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Tuesday, February 15, 2022

February 15, 2022

One year ago today: February 15, 2021, Here’s Matilda;
Five years ago today: February 15, 2017, yes, I do windows.
Nine years ago today: February 15, 2013, cookies & cakes.
Random years ago today: February 15, 2008, I told the college no.

           Like ever, the “great reset” is a recurring excuse for America to shake itself down. Things that would hardly be accepted in the normal course of business get ramrodded onto the populace. Now that a lot of small businesses have been wiped out, prices are soaring. But my favorite is the cell phone companies all deciding everybody has to switch to 4G or 5G service—incuding I suspect, the last of my flip-phones. Good morning, and it warned up enough I walked the doggies in my shirt sleeves. I took the morning to do my chasing around which included getting y new van insured and interesting chores like checking the tire pressure on all twelve wheels. The two Kias and the Taurus, right?
           This picture is a corner of the log house in Cumberland Furnace a few days back. Notice the rather elaborate notching that holds the logs in every important dimension. It’s surprising how few of these sturdy structures remain in use, I know from first hand experience they are very comfortable inside. Or at least can be made to be that way. Sammy is blog news because he was not eating. I’ve always maintained the pets here are spoiled, but that it makes up for so many pets that are not. It meant a $300 trip to the vet for blood work, which revealed nothing wrong. Told ya!

           This discussion led to dogs and milk. Back on the farm (allegorically speaking) we gave sick dogs a half-cup with any food they would take. While never a regular diet item, they would get a spoon or two of cream as a treat. The idea is the milk would calm down any over active tummy conditions and loosen things up just enough. Well, it turns out according to the on-line experts, it should be goat’s milk. And the loosening effect is due to lactose intolerance. They only agree that small quantites can keep things moving, which was pretty much the only “medicine” farm dogs ever got.
           I’m wrapping things up here, I’ve got work to do back at the cabin. I loaded up some extra materials I’d left here years ago to put in the final section of my privacy fence. Now, to find the opportunity to get away. Not so easy, as I have as much of a routine here as there, what’s the word, nowadays. It’s getting back to Florida that throws my status off, but fortunately, I live within driving distance of many distractions. Besides, I forgot to change the turtle’s water for two days and I’m in the doghouse. If you’ve been following, that should make sense.

           Here is the view under the hood on the Kia. I was hoping the camera would reveal the wisp of steam from the inside. The more I find out about this car, which she bought new in 2014, the more I do not want her buying a new car ever again. The price drop is just to drastic on anything new these days. Whatever that noise is, the car is a goner.

Picture of the day.
Hot air balloon basket.
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           To make up, we chose an Agatha Christie movie because we’ve both read the book. In my case, such a distance in the past I don’t recall who-dunnit. This was not a spoiler, because today’s version has been totally millennialized. You got the obligatory black-white couple, and the homo revelation, and the capable people in the movie purely exude white supremacy. Here’s my stunt double hamming it up in front of the Regal at Opryland. The message here, boys, is find yourself a woman who will still go along with having fun after 30 years. And it is not like I have not mentioned the importance of this on a regular basis.
           Yep, I recommend the movie with the codicil that it is not fast-paced, rather consistent and goes through hoops to capture the Agatha spirit. It works, we did not guess the killer nor that in this presentation, they did not go to prison. That’s all I’m feeding you, go see the movie. It’s been out a while, don’t dawdle.

           The last challenge for today is news from the band. The drummer has injured his back and requires surgery. That means we need a sub for Friday, and I voted we pay whatever that person wants. (Which turned out to be $100.) This also reminds us I am the youngster in this band. My viewpoint is such episodes and openings are normal in the music trade and it would not be the first time opportunity reshuffles the deck. Parson called with the news and I may know the guy he found. If so, shall we say I’ve met a lot of percussionists who spotted my unfailing sense of timing.
           That was JZ on the phone, from his brother’s place. It takes ten days to mail a letter, up from overnight or next-day delivery in the so recent pre-fake-pandemic days. It was never my intention to upset any applcarts, but more people than ever are aware I have sent JZ the gas money to get out of Miami. I refuse to say if this is a good developement. Howzat? Now everybody will want gas money to visit, don’t say I didn’t warn ya!

           Trivia. You need a pilot’s license to take passengers in a hot air balloon, but after that just ten hours flight time. The average airline pilot’s pay these days is half what it used to be. Today, you would be lucky to get $120,000. Meaning you probably could not afford to fly anywhere on your holidays.

Last Laugh