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Friday, March 18, 2022

March 18, 2022

One year ago today: March 18, 2021, okra.
Five years ago today: March 18, 2017, I took lessons.
Nine years ago today: March 18, 2013, legal thievery.
Random years ago today: March 18, 2009, burner phones, first mention.

           What a telling event, that agencies are having to educate some Americans that batteries do not “make electricity”. MicroSoft has changed a word in their advertising hoping nobody will notice, their data center will no longer help heat homes, rather it will now help warm them. NASA is finally rolling out (transporting) the Space Launch System (SLS) to the pad. This is the first real space rocket worthy of the name since the Saturn V, a technology they foolishly let rust away. But it not a new or improved rocket. Ten years in the making, the SLS will produce merely 10% more thrust using engines designed for the Shuttle. Instead, politicians shut down the Saturn V production line and lost the know-how.
           Only a fifth of the space program money is spent on missions, the rest is the cost of development. The Saturn V was designed by experts of a caliber that don’t exist today. The Saturn’ J-1 rocket engine generated more power than all of England and France combined, the saying goes. The sound could rattle window panes 65 miles away. One can only wonder what the Saturn would be today if kept in development. All that technology is lost once politicians vote to give the money to single mothers on welfare. (Welfare and NASA both historically get 5% of the US budget each).

           Instead, we get a junk rocket hobbled together from leftover parts. The SLS is little more than a Saturn copy with strap-ons designed for the hated Shuttle. The rumor is this system will barely manage to get out of its own way. Ten years in the making, and the SLS will manage only one flight per year. The Saturn V, designed in five years using slide rules, flew to the Moon 13 times in six years. Since SLS permanently discards the supposedly reusable strap-on rockets, it will soon use up the supply. The Saturn remains the only rocket that has carried humans out of earth orbit.
           Spring break. I have not been near one of these fabled events in years, and lived too far away when I was younger. It’s primarily a binge party for younger people, but I found at similar events like rock concerts, most of them are not my kind of people—unless I’m on stage. That makes a huge difference. But to pile in a car and drive 1,000 miles and rent a hotel or crash was not possible for me until I was no longer college-age. Some cities, like Smyrna Beach, are imposing 11:00PM curfews. Hell, that is the time things are just getting started. As it transpired, I returned to college around age 30 and as old as 35 I was still, shall we say, in circulation with the campus babes. But toward the end, as I advance into senior years, it was rare to meet a gal who made it into computers that far.
           In passing, when I viewed the spring break article, my super AdBlocker stopped a record 151 MicroSoft attempts at intrusion on my computer. It’s a strange, strange era we’ve entered where millennials feel they have a right to intrude. The hillbilly’s dog is smarter than most millennials and I have proof. You know those pop-ups ads on Fox and Youtube? Well, unlike millies, the dog sooner or later learns that begging doesn’t work.

Picture of the day.
Hope & Greenwood candy shop.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           A coupon in the mail. To go see the wonder house. It says $1 off, but it is a millennial coupon that doesn’t say the price. So unless the admission is $1, I ain’t goin’. A pal tells me the price is $20. The same guy says the only interesting feature is the mirror on the third floor where you can see who is at the front door. Still, it’s one of a kind, said to be built by an architect without blueprints, so should I go see it? Most of the original features don’t work, such as the fish pond on the second floor, the underground irrigation system, and the pillars in front hollow to catch rainwater. I just might get more out of it that imagined. This just in, the price is $25.
           The lowest price housing in Polk no longer shows in my saved search. Even the mobile homes are getting pricey. The lowest price liveable house, with land, is in Winter Haven, with a price tag of $95,000. There is a place in Ft. Meade, ugh, who’d want to live there, for $70,000 but this hacked electricity meter shows it was a grow house. As we learned, getting the service restored can cost $3,500 or more.

           The ads reveal an astonishing revelation of what people think they can do with a fixer upper. I lived in my place the whole time, but these ads target people who fantasize they can live in their present house and fix the property on weekends and evenings. Chumps, plus they would not only have the mortgage payments, but the cost of skyrocketing materials. I’ve used all my spare cash on that silo and it took months. This weekend I plan to “store” all the scrap lumber in my yard on the back wall, which right now is only tarpaper. It’s a better plan than it sounds, since much of that lumber is just leaning against the north wall of the new laundry deck, being useless.
           A late afternoon start, with that extra hour of sunlight, found me behind the silo, reinforcing the walls. It was muggy from the fog and like working in a sauna. I am one tired cowboy, but I got the extra studs in place and the tarpaper back up. This is dusty work in a narrow space full of spiders and what-not, but it is done. All that remains for now is the cross-braces, which as I’ve said will clean up all the spare lumber around my yard. That was an exhausting four hours, why I may go out for a cold one. “We” construction workers do that. No pics, I’m not going back there any more than I have to.

           Ever heard of onion pie? It’s sautéed onion slices on a Ritz cracker shell, topped with a mix of eggs, milk, and mozzarella cheese. Sounds vegetarian. Ask me about this later. Meanwhile, how about that Canadian super-sniper in the Ukraine. CNN and cronies would have you believe the Russian armed forces are coerced cowards. Well, they killed Wali (a pseudonym) within 20 minutes after he went after his first enemy that could fight back.
           Wali is the sniper who held the record for a long-distance kill when he offed an Afghani peasant at a little over two miles. In sniper-talk, the average “production” is two kills per day, an expert like Wali can produce ten. Or used to, anyway, until he messed with the Ruskies.

           Blogs. There are 620 million of them, most starting like this one, as personal journals. Since they make up a full third of websites, I’m taking a closer look. We have many topics, the most visited are food blogs, followed by travel blogs. I can see travel, because you never get a straight answer out of agents or advertising. Remember my famous “singles” tour? I was the only truly single person on that great big airplane in 1984. Personal blogs, like this take seventh place, the lowest ranked blogs are religion and politics in that order.
           I read the reviews and find it curious so many sources call this blog “personal development”, although that could be said about anything 40 years long. Myself I’d rate this as a simple daily journal that sometimes is a good source of hard-to-get info, is very anti-idiot, and parallels the book I should write, “Memoirs of a Bass Player”. I shy away from calling it lifestyle because the top 75 such blogs are written by women with one exception, and he’s an Asian “influencer” who talks only about fashions and COVID. This blog does not publish comments, but I get them. The most positive have said “inspiring”, the most negative said “annoying”.

           However, as far as I know, this is the largest personal blog that contains no advertising. As for blogs and websites both, I’m not a big fan of anything sponsored or ad-driven. Here are some of website designs or functions that I like. (Only sites that do not require log-ons.)
1) sounds when you type with your left hand
2) should be required reading for women
3) a color game, rather ingenious
4) post any text for 24 hours
5) a completely useful waste of time
6) when you really need the original release
7) which buttons get to a human fastest
8) where I find audio books, not for everyone
9) those fake movie hacking screens
10) use the browser resize button to play accordion
Last Laugh