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Monday, March 14, 2022

March 14, 2022

One year ago today: March 14, 2021, two hits per album.
Five years ago today: March 14, 2017, British torture chamber.
Nine years ago today: March 14, 2013, I hate “um & er” videos.
Random years ago today: March 14, 2014, New York City Transit Authority.

           What’s this, the federal crime agencies are rumored to begin calling anti-mask & mandate posters as “domestic enemies”. Now we’ll have to come up with some euphemisms and see what goes viral. I’d intended to get some food stocked up as another supply chain fake is on the way. There is nothing wrong with the delivery system except political interference. And it’s not like nobody noticed Biden let diesel go up to $7 to soak the trucker convoy. An overcast sky and light breeze got me out in the yard. I raked the old garden area and went through a ton of storage nooks looking for my PVC cutter. Can’t find it, and yet I last put it where I felt it could stay permanently. It is the tool I misplace most often.
           It was also an opportunity to locate stuff from the move that I’ve long forgotten where I put it six years ago. I found the missing box of CPVC fittings, but dang, they are mostly 3/4”. This picture, from the blot that dares, shows the thrill one experiences when upon installing new shower curtain brackets, the old rod turns out to be 1/16 of an inch too short.

           I uncovered a misfiled pile of blog material, some of it dated 1984. What did I have to say nearly 40 years ago? I was new at keeping a journal and I recall meeting Elliott about the same time. To this day he still views it as vanity and there is no convincing him that some of the most accurate historical records are diaries, notes, and letters.
           Time is tight just now, but those early pages often contain the then-current form of pictures. I photocopied actual photographs on the copier at work, then physically cut & pasted them onto the pages. It could be interesting across so much time and space. I’ve gone over the material and it is dated from Saturday, June 23 until Monday, October 1. It spans the time when I began my retirement planning and there are things I won’t post, such as my original application for my work visa to Thailand. At the time, I drove 23 miles across the border and got that paperwork in Canada. There are a number of aspects of these journals you don’t see, such as how I know the day of the week without looking it up.

           Time permitting soon, I will post a short video of the extent of these hand-written journal entries. It is 99% writing, home pictures were rare and expensive in 1984. When Kodak dominated the market, photography on the scale of what you see in the blog today was a serious hobby. Back then, I’d even considered my own darkroom, but had not the space. Expect to see page after page of material in my distinct hand which has not changed a bit since 38 years ago.
           One of the three photocopies in the journal shows my travel visa photo. Man, I was a bonny lad back then, no wonder I got more than my own fair share. I’m also lucky since I gradually became more photogenic with age, but I’d have preferred to stay, what’s the word, pulchritudinous. As the Reb says, I now look like an Amish farmer and yeah, I do. Tthis blog prohibits recent close-up photos of anything that can be mis-used by the nefarious. It’s sad in a way but none of the people pictures of us in this blog are a true likeness. But let me check on those visa photos, they are really passport photos and maybe something can be done.

Picture of the day.
Tillamore Dew Irish whiskey factory.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Some dork named Malpass, head of the World Bank, has announced that there is no need for people to hoard food or gasoline. That just doubled the budget for today’s shop, I will hoard coffee, rice, canned meat, canned milk, and peanut butter. The selection of these items may not meet the prepper’s guide, but I do not have unlimited storage space for bulk items like paper goods and hesitate to keep items that I don’t use much. No amount of stockpile will keep you forever, you must use the opportunities that arise to establish some new form of continuity. I chose music last time, and it has been anything but a reliable provider.
           Here is my mockup of the new bathroom faucets. The plastic pipes are in copper fittings to get the right dimensions. For hot and cold you get red and black because that is what was on sale. Due to small clearances, I cannot proceed at this point until I find some workable copper flanges. They will have to fit in the space available and I won’t know what that is until the time comes. I can’t get it wrong as I have to drill through the countertop, which is also custom-fit into that tiny area. I call this design “Redneck enough for ya?” Apt and fitting.

           What’s happening past my property line, out there in the big bad world. Let’s browse the feeds. Did you know my filter applies 135 restrictions? It evolved over the time it took to block the bull. It will need refining more as MicroSoft has just announced their intention to make ads appear directly from you computer, starting with Win 11. Open your word processor and see ads for other MicroSoft products. I repeat I am proud to say I have never purchased a thing from MicroSoft. If they ever make anything that works right and does not lock up, I may reconsider.
           The latest OPEC member to tell Biden to kiss off is Venezuela. What a disgrace, Biden begging foreign dictators for help. The smell blood in the water and the Democrats have lost all credibility, there is simply nobody left to blame but themselves. Kawasaki builds a rideable robotic goat and Ford, taking my advice some say, is shipping vehicles without the chips. Smart move, Ford, never let millennials design out anything that already works. People can live without heated seats.

           Here’s a sight for you, this picture of Switzerland is not sepia. It is full color and that tinge is dust from a massive sandstorm across the Mediterranean in the Sahara desert. See if this link works BBC Spoof. The Russian ambassador has stated Russia’s position is that Trump’s presidency was stolen. (I hope they establish diplomatic relations with Trump.)
           I like this item. Trump had the materials gathered to finish the border wall when the election was stolen. It seems Texas has stepped in and bought the supplies. They intend to finish the wall as a state project. Without the Democrat foot-dragging that plagued the Trump effort, Texas is able to proceed at an astonishing rate. Putin has put a $1,000,000 bounty of Soros, dead or alive. Other states have declared their intentions to begin activating dormant oil wells. Overall, it doesn’t look at all good for Biden.

           I’m locating these links here as today’s addendum because I like to vary the cover page. So this is to give these links some permanence and see how long they last.

[Author's note: This is not a political blog,
but criticism and sarcasm are definitely welcome here.]

As a compromise, here are some links to "politics".

********** Pelosi spoof. **********

********** Woketard goes ballistic. **********

********** Goodbye, Canada. **********

********** How to Steal an Election. **********

********** Canadian racist Nazi terrorists. **********

Last Laugh