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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

March 29, 2022

One year ago today: March 29, 2021, they arrested the driver.
Five years ago today: March 29, 2017, my beginning plant woes.
Nine years ago today: March 29, 2013, four tickets is now twenty.
Random years ago today: March 29, 2007, the box, not the food.

           Perfect weather, the morning anyway. Now we know the ideal for Florida is 64°F with 84% humidity. It is a dead calm, and Lady Gaga went bankrupt on her last tour, both of equal impact around here. Here’s a picture of the vehicles in the yard, or the fleet if you like the term. An old boxy 176 year-old shack in Wisconsin has been declared the America’s hottest vacation rental, so there is hope for this joint. And, there is now a set of instructions available so millennial “jetsetters” can conserve money. There is nothing this generation can’t water down.
           Once more the possibility of a summer trip across the Dakotas is on the chart. This is utterly tentative since I’m informed I’m expected to spend part or half the summer in Tennessee. But unless gas goes over $11.87 per gallon, the trip is feasible. Gas won’t go that high for a reason—people can’t afford it, although that is no reason Biden would not try.
           In this country, most people require a vehicle to drive to work. You can run the numbers. If you make $15 per hour and your car gets 20 mpg twice a day, you don’t eat. I would live in the van and visit a lot of Love’s Travel Stops. Wait, let me see if they have them in Wyoming. Yes, there are two, but none in Montana. Did you know Love’s is the 17th largest business in the USA? We’ll see, since I know I’m to Tennessee and back before then at least once, time to focus on the yard and silo. It is only structurally sound, that building. Both inside and out need some finishing.

           Riverview, Florida. There are at least two of them and my records show I once drove through the one near St. Pete. Really? It keeps cropping up on my Bandmix replies despite being well outside my specified 25 mile radius. My preferred trip maxes at 15 miles, but the next Bandmix setting is 10 miles, duh. There are a number of profiles that meet my needs if you don’t mind people whose photos show them to be serious-faced all the time. You can’t judge by that, blah-blah, but I’m referring to stage photos, where presentation counts. The ones who post pictures of their guitars, well, I guess they know that what they look like.
           The CDC now has a rule against publishing stats that compare the vaxed to the non-vaxed. And the vaxed are increasingly looked upon as the very definition of uneducated rabble, the sheeple whose unthinking mass compliance has caused the problems of America today. They can expect no more mercy than they showed those who lost their jobs, died, or were arrested for protesting. That they must now live in daily fear of sudden death, clots, and AIDS is their just desserts for what they tried to inflict on people who just wanted to be left alone. It is only right they suffer more than they caused others to suffer. If the incoming administration denies them health coverage, I would not object and could supply a hundred reasons why. These sheeple supported the denial of unemployment, medicine, and food to the unvaxed.

Picture of the day.
Take a break, play this game.
(Beware, sometimes no return arrow.)
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Alaine’s pet cat passed away. I had an inkling this morning. I put in the time to string up the bird misters, I guess a touch of karma. They are the closest pets I have and I won’t even try to tame them. Both sprinklers are up, one was on the papaya tree because it did not take well to the move. I wonder if papaya really is a tree. Only seven of the eight nozzles worked, the video is not the greatest. The cooking effect is great but comes at the cost of a muggy feeling and things too near the nozzles do get awful wet. (Note the neighbor's farm tractors in the background.)
>           My chore for the day was another shelf in the silo, along the south wall. I finished with the foil insulation and concluded it doesn’t work well unless you go through lengths. The south wall shelving is more fussy, as it has to keep the entry clear and hence that is where I put a series of smaller shelves with space for a desk or work counter if it ever comes to that. The overhead lights are placed so the shelves don’t cast shadows on each other.

           Beyond that, it was small yard work. That part never ends and may be a real determinant of my future health and agility. Ten years ago I could not pick up a shovel. Both marigold trays are now on the swinging planter so their conditions are identical. Regular breaks every two or three hours let me put in a seven-hour day but and easy one. We’re back to early summer weather, that is, a bit too hot for the month.
           Tampa radio was its usual crappy self, starting every news report with something about COVID, which nobody believes any more. I posted a few paragraphs on how there are really two Americas. The patriots who built it and believe in it, such as myself, and the sub-humans ruled by greed who want to steal it all. Since I know this blog will create a contingent of those who will say all I do is brag, I’m about to name-drop. Why not, losers are outraged by any word of success, so they will stew in their own juices with or without your input.
           Now, I’ve long since suspected and provided evidence that this blog has plagiarists, ranging from certain magazines to at least one team of political writers. But the only proof I really have is how quickly they stop it when I call them out. For all I know, Trump reads this. I can now say I have one celebrity who pops in now and again. Liam Neeson. My articles, that is, I doubt he is aware of this blog. But if he is, I’m looking for a sponsor for something pretty lucrative & unique.

Last Laugh