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Thursday, February 24, 2022

February 24, 2022

One year ago today: February 24, 2021, math is racist.
Five years ago today: February 24, 2017, the band that got away.
Nine years ago today: February 24, 2013, a nothing day.
Random years ago today: February 24, 2008, an inspired post.

           Russia has invaded Ukraine. At least that is the mainstream version, since Biden needs something to distract the USA from his disastrous performance. A little after midnight last reporters on the ground said there were rocket attacks, but I’ll wait until we hear this from reliable sources. Tampa radio lies all the time. They either lie or just leave out the good stuff. NPR has never mentioned that Rittenhouse is going to shut the fat trap on that Whoopi Goldberg. Problem is, when old women get that fat, they don’t fit back in their place.
           Today’s top story: Eggs. One of the most faked statistics in the USA is the inflation rate, which we are told was “only” 7.04% in the past year. That’s the rate, not the inflation. The rate is annualized, which means it can be manipulated by varying everything from the compounding period to the mix in the “basket of goods”. Today I bought eggs. They shot up in price 3 weeks ago from $1.00 to $1.25 per dozen.

           Now the size has been lopped to 8 eggs. Does mean the new dozen only has 8 of anything? That’s a 1/3 rise in prices instantly. So instead of the "rate", what is the price increase. Well, the price went up first, so that is 25%. Then the size was cut, so should that increase be compared to the original $1 price tag, or the new $1.25? There is no easy answer, I would say the events were so close together, use the first price. The right way to do it is the price per egg, which has gone up from 8.3¢ to 15.6¢ in 22 days, and that, folks, is a double the price, or a 100% price increase. That is, they cost 200% of what they did last month.
           This presents a problem to the Biden administration. Even ten years ago, people who suspected something funny was going on kept it much to themselves, since there were no alternate news sources. The Internet has changed all that and people often know thousands who think the same. Biden has spent a year unsuccessfully blaming everything, including inflation, on Trump but so few people believe him anymore, he has to admit that tactic was a failure.
           Now he has to gear up the media to shift the problem onto the Russians. Our vital interests are threatened in Eastern Ukraine, he says. And his mouthpiece keeps repeating whenever questioned about prices that protecting our vital interest and “way of life” is not without cost, often adding “across the board”. She needs another hole in the head.

           And the wailing over Truth Social and Gab rises to new volumes as the old tactics don’t work. The reaction of the paid shills trying to rile up these new outlets shows they have no new tricks and it will take time to learn how to attack. Unfortunately for them, that time is well more than enough for both sites to soar beyond anything they can do about it. Remember, for the Left, it is not the message they hate, but the messenger. The mere presence of such sites make Democrat blood boil. I’ve found it takes the left around two years to learn anything new.
           The news out of the Ukraine is the Russians have bowled over any defenses and some Ukrainian troops are laying down their arms or joining the invaders. The two areas on the planet famous for that behavior are eastern Europe and the British Isles.

Picture of the day.
Mexican poverty divide.
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           It was like the middle of summer out there, whew. Heat and humidity, I managed the single chore of laundry. Mind you that involved a shopping trip and putting up a hanger over the dryer so my tumble-dry shirts won’t wrinkle. My budget to finish that roofing is gone until next month unless a whale of a deal comes along. I need only two 4x8 sheets and a couple hours. It was 87°F out there by 2:00PM and 55% humidity and more tomorrow. My A/C won’t keep up, but I own a lot of fans.
           One piece of news from the Ukraine is the dismal performance of the Firefinder, see picture. It is a mobile radar designed to pick out the trajectories of incoming fire and pinpoint their source of origin. It stores up to 99 targets and was supposed to also measure the effectiveness of counterbattery fire.
           The reports don’t say what the trouble is, but my guess is the system requires more skilled operators than the armed forces can supply. Are you a chocolate lover? Then this article about synthetic chocolate is either a boon or a warning. In the USA, the law already allows something with only 10% cocoa to be called chocolate. And John Kerry warns us all those diesel-burning Russian tanks rolling over the Ukrainian border will have “massive” impact on climate change with all those emissions. So stay focused, you Kievians. Before I forget, the Tampa radio people this morning kept pronouncing Kiev and “Keev”.

           Later, more news on laundry. If all goes well, by tomorrow this time we’ll have a washing machine. Some lady over in Lake Wales has a bunch for sale, no explanation why so many. I’ll pick the best one, my major criteria that it be a brand name I’ve heard before. This is blogworthy because having that washer completes a chore here that was years overdue. Where it saves is every time I do the wash downtown, I wind up taking two or three hours to get other things done, which hurts because that is prime time for how I work around this cabin. And I can get things done instead of waiting around. If that makes sense, come over and I’ll buy you a beer. We can even sit in the nice cool shade of the laundry deck.

           Which is it in March, the Oscars or Academy Awards, don’t matter, I have not watched them since the first time, when I was around ten. I know a snow job when I see one. All these decades later, others have reached the same conclusion. Like the Olympics, they got too politicized and corrupt to bother with and have ratings too low to continue. So I heard a program on what the organizers are doing to salvage matters. Not enough, that’s what. Biggest change is they are dropping some of the obscure categories, like best original foreign film score.
           They need to cut down the number of nominees, and get rid of all the queer innuendo. Maybe tone down the cronyism and sucky acceptance speeches. “I’d like to thank my arms for always being beside me and my legs for supporting me. And special thanks to my fingers because I could always count on them.”

Last Laugh