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Saturday, February 5, 2022

February 5, 2022

One year ago today: February 5, 2021, can’t even remember McRoy.
Five years ago today: February 5, 2017, never did like penguins.
Nine years ago today: February 5, 2013, except it ain’t bass.
Random years ago today: February 5, 1982, a series of reminders.

           Good bye GoFundMe. They swiped $9 million from the Canadian Truckers and tried to gloss it over saying they’d give it to charity. I’ve always been amused by these donation sites as they bypass the banks—but I never trusted them enough to give money. Now, a few other people have learned the same lesson. And it is not like charities are on the up & up, either. This mornings top event is this package of Twizzlers. I still can’t find a ride out to get my van. So, have a twizzler.
           Robot dogs. They are already in use world-wide. They freak out the weak-minded. It is eerie to watch because they dogs have no heads. They patrol parks, tent cities, and military airports. Very little data is available about their top speed and range but you can assume it is around 6 or 7 miles. What’s making news is the plan to have them along the US-Mexico border. The woketards are already screaming that it will lead to a “immigrantless dystopia”. For that reason alone, I support the dogs. I support anything that infuriates liberals, for all they need do to not be infuriated is leave other people alone.
           I have the same affinity for robot dogs as I do for Trump. They supremely aggravate people who are trying to get away with something. If you think these middle east terrorists hate drones, wait until they see American sending mechanical dogs to fight them. The fear, of course, is always that these dog-bots will eventually be turned on innocent people for purposes they were never designed. For now, anything that makes libtard blood boil gets my blessing, there is just something so soothing about watching them get unhingeed.

           By 11:00AM, no ride. There are no taxis allowed in most of Polk but if it comes to that, I’ll hitchhike. What a strange turn of events. I can’t take the scooter on the highway and there are no back roads through that area. Why, I think I’ll just make me an extra cup of coffee and relax. Isn’t this the third or fourth time I’ve been caught in this pickle in Florida? Third for sure, and most of the time I’ve been here I owned two vehicles. I said screw it and hitched a ride from the Circle K. Both vans are here now, the Reb says Monday will be better and it is super-cold. But the paperwork has a 30-day deadline and I know better than to leave it. Anyway, a week on the other side of the mountains is plenty.
           And tucked away down here is news that Florida is about to enact laws that allows citizens to shoot “looters and rioters”. “It allows for vigilantes to justify their actions.” And if you die from the jab, remember life insurance does not cover deaths caused by participating in experimental drug trials. In other words, you die from the vaccine, it serves you right.

Picture of the day.
Salvation Army FL HQ.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I’ll mention the van in a moment, but the price paid was enough to cause a budget surplus in an area I’m not so great at. Did you follow all that? No sweat, it means I tested the market for buying alcohol, kind of let’s get a feel of the prices and what is going on. These are pint bottles of vodka in plastic bottles. Maybe $20 worth, I felt it had a recognizable brand name. According to some information, this could be $180 if the supply chain goes south. This is my sample purchase to figure out storage space, durability, and economic order quantities.
           Later, it calculates I have space for 60 of these bottles. These are small one pint(?) bottles. I rejected quarts because I told you, I’m not the best a selling this kind of thing. Rather than dicker and argue, I’m inclined to tell people go elsewhere. I don’t touch vodka, but give me a nice glass of sweet port. In fact, hang on for a sec. I’m back, I have a glass of tawny port, bottom shelf stuff. I had no proper glass, so I’m sipping it from one of those glasses they used to serve ice cream in before plastic.

           What did I learn? While you can get discounts on wine by the case, no so with hard liquor. How would you approach this. Sixty bottles would only take up a third of the budget, this cheap brand sells for $6.99 plus tax. Total to buy this is under $500, so what else should I buy? Quick, you got $500 more to spend, what do you buy? I’m leaning toward whiskey, another department where I’m a dummy. I will attempt to buy a case of this vodka tomorrow, I do not know what quantity throws up a flag. Once again, the limiting factor is storage space. If you want, I can store it in this old van I have nearby, bwaaaa-ha-ha-ha.
           You may also presume the trip north is postponed. Until I can get anti-freeze, a sleeping bag, and other goodies. The plan is for a direct trip there, but possibly a three-day trip on the return, this side of the mountains for sure. My budget for this trip is $310, let’s see how we do with the new gas prices, now over $3 per gallon.

           The van has a “chunkier” feel to it, so I took it on a twenty-mile trip around the city to get used to it. I finally stopped for a snack at the Imperial Bakery in the NE end. I prefer bakeries to coffee shops and this was a good one, just half again as expensive. The Reb called about shooting some documentary videos, which I am no good at, so plan to do some lengthy tours away from the studio.
           I stopped at the Thrift in Mulberry, the building is sold, the business has slumped to almost nothing, and the ladies are caught in a world that is changing out of all recognition. One had a nursing home contract with a clause that gave away power of attorney buried at the bottom of page seven. I got a Pattison audio book for the trip. It’s no use trying to find good radio, plus the limited range of FM means you have to go seek every hour or so, and I’ve discovered the cruise control doesn’t work. I’ll need anti-freeze and this trip, I’ll take my time packing, which again points to Monday.

           What’s this, some driver has rammed the protesters in Canada? It’s a predictable far-left attempt to spark violence. Trudeau has basically failed to paint the vaccine mandates protests as racism and white supremacy, so violence is rapidly becoming his only option. Most sources I’ve read tend to agree it is two weeks before a trucker strike causes food shortages. Hmmm, it’s been a week already. Something has to give.
           The anti-work movement. I casually follow it because that’s a cause I’ve supported from day one. The title is unfortunate because it makes them sound lazy. What they are against is poor job conditions which have seriously deteriorated in my lifetime. However, those who hesitate to form unions are often to blame for their own fates. Anti-work does not mean lazy, it means a rejection of the work structure. I agree, nobody said you should have to work 40 hours a week to survive,, or that the boss owns you, or are jobs that enforce wage slavery.
           Again, I believe the answer is for people to organize to perform only as much work as they want, but it’s a tricky definition. Jobs in the USA should pay enough that it only takes ten or so hours work a week to pay all your rent and bills and such. I was never so broke as the years I had a high-paying job. You never had enough time off to enjoy it.

           The notebook I found is a goldmine for my memory, maybe not so much yours. It details roughly the period March 23 to June 23, 1981. This would be the prime period of my move to the coast plus the era of greatest change for me. I was twenty-something and there was no concept of the Internet. Considering how authorities like to reach back into the past, there are dozens of passages I deem will have to be restricted, but mostly the stuff reads like what a young man would say. Women, sex, good looks, ugly looks, dealing with idiots, and my perpetual themes of music, work, and business.
           I’ll strive to be authentic and accurate. There’s one page of the ratio of the men to women in 29 clubs & pubs in the area north of Seattle. These are posts you should not take verbatim, except for how often I mention the Breakers. I had no idea what a glorious time that was because I was pining over a lost lady and in my life, you bet your ass my type are worth longing over. The notes were also a memory aid and thus contain references to items I’ve totally forgotten.

Last Laugh

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