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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

March 2, 2022

One year ago today: March 2, 2021, turned them into extremists.
Five years ago today: March 2, 2017, that house remains vacant today.
Nine years ago today: March 2, 2013, the gate has declined steadily.
Random years ago today: March 2, 2005, a calendar post.

           What a pathetic speech from Biden. It’s over folks, 246 days to midterms but these desperados will be doing a lot of damage between now and then. Note how they are “giving” back freedoms they had no right to take in the first place? Even they could not have imagined the mess this guy turned out to be. It’s an embarrassment to America and the only good thing is Kamela would be even worse. (Kamela is not a typo here.) If you see this meme, good. Because I created it on Dr. Meme. Typos, etc. are, of course, intentional. Consider the audience.
           FPGAs. I stayed up late trying to follow the videos, most of which resort to jargon, so I was after the overview. I may download the IDE but the staging is six phases long, a persistent problem with millennial coding. They can’t seem to code more than one layer deep. Witness the Internet logon protocol. Seven layer, I think. That’s the electronics, okay, but they dump it on the consumer. It should be plug & play.

           While it is no longer big news, I tinker with these matters and I think I will build myself a transistor copy of the most gates, I believe they are AND, OR, and NOR. Nothing works better for me learning than building the basics by hand. And I know I have a huge supply of switching transistors around here somewhere. And I finally found out what the reset button was for on flip-flops. Somebody finally bothered to mention it is done before you start to set all the inputs to a known state, normally 0. Now it makes sense.
           Today we get that back yard happening. At least the weeds and leaves will be gone. The morning space is alive with the cardinals and the smaller species should soon have their own feeders away from the flight paths. It’s only fair. And we are moving the birdbath to a location that gets sun only from late morning to late afternoon. A big incinerator episode will follow the cleanup shortly.
           This means more NPR nonsense, as I still have not strung up the exterior antenna to get Boss Hogg. However, I announce the existence of a new political party. While Trump has said he is a Republican, it cannot be lost that those who support him must loathe RINOs. Creating a third party would be blocked by all career politicians, so that was never an option. However, practical matters show that the divide between pro-Trump Republicans and all others shows a wide enough rift to have already created the Patriot Party. As Carlin would have said, I have as much legitimacy as the Pope, just not as many people listen to me.

Picture of the day.
Another athlete vax death. She was 22.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I received 11 replies to my ad for bass playing, but all were Bandmix. They are from too far away, as in Avon Park or Brooksville, or existing full-time bands, which I can no longer cope with physically or time-wise. Viewed but never left a contact message. I shy away from bands bigger than a trio for reasons of experience. They have a high turnover of bass players from having sketchy attitudes toward the role. I recognize a few of the names, people I’ve jammed or auditioned with. My ad specifies a duo and they are definitely not good enough for that—they immediately try to expand the band to flesh out their weak picking.
           Duck any ad that even mentions the words “Christian” or “gospel”. One molecule of that in your band and you will never have another moment’s happiness. I don’t mind raunchy crowds; I’d rather laugh with the sinners. Remember that guitar player Mick? I think that is short for his unusual name, but after viewing these 26 non-responses from BandMix, I called him and left a message. The sooner we audition, the better. I also modified my profile. Instead of a blast of studio-faked covers or bizarre originals, I uploaded two bass tracks and said if you can chord along to these and like what you hear, send me your song list.

           Yeow, I just did some shopping and pricing. It’s a good thing I bought almost all the lumber I needed for this place long ago. Fenceposts have more than doubled. This photo is my dormant peach tree and I don’t care if it is a repeat. It’s actually a picture of the wide gap under the fence, bit enough for a dog to crawl out. Not any more. The back yard did not get raked. Instead, I built a section of fence that completely enclosed the area behind the back yard. It is only accessible now by going through the workshed. Temporary but necessary.

           Cash must have gotten out the other night, as the neighbor lady down the road called the cops. The told the hillbilly he had to give an address where he kept the dog and provide them a photograph of the dog. I don’t know where the hillbilly learned to deal with this situation, but he immediately said he needed 48 hours to confirm he was required by law or by-law to follow that directive. Clever, if it is a legal matter, they didn’t read him his rights, it if is a civil matter, they have chosen sides and are counting on the public not knowing that.
           The hillbilly also somehow learned to avoid being followed, you know, walk around the corner in the wrong direction and sit down, see if a car follows. Listen for car motors to start when he goes outside, walk aimless around a block, then cut through some bushes where a car can’t follow. Stuff like that, he’s fighting fire with fire.

           The thing is, he has to make up his mind. He clandestinely found his way over here and I told him if the police had the authority to seize his dog, they would have done so without telling him to set himself up. They need the address and the photo to go get the dog catcher. The hillbilly has no yard to fence in the dog, nor any way to consistently muzzle him every time he is out. This is why I don’t think people should keep big dogs in the city.
           Later, the news says Cash must be put down or be impounded for ten days, running up a $400 bill for keeping, rabies shot, and insertion of a chip that contains significantly more data about the owner than the pet. Nothing whatsoever odd about the dog-catcher demanding your date of birth, mother’s maiden name, and social security number. We’re talking dog-catcher authority here, folks.

Last Laugh