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Friday, February 4, 2022

February 4, 2022

One year ago today: February 4, 2021, your car on Androids.
Five years ago today: February 4, 2017, I meant planks, not plants.
Nine years ago today: February 4, 2013, we both moved on.
Random years ago today: February 4, 1982, remember the perfect wedding?

           News off the bat, the Dodge van I was looking at was rejected by their mechanic. It went back to auction. I need wheels fierce by the weekend, so let’s head over to the lot for another look. Meanwhile, Trudeau, the Canadian Crime Minister, threatens to bring in the military, a clear sign that his beloved Gestapo chicken out the moment their victims have any power to fight back. Good morning. Time for me to spend a week in Tennessee, if only to visit these banks and agencies that have been giving us the runaround. I don’t care if your staff is off sick, it does not take three weeks to issue a document.
           This photo was taken at 26°F below. Who would go tobogganing in that? Mitch, of course. I never could understand those who like cold, but here is the man himself. He’s bundled up good and those packs on his cheeks are hand warmers. The guy is a snow clown, not a dumb bunny. It is also rumored he is not averse to stoking the furnace with a shot of vodka or two.

           The country is now polarized between those who got the jab and those who will not. The interesting distinction is one group wants to enforce their will, the other wants to be left alone. I have a theory. The liberals in DC have mortgaged all future income streams to the hilt in campaign promises. That means programs like social security cannot any longer be funded out of future taxation. There is only one source of money left that isn’t tapped—the tax-free retirement shelters of the elderly. That spells big trouble. The recent government laws that people must begin withdrawals at 71 and so on is not generating money fast enough.
           There are two ways to get that money faster. One is to get old people into hospitals, diagnose them with COVID (people were catching on about cancer) and bleeding their bank accounts to stay alive, or kill them with ventilators and tax the estates. The other way is slower but more certain. Infect them with slow acting poison calling it a vaccine.
           The snag is, most of the people who got the vaccine were not evenly distributed. By far, it was the gullible Democrat voting base. The people now mostly dying from the vaccine are Democrats and other weak-minded sorts. They’re killing off their own people. Like Trump said, everything woke turns to shit.

Picture of the day.
Lady’s night in Omaha.
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           Here’s the new wheels. Eight miles from here, you see, I still have not in six years met anybody locally who could run me out there to pick it up Agt. R is never to be found when you need a helping hand and nobody else is up to such a complicated task. I’m walking over to the gas station on Pierce until I find somebody going that way.
           I test drove the unit for nearly an hour and found most of what is wrong. The cruise control doesn’t work and despite having new blades, the wipers make a racket. There are small “parking lot” dents and it takes a good crank to fire up when cold, all things I can live with. The more so because I talked them down by $2700. It is a 2011, so it will need care & attention. It’s from a dealership and I had to sign 26 times. Everything from confirmation of odometer reading to a declaration I was aware the vehicle had “foreign parts”.
           A lot of the shuffle was due to their system, they are set up to finance everything. You can buy a car there for $60 per week and I’m sure some people do. You cannot drive off the lot without proof of insurance. I have 30 days to register the vehicle, so we are driving north at the next opportunity. It sure isn’t as luxurious as the Town & country, which I am now stuck with parked in my yard. Good, it provides security.

Last Laugh