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Sunday, March 14, 2021

March 14, 2021

One year ago today: March 14, 2020, Shkreli for President.
Five years ago today: March 14, 2016, NASA sucks.
Nine years ago today: March 14, 2012, 521.43%.
Random years ago today: March 14, 2007, early calendar-style post..

           I was never was a Kinks fan but those guys can write lyrics. I got a slow start this morning listening to the radio, as they say on MeWe, fake news you can trust. It’s like the American political drama has blotted out most of the rest of the planet. There seem no more airplane crashes, wars, tsunamis, or famines. Trump really did a number on these liberals and they know he’s coming back. It’s a week until apple Sunday, a day I used to take random motorcycle trips in the countryside. Now it’s the van or nothing.
           Here it is nicely washed. The radio is another Top 40 program, I don’t even recognize most of the band names. I know that issue gets lots of mention here, allow me to shed some light. It goes beyond that I don’t recognize the music, which could be explained away that I don’t listen on the right frequencies. I refer to hundreds of tunes that were big sellers and I draw a blank.

           I’m more likely to recognize TV theme songs than this music—and I regular drive with the radio on. I’d hear these tunes by fluke, so that’s not the answer. It would mean a nationwide conspiracy of radio stations for 30 years to find a cause out there. What I do know is there are certain characteristics to the music I don’t hear, which I won’t list. But one way to activate my selective hearing is play a boring song that sounds like other boring songs. Just don’t try to tell me I’m the only one.
           Another documentary I’ve been late watching was the Phil Spector trial. He died in prison two months ago and I knew nothing much about him except he produced “River Deep Mountain High” and that his wall of sound technique was an attempt to make music sound okay on AM radio. He was convicted of shooting a 40 year old actress when he was 62, no witnesses but a ton of evidence, while he claimed she committed suicide. I didn’t care for the prosecutions tack on a lot, such as pretty women don’t commit suicide by shooting themselves in the face. But I could not ignore Spector’s reputation of playing with guns.

           I do know he did not get along with Paul McCartney. It’s not commonly known The Beatles did not make the switch from singles to albums instantly. They say Spector saved the flopping “Let It Be” album, which is the work that broke up The Beatles if you ask me. There was too much filler music on it, but it taught McCartney there was big money in such tracks if his name was on the label. In no time you had crap out there like “Live and Let Die” and I never bought another thing in record store until 1980, when I bought a Juice Newton album. By then it was max two real hits per album, not worth the price tag.
           One thing I did not follow was the math. At age 62, Spector got 19 years in prison. He died when he was 81, see what I mean? Anyway, I’m sure the figures are from his two different trials. I don’t track celebrities, but I watch human nature. Possible exception, Taylor.
           I never considered Spector anything but a carnival freak who got lucky in California and I could not help watching Mousey Markle embarrass the Queen, which was probably overdue. I would not mind the royals if they were limited in number to ten or twenty, and the rest had to go get jobs. Ha, have you seen the Democrats blaming the border fiasco on Trump because he caused “pent up demand.” How about that Canoo electric truck with the bubble windshield on top of the front bumper? Get ready for some sincerely grisly head-ons.

           The Mars rover did nothing, but that didn’t stop the NASA click-bait. We shot a laser at Mars, but forgot to tell you it was invisible. Nice people. And watch for the memes on the nearby picture. This "refugee" from the Honduras was just allowed into the USA claiming she and her family were suffering from starvation. Something is going to put a stop to this and it will not be any prettier than this dumbo. Theses people have no job skills, they are trucked to cities around the country and report back to their drug lords, who are holding their relatives hostage back where they dome from. They must commit crimes to pay the debt or the cartel starts cutting off body parts. I wonder where they would start on this broad. Hey, isn't "broad" insulting? She started it with the starvation thing, peeps.

Picture of the day.
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           I’m getting things done around here, but not the parts I wanted. I think summer weather makes me lazy because Florida is mostly summer. This after noon I installed the laundry shed door, running out of fence panels, fixed JeePee’s music box, and did some tidying up around the yard. That’s when I discovered there is a raccoon either visiting or living in the big tree by the chicken coop. I could hear the slight rustling once an hour, thinking it was a squirrel. Nope, do raccoons live in trees or just sleep there, you know, I never knew about that.            The Fubar is gone, just a few of the regulars left, I think. Charla is giving away stuff she doesn’t care to move and the vultures are swooping in. All the furniture and fixtures are sold, but she reports people who never said boo to her before are showing up with low-ball offers. She says I know some of these people because I’ve seen them before, but dear Charla has no idea of my unbridled powers of ignoring people like that.

           JZ is out of action from his virus vaccination. He’ll insist he’s okay when you can see he’s favoring his arm and the site is both swollen and somewhat inflamed. I have labs in Fort Lauderdale this week, so I’ll go check on him. I’ve know this guy over twenty years and he will not ask for help. He’s back with his ex, but she is worse than no help if you ask me. She doesn’t like anything he or I cook but is there for the dinner bell.
           What’s this news that Texas is continuing to build the wall and sending the bill to DC? Sounds like the title of a BitChute post. Or the news that BooHoo, the on-line clothes store has been accused of using regular size models wearing “padding” to sell larger sizes. I saw no complaints about fat women wearing foundation garments to look thinner. Or how about that Oxford study that showed when the US brought in old age security (a direct copy of what Hitler did in Germany), the number of old people dying in America dropped nearly 40% in 1935. We know this for certain because, many of them are still alive and voting Democrat.

           For siesta I finally watched the documentary on that episode in 2015 where the English shipped some wooden boats from London to Cape Town, then by railroad to the Congo, and on to Lake Tanganyika hauled by steam tractors and oxen. The video proves it is a crazy as it sounds, but the British have always been content with a sizeable portion of their own population living in abject poverty while pulling stunts like this. The video presents an heroic effort, but the facts say the expedition had incredible luck. For instance, the last leg of the trip would normally have run into the rainy season and ruined the whole effort. Instead there was an unheard of drought that year.
           The Germans knew something was up, as many Belgians in the Congo had no love for the English or anyone else by the sounds of it. I find it incredulous that the Germans didn’t know about the two boats, but that’s for future people to uncover. Whenever the English win a battle against any European force, there’s some bullshit going on. There’s no denying, however, that the Germans are incredibly bad shots most of the time. Anyway, before pitting his wooden boats against a vastly superior German armored ship, the English flew in some airplanes and won by bombing the home port. The German commander scuttled his remaining ship and it was over.

Last Laugh