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Sunday, January 2, 2022

January 2, 2022

One year ago today: January 2, 2021, the Beat Buddy sucks.
Five years ago today: January 2, 2017, so she’s an idiot.
Nine years ago today: January 2, 2013, I need a bigger place.
Random years ago today: January 2, 1977, should I move away?

           I didn’t check, but doesn’t Harry Potter turn twenty today? I’m building shelves and fixing the kitchen drain again, so if you aren’t going to help, you can go now. Why is that sink plugged again after just few months. I don’t put anything in there I shouldn’t, but I do rinse the plates I eat off of. Drop back for the results. Last time it was chunks of white material that might have been from rinsing construction tools, but I cut that out. Here’s a video of the next generation of porn.
           Once anew, I’m eye-balling that small hallway for a sliding door. After that, a simple set of locks at the hallway ends would allow access to the bathroom from outside. JZ has many times said he’d be here if he had his own place, meaning an apartment. But there are too few of those and they want, I heard, two year leases now. Part of the reputation that I got the last deal in America is because this is such a pricey town to live compared to what it costs me.
           Few things are more cringe-worthy than the Hildabeest hinting she may run for President in 2024 using a picture taken in 1990.

           Today the Reb & I prioritize our short list to commence work tomorrow. I’ve mentioned the modules go on about getting everything ready, but offer little about what order to line things up. I’ve decided to pay for three test cases. I’m prepared to pay for as many trips by the notary as needed to get all documents that are required—because it is almost impossible to know this in advance. There are local, state, and federal laws that apply and none of them seem to much know what the other does. Good. It weeds out the riff-raff.
           My view of Georgia has c hanged. It now looks a lot like this nearby map. The number of counties fluctuates depending on who you ask. I’ve decided to believe the number is 144, of which only 78 keep proper records. And precious few of them provide the required reports in any logical format. I’ll say it again, most civil servants use the computer as if it was a typewriter. Congratulations Hart, a brand of power tool sold at Wal*Mart. They’ve designed their charger with a flashing light. Which can only be seen if you walk across the room to the charging station and look perpendicularly down on the unit. A true millennial design.

           This paragraph is just for my own record keeping and comparison. I’ve learned the modules but believe in Moltke’s Axiom. No plan of battle survives the first five minutes of action. Therefore, I have set aside $4,000 in case failures plague our initial moves. I know darn well this is where many fail, if anything goes wrong here, they don’t get paid right when they need it the most. There are a series of documents that need signing to get a client. For this we have to rely on people we’ve never met. We have a term for this, “pandorizing”, I’ll explain.
           The documents have to me signed in order. If you’ve ever tried to impress this upon a stranger or employee, then you know they rarely get it. To combat this initially, I send the notary over with only one document the first time—the critical Fee Agreement. Once that is filed in Tennessee, I’ll pay the notary for a second trip or however many become necessary. If a given notary mucks up, we have a backup ready, the new term. Will it catch on?

Picture of the day.
Much of western China.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           True to formula, I rigged up the exterior outlet in the shed and it took the full 3.5 hours start to finish. Despite the fact the run was only a foot from an existing outlet, eveything went wrong from wires too short to screws that would not go back in. It’s done, see pic, but I still have to replace the unit with a GFCI model. Good thing I still have all the money left from Friday. I had the shed radio on and shook my head. The mayor of Los Angeles was being interviewed about the rise in crime. With a dead serious voice, he informs us the reasons for the rise in crime is because more crimes are being committed. Seriously. There are no police deterrent, the gangs are professionals, they don’t get arrested much, they get let out and if convicted don’t get jail time. This guy’s is a bleeding genius. No wonder he is mayor.
           Silver is showing some gains, but still near my minimum sell point, which is around $35, and only if I needed the money. We know now that the banks manipulate silver prices, but how do they do it? Alex Jones, the agitator guy has a great explanation, but he comes across as wild. He’s correct that the silver certificate market and the real silver market are the same. The problem is a vast more amount of paper silver than real silver. Jones says up to 500 times, I say maybe 40 times.

           It works like so. If the banks don’t like silver to go above $25, and it does, they begin “trading” hundreds of millions or even billions of silver certificates at $24. The stock market reacts to these and quotes the lower price, so nobody will pay higher for the real silver. This puts an artificial cap on the price. This has been going on a long time so while everybody knows the price of real silver could explode, nobody knows when. And where’s the next housing crisis supposed to be upon us by now?
           The dogs were on the deck again, I hope they know I may seal it off. The hillbilly disappeared for two days to return saying he was sicker than ever in his life. I messed with him, saying if that were true, he could not have rode his bicycle over here to say so. His burns are healing and he was very lucky the damage wasn’t worse. During the half-hour he was talking, I cut down three weed trees by hand, lopped off four limbs, and dragged the remains to the burn pile.

           Seat of the pants style, that describes the band management. I get up to five confirmations that the gig is in Zephyr Hills, then today a text (they know I don’t text) saying only “the last info is wrong”. I wait and sure enough, the gig is not Zephyr Hills, but Winter Haven. This is nice to know, as the towns are over 40 miles apart and you have to drive through Lakeland. That would have been fun had half the band show up at the wrong place. I have no info on how such a mixup could occur.
           But I do know the correct location, it is across the street from the Thrift, which has been sold out to some newcomers who painted it gawdy. I should stop by the old pavilion and mention we are there. It’s the closest I have to a following and I don’t owe the location any favors as I played there for tips only. They are walking distance apart. The other thing is in Winter Haven, six or eight other similar clubs are clustered near the lake, clubs which will not be lost to Parson should he invite any of the managers to drop in for a look-see.
           For the record, there are four or five clubs in the area that said they would hire us, but the pay was $200. We unanimously voted against that. But it shows you how many duos are out there undercutting everybody. Stay tuned.

           The work day included again unclogging the kitchen sink. It is the same white compound that defies indentification. It smells just like a dirty sink, but is insoluble. This led me to test if it is a food compound, mainly by leaving a sample near the shed to see if birds or flies like it. It does not decompose, so I also carefully examined the piping. Aha, there is not enough slope. The pipes should always have a ¼” per foot so the water flows fast enough to carry away deposits without gurgling. The spot that clogs was installed after the relatively new “deep” sink and is nearly horizontal. It could be ordinary sediment bleached white because I usually give drain cleaner a shot first.
           Still, it should not be there. In that one horizontal section, the sediment does not have to fill the pipe to clog it, just lie along the bottom until the waste water doesn’t get high enough to go over it. That’s around the 2/3 full mark, which leaves enough of an air gap that plungers don’t work. Buy a house, they said.

           Later, the deposit remains unidentified. It is not organic as it attracted no pests. This is not a relief because that large sink was just cleared of this problem a few months ago. Most of what goes down that side of the drain is dishwater. So what is this compound, is it settling out of my water or my food scraps? I’ll search online and let you know. Moments later, I have the answer. I’m not using enough kitchen soap when I do the dishes. This buildup is food grease that is not broken up by modern detergent, which lacks tri-phosphates. And yes, I often rinse a pan if I’m frying things in succession. Welcome to Millennial World, where they even screw with your dishwashing soap.
           Actually I never enjoyed puttering so much. These are now minor challenges and today I’m fixing up more shelving in the north shed, looking now to move stuff in there in bulk, along with a place to hang clothes I don’t use a lot, like my winter jacket. The same goes for work clothes, as the shed is big enough to change in and much closer to the laundry deck. There is limited closet space inside the cabin.

Last Laugh