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Sunday, February 13, 2022

February 13, 2022

One year ago today: February 13, 021, list of popular sensors.
Five years ago today: February 13, 2017, cutting expenses doesn’t work.
Nine years ago today: February 13, 2013, average Google IQ: 97.
Random years ago today: February 13,2007, Canada will outlaw money.

           Oh boy, the weatherman says most of my route to the Georgia border next week is subject to flash floods. At least if it’s raining, it won’t be this cold. Good morning, or at least it should be daylight in a few more hours. I got up to find there is no bread in the house. Just some gluten-free crackers that taste a lot like gluten-free crackers. No, I’m not going out there to start the van, the new unit doesn’t have remote start, it’s uncivilized, I tell you. It’s early, let’s look at the news, such as it is. First, I went out atmdawn to totally examine the Taurus and it does not appear to have a radiator cap. Here’s the unit as it looks today. A thousand bucks and it is yours.
           Somebody should tell these media types the American people already have all the proof we need that the Hildebeest was a lying, cheating traitor and their “lastest news” is ignored. Call us when the hanging begins. And anyone still stupid enough to support a cashless society should look what happened with GoFiundMe money for the truckers. Cashless was the topic of my emails this morning, as in how to deal with that situation. My answer is I don’t know, but I also believe some other method of conducting anonymous transactions will simply take the place of cash. We’ve seen all kinds of things used as money, from shells to cigarettes. We were more talking about how much cash one should keep just in case.

           My answer remains, just enough to outdistance the pack. You will never have enough to compete with society’s crooks, but you can usually outpace the rank & file. It may be statistical but very few average types in this country can last a month without a paycheck. Certainly, by the end of two months, they’ve borrowed and dug up all they can. So call it two months, you need enough to last two months but also enough to horse trade after that. And I say ten grand would be an excellent amount of cash to have when everybody else has robbed their piggy banks and maxxed out their credit cards. More is better, but ten is good.
           And who warned you about occupational licensing thirty years ago? This was influential on my career choice, my thinking is the cut in pay for accounting was not that serious if they revoke your license. Just become a bookkeeper. That’s trickier to do for doctors and lawyers. Ottawa is now threatening to take away the licenses of the truckers. Again, now the truckers cannot back down. I warned them indirectly, but look at their situation. Driver’s license, business license, truck license, trailer license, and who knows what else? You know the scenario, the government that can license you to earn a living can revoke that license if you don’t comply with their policies, no matter how sordid those become.

Picture of the day.
Chinese emporer’s throne.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Yes, the Taurus will require the upper radiator hose removed to administer the treatment. I’ll have to move the fuse box but I’m 90% certain I can do this. Too friggen cold today, I was inside every half hour to warm up. But I did get the car backed onto the driveway and I took it zooming down a side road to dust off the leaves. I have the windows sparkling and took many photos for the ad. I could not take the chill, so even the dogs were lucky to get a mile’s walk today. I see others have discovered the paths I cleared through the bushes. Which is more work than all of them managed together in all these years.
           The slight layer of mold from storage is gone, that is why they make pine-sol cleaner. I’d have kept that car and run it until it cratered if not for that axle problem. If it continues to run so smoothly, I’ll ask a few hundred dollars more. I’ve again advised the Reb to get a replacement car now, and here she is looking at the 2015 Honda Civic I found but have not test driven. Insert joke here about how this unit has been rear-ended and yet can be seen to be in perfect shape.
           Nothing else has progressed this trip, as it was mostly over vehicles and I’m heading back asap. Alas, Sammy is showing signs of his age and the chill doesn’t help my bones, either. The Reb is back from the gig, it went well. The doggies and I watched videos until she got back, one was “Black Sheep”, I could not figure how Chris Farley ever got an acting job but the Reb informs me the cast is from a famous TV show called Saturday Night Live, which I’ve never seen and don’t care to. But I can fully understand, by inference, how some mentalities would find these people amusing.

           Can you see this? Good, that is no thanks to MicroSoft. It is 2022 and they still crank out shitty products. This computer, for no reason, or possibly a typo, threw itself into a mode that would not pick up the Internet. It would connect, but there was no button, no setting, no fix, no nothing to resolve the issue. That is the best the bastards at MicroSoft can do after all these years. Once again, it is not that the problem happens, but that there still exist computer engineers so ignorant that it even can. Going on-line should, by 1995, been a simple procedure that always works.
           I finally disabled Windows Defender and was able to reconnect, but we are talking a wasted hour later. Up yours, MicroSoft, I hope I live long enough to see you wiped out by something that works. Fifty years, and you azz-clowns still can’t make a seamless Internet connection.

Last Laugh