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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

February 8, 2022

One year ago today: February 8, 2021, I left the tooth alone.
Five years ago today: February 8, 2017, works on classy ones.
Nine years ago today: February 8, 2013, I’ll believe it when . . .
Random years ago today: February 8, 1982, I don’t do barmaids

           Not as cold as Florida when I left, the dogs and I were out at the lake in the sunshine. Hello from Tennessee, here’s the three old guys, the full version of a cropped photo that went out on emails earlier. The dogs are far less enthusiastic about long walks than just a few years ago and I suppose they could say the same about me.
           The long drive caughtup to me, I’m bagged, although we did make it out to dinner much later. I had some really excellent shrimp at our old favorite spot in Mt. Juliet. You get some local news, then I’’m calling it quits for the day. Jimmy’s house across the way is still vacant, we are looking at another place ($189,000) and still finding lots of quirks with the new van. Like how the interior light is labled “Door” and the body has six impact sensors.

           The dogs went for two walks and I see some of our favorite spots are disappearing. I know there is usualy trouble in Tennessee whenyou have treed areas too close to shopping centers. They seem to systematically cutting them down. Well, today the one by ALDIs is not only gone, it is replaced by a chain link fence topped with contertina wire. I wonder what is with that except that it certainly does get rid of the homeless. It makes the nearby townhouses look like a prison exercise yard.
           What’s this, Biden is handing out free crack pipes to drug users? So they won’t spread the virus by sharing old pipes? That lunatic is toast but he’s doing incredible damage on the way out. The Democrat vote has aways depended on the dregs of society but this is a new low. These Democrat far-left scum will be annihilated in the November elections. Pelosi has been accused of sending police disguised as construction workers to illegally copy documents.

Picture of the day.
Saudi desert irrigation.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I looked with dismay at the leaf fall in the back yard. Instead I exercised my option to drink four cups of coffee. The pets are all trimmer, which is attributed to the extra walks they’ve been getting. Except for Lillie, did I mention she was to the vet and had a small problem corrected, after which she grew to regular cat size. She’s the youngest pet, maybe five years old found as an abandoned kitten out near the culvert on Pike road.
           JeePee, our favorite turtle, has his newly converted rock house, the one you’ve already seem. But he’s entered a dormant mode, probably hibernation, which they don’t really need in captivity. So he can skip years at a time. Not this time, but he will come out to eat. And he’s turned very picky about that. I give him a variety every day to sample. Today, he touched only the blueberries. I do know know from turtle diets, hence the variety when I’m around. I simply do not trust those boxed mixes.

           The above pictures is a still from this video. A lot of my private e-mails have this sort of short video, but by request only. The embedded video below has sound. Speaking of videos, here’s a link to the first female pilot lattemping the first female deck landing of an F-35 and csmashing“$100,000,000 to pieces. If the video does not get censored, listen to the intercom. This broad had plenty of warning.

Video has sound.

           The trucker’s strike in Canada may have reached critical mass. Joining in are farmers and those gigantic mining trucks. They are slow to anger and that clown of a prime minister they’ve got isn’t helping by using the US playbook and declaring all opposition as enemies of the state. We’ve got a far left bunch here that are getting desperate enough to start making stupid mistakes. They sense that the November mid-terms could well be an extinction-level event for them. Biden’s approval ratings are rock bottom, those who still support him must be living in caes.
           What’s standing out most the phase is the number of people dropping down or dead who have had the vax and boosters. Yet there are still those who woud force the vax on others. That’s the second item, the unvaxed. I don’t think there are any real numbers of people wno have not been vaxed who are going to be and that is that. Force them, and you got a fight. Turns out the unvaxed calling themselves “purebloods” just incenses the left. Good, because that could make it become a household term. Lockheed Martin has been chosen to build the rocket that will bring Martian samples back to Earth. But not until the late 2030s. In this needlessly complex project, a rover will lauch the samples into orbit, where yet another spacecraft retrieves them and finally returns to Earth.

Last Laugh