cut off welfare. Claimed they were “victims”.

Picture of the day.
French breakfast radishes.
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           At this point, I’m quitting work for the day to review a bookmarked video from years ago. It is still available, it concerns the use of a speed square. It’s one handy tool but I have an aversion to cutting angles because I never, never get it right. But I understand the basics even if I need periodic recharging. I use only the measurement labeled common, I don’t dare try a hip roof. Shown here is the most common type. It is so unfamiliar to most people it is even photographed from the wrong orientation. That I repeatedly look at tutorials is, however, not due to lack of knowledge, rather lack of usage.
           It was an afternoon of study and work outside, around evenly spread. The switch to the new county will be a sure thing if we can find where to get the “Certificate of Title”. In Georgia, it is similar to the title on a car. What I need to know is can I find this document for a former owner? It will be on file somewhere and I’ve sent a dispatch to Philadelphia to get some clarification on acquiring it. The figures kept racing through my head all day, how the system is so unfair. It is causing a shift in my motives, away from getting the money to making sure the government doesn’t get it.

           The business model says not to touch cases below $15,000 or you will not net enough after costs to make it worthwhile. That’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about. The training emphasized doing practice runs, which I have. You see, I can now process an entire paperwork myself in less than four hours with nary a mistake. My system of interlocking files makes sure it is nearly automatic. So, what does this mean?
           It means I can take a look at cases much lower than $15,000. With the growing sophistication of my record keeping, I can easily pull up Country 031, for example. Let’s see what that could mean. Let’s pluck out the first ten and play what-if. Let’s limit it to one a day. In ten days my cut is, if I get them all, $25,600. That could mean there is never a quiet day in this business. Not when I can go for coffee and make $2,500 even if that is based on a few assumptions. We are also pulling away from the “social” aspects of the business which we realize is designed to sell you the program.
           I’m always suspicious of testimonials, which are their pet online method that is so phony it hurts. It seems every generation of idiot salesmen buy into that crap that word-of-mouth is your best advertising. I have yet to see that ever put to a fair test, you are far more likely to get mean-mouthed by your average customer even if you do a great job. Reb knew I kept my affairs layered and isolated, I guess she never knew just how much until items like why I cannot get cable service at the cabin becomes a factor.

           Cable service would foolishly expose the cabin to predatory practices If you don’t think that is for real, take a look at some of the lists I am scanning for customers. Most of these people lost their houses over a debt of maybe 3% of its true value. Which brings me back to testimonials, because too many people place too much faith in them. In this business, I’m pointing not at satisfied customers, but the grinning patsies the head office puts on their site. One after another of complete beginners holding up $20,000 checks. They got lucky, that’s what. Let me explain a couple things. First, the check is the gross amount, the larger part of it is returned to the client after it is cashed. So the check is misleading.
           Secondly, these are all new people. If I wanted to believe them, I’d like to hear from someone who has been doing this for a year or two state that they consistently repeated the good results on a periodic (monthly) basis. This is something more rare on the Internet than an honest price quote from a hotel chain. Rookies like to brag, my blanket rule is the opposite. If you come into a $20,000 check, you don’t tell a fucking soul about it. What are you? Nuts?

           That mama squirrel is not a quitter, but she will never reach that new feeder. I wonder if that’s the same one who got so dissed over the same in the front yard. I don’t feed squirrels and these ones don’t need it with all the cat food they steal. I can hear her both from the office and from the new laundry deck, where I drove another 198 screws into that deck. It is by a margin the most solid structure around here. I also measured and moved some of the support posts so there is a better eave at both ends.
           The beams are kind of heavy. The hillbilly is rarely around when you need help. Hey, his record is still better than Agt. R. Who, by the way, no matter what he says, is living with Petunia. Oh, and now that I’m out gigging, I regularly run into Dawn’s mom. I told ya, Dawn is still single on the market with pretty much no prospects because they do not exist. And when I gig, I don’t go out as much on my own, which further seals me off from the everyday problems of others. I’m just saying much of the spotty news I do get is not that positive, but that’s offset by it also being unfailingly and unquestionably predictable.

Last Laugh

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