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Thursday, February 17, 2022

February 17, 2022

One year ago today: February 17,2 021, they don’t tell you.
Five years ago today: February 17, 2017, the airplane also disappeared.
Nine years ago today: February 17, 2013, under 3 blankets.
Random years ago today: February 17, 2010, from $1 million to $77K.

           I put the hillbilly right to work this morning. We hauled a load of scrap aluminum to the recycle, expected to get $350. Imagine out surprise to find out 2/3 of the pieces were steel. You could not tell by weight or feel so we never thought to check with a magnet. Shown here, we loaded up the van, that’s Cash in the background riding shotgun in the background. We had to sift through the entire bin and pick out the steel, in the end we got $78. Did I mention he got rid of that odd girlfriend and she took Lady Girl and Lunabelle and disappeared So, we don’t adopt a doggie this time around. With so little money, we stopped at the Restore and bought some gear, like I picked up some exterior outlet wall plates.
           One certain thing is it’s great to be back this side of the mountains. I had to run the air conditioners. I need another half day to weed the yard again, maybe tomorrow. We stopped for a pork sandwich at this roadside meat shop, something you don’t see outside of Florida much. It’s a butcher shop, but operating out of a trailer like you might expect to be selling ice cream cones. They are not popular with folks who do not like the aroma of raw meat. I don’t care for it, but it doesn’t send me out the door.

           I rigged up my bass system and found there is an annoying crackle in the channel I usually reserve for bass. I’m going to run an extra speaker off the monitor line to deepen the bass but if I can’t get it right, I may be looking at using the gigrack just to play bass through one channel. I’ve done it before. After a drive to Winter Haven and back, half the day is gone already. Today was not my time for big projects, so I copied files, patched the air mattress, tidied up the shed, and took a welcome three hour nap. May you have the option for the same when you get to my age, and no, I never denied that I would ever say things like that. You don’t get to my position in life without L-I-V-I-N-G! Mind you, I don’t imply anything dangerous or fast-lane by that. I get more out of a good book than attending staged boxing matches or car races. I deduce people who find excitement is such crazy things are th
e result of extremely long periods of nothing that they need the release. I prefer a little adventure all the time.
Picture of the day.
Lake Beulah best fishing times.
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           By suppertime, I still can’t find the noise in my PA, this goes away over time and returns whenever the unit has been stored. That means it is a potentiometer that needs a shot of WD-40, which in turn means taking the back cover off the unit. Am I that ambitious? Instead, I wrote emails and generally kept busy. The hillbilly finally began to move his gear away. This morning’s work, hauling all that metal, was a disappointment and I burned up $10 worth of gas. There is a hitch with placing the new fence posts. No matter where I extend what is already in place, it looks like overkill from the street.
           The shutdown of 3G networks shortly is another sign of the asshole world the millennials have created for themselves. Tons of devices will quite working because they did not insist that the systems always be backward compatible. The phone company was once forced to do this, and the system worked find for 100 years. Push button phones had to be made to work on old dial phone switches, a simple and cheap move at the design phase. The lesson was not learned. This has nothing to do with reports that Tesla cars now like to panic brake to a stop, even if they are on the freeway with cars behind them doing 85 mph. You just can’t get much stupider than C+ programming in a driverless car. If you are new here, object-oriented programming is a regressive style that causes practitioneers to focus on getting the displays to look as if they are behaving right rather than actually making them work right. You might have to think about that a bit.

           A series of bank shutdowns appeared on most of the Canadian big banks last evening. Most of them did not acknowledge any interruptions, but let this be a lesson to those who were stuck in hour-long lineups because they had no other way to buy food, you stupid idiots. These are the same crowd who would patronize a cashless society, not knowing it is them who will be cashless unless they comply to everything. And I read that 80 “fact-checking” groups have sent letters of concern to youTube. I could not name one of these groups. This picture arrived today from a friend who lives in Canada, she felt I needed a reminder of what real snow looked like. In case I’d forgotten, she said.

           Four days ago, I looked at the word game Wordle for the first time and stopped the process when my CPU usage reached almost 100%. I know spyware when I see it. Today, it was announced the app is loaded with tracking gear. Who’s behind it? The New York Times and Google, of course. The crowds scream “Lock her up” as Hillary enters the building and the Canadian government has commenced stealing money from the accounts of anyone who supported the truckers through crowd-funding. Makes you wonder how much further this can go before civil war. The truckers are all going to jail, either collectively or one-by-one, if the do not fight to the finish now. It seems the Canadian government was rehearsed for violence rather than protests and used the wrong tactics against the wrong enemy.
           Oh, and for all the morons who got a “COVID” test, it was a trick to get your DNA on file. All the swabs and samples wound up in a genome sequencing laboratory. I’m going downtown for a beer now. To think about all these people who are being canceled, because I recall warning them thirty years ago this would happen. I have no bank accounts in my own name, no credit cards, no electronic transactions, no activities to draw any attention. True, nobody is 100% immune, but I’ll say it again—I just make it easier for them to go after somebody else. Now I suppose a few people will think again how they snortled at my policy of withdrawing cash only and paying by money order. The snag for most people who now see the wisdom is you can’t just start doing things now and expect results.

           A short discussion later and I have something to say about it. First, I did not say in 1979 that Canada would have separation and civil war. I said that things were heading in that direction. I took a semester of school in Canada and that was enough. It is a degenerate system that can be expressed by what happened when I wanted to license my laundromat. (To sell beer at my place of business, which is what most of the single patrons did across a dangerous highway when their stuff was in the dryer.)

       In Canada, nothing is legal unless permitted by law.
       In America, everything is legal unless prohibited by law.

           It’s worse than we thought, the RCMP are now confiscating popcorn machines. And if you have time, here is some of the typical posts getting on to that would not last a minute on the mainstreams. Pity, it’s quite entertaining while you are being enlightened.

Last Laugh