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Sunday, March 27, 2022

March 28, 2022

One year ago today: March 28, 2021, a number of pure facts.
Five years ago today: March 28, 2017, now I dislike laser tools.
Nine years ago today: March 28, 2013, when the Fair had robotics.
Random years ago today: March 28, 2008, when MP3 was play-only.

           Alright! I awoke before dawn with my customary energy (these days I mean) and let’s get some work done today. By 8:00AM I had a pancake breakfast and made up enough rice, spuds, and chocolate-chip muffins (from mix) to last the rest of the week. Dig in, there’s lots. I put in a active day. I tend to not call anything a habit until I’ve got six months history and today is such a time. I eat only until I don’t feet hungry, as opposed to eat until I’m full. It’s a rocky road, the only good news is you find eating almost anything can do the trick. So eat something healthy, I’ve discovered a meal can consist of one can of corn. That’s it. There is one apparent side-effect, but I don’t know if they are related.
           It is instant tiredness. Rather than grow tired gradually, you get a rather sudden energy depletion every three hours more or less. Let’s hope a while from now, we can just reach for a papaya. It’s transplanted but the root system did not look anything like the directions on-line. I had one large tap root and three or for arterial types, let’s hope it takes. The spot a little to near the shed wall was determined the best chance for this tree. The bright and shadow of this late Florida afternoon make the tree hard to see. It is staked and fertilized.

           Ha, Biden got shouted off stage at a Democrat-sponsored event. He tried to lie again about Trump that was met with sustained chants of “quid pro quo” and “fuck Joe Biden. He reputedly tried to have the video removed but the Internet has always moved faster than the libtards. Used car prices continue to climb and we could flip the Civic for twice what we paid. Like this house, though, can’t sell it because you just gotta replace it.
           While the number of houses selling is dropping lower, they are still rising in price. Is it a bubble? Not if you subscribe to bubbles being driven by speculation and people with almost no equity in the houses. Regulations make it harder for people to buy with nothing down and I read these days the average person with a mortgage has $150,000 in equity. That was unheard of in 2006. What may change is the character of housing starts. As lumber prices rise, builders go for big expensive units rather than starter homes. I may soon buy the lumber to finish my place even though I may not get around to it this year.

           The stem on the birdbath has been shortened by half a foot, shown here. I can make it shorter again, now that I have the experience. It is tricky to see, but I’m pointing at four bolts that had to be removed. Then four new bolt holes were drilled, this is not work I am equipped for. The result was some sloppy edges but with enough precision that the assembly worked first try. The plumbing part is still not done but the emerging leaves on the back yard trees and bushes now create a shadowy area to work, far superior to the blazing sunlight of former years.
           I’m half-way through the paperback, “Tear It Down”. It ceases to be all that much of a mystery and I’m not too interested in the hardships of people who escape poverty. Because I did it myself, I know what it takes, and I also know that most people have what it takes but they refuse to apply it. Once the action moves to Memphis, I’m amused again because the hero has the money to stay at the Peabody. We could only afford to eat there.

Picture of the day.
Largest Danish veggie “garden”.
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           Here are the two marigold starter planters. They are outside, hence the bird screens. Raising them inside has not worked before. Regardless of the great Florida climate, the plants were not sufficiently hardened up to take the move outdoors. These are dollar store seeds but so who cares if they don’t take. I have enough potting mix left to see if other flowers will also move to the new back yard. Some of the foil backing is up in the shed, I would like to think of a way to apply it to the roof more easily.
           Otherwise, it’s a two man job, another circumstance that one has to work around these days. There is never anybody around. I cut cardboard strips on the old table saw, which is about all it is good for. These get stapled into the corners of the studs or rafters, and the foil stapled to the strips. It creates a tiny air gap but the results are encouraging.

           My 800 number is set up. Want to call me now? Leave a detailed message. Now my home phone is for outgoing calls only until further notice. It is a bit inconvenient for some, but it was partially their support of the degenerate old system that there is no phone that can be set to accept authorized calls only. This effect, called “tyranny of the minority” is a long-standing issue, whereby a group endorses a bad system to the point it grows large enough to negatively impact the rest. Examples: assigned seating, recording of ID, and bank bullying.
           Why, if you are doing nothing wrong, you won’t mind showing your ID and having it scanned. Yeah, I do mind. The lower orders have real difficulty understanding that process is what is called a police state. Letting them record your ID supports the destruction of the most important right you have—the presumption of innocence.
           What’s this article? Reading, writing, and math requirements “found to be harmful” to students of color? It’s the old “math is racist” crowd up to their old tricks. To them, the concept of a “right answer’ is based in white supremist thought. According to California, right answers do not afford the non-white student the opportunity for “self-reflection”. Having said that, the math most Americans want to hear is, if you have 30 million illegal aliens and you deport 29 million . . .

           That Mexican heather bush in the front yard will not propagate. It seems to grow and likes to grow only in that one spot. Right underneath the phone and electric lines. It must seem like a lot of yard work these days. What’s really up is those are just where the most pictures are taken. Somebody please tell me where that water heater drain pan has disappeared to. It’s too large to be easily misplaced.
           My Bandmix ad remains in the daily active list but no replies. I’ve noticed most males on the site, including myself, are “56 years old”. The last guy was a flake, his demo was all backing tracks but he kind of forgot to say so. But when he insisted on using them, I said no. Then he proceeds to lecture me on how it is done, like I didn’t use backing tracks 50 years ago. In any case, it is best to weed out these people who get into band politics long before they ever hear if you got a sound. His spelling and grammar were also terrible, a sure sign ot the “Johnny B. Goode” syndrome. Best to step aside and let it continue rolling downhill.

           Here is a 2,000 year old woman’s shoe. It was found in a well in Germany, at that time Roman province. I like it, can I get these in 9-1/2”? Let’s see what the U.K. has to say this evening. Sorry, Internet media, but nobody really gives a hoot about union issues over at Amazon. These people chose to work there for peanuts, it’s part of the process of growing up that most millennials seem to require in spades. I read the term MDM today, meaning mis-, dis, and mal-information. It’s easier to say than “Twitter and Google”.
           Many nations are looking at crypto-currencies with an eye to making them instantly taxable on every transaction, including transfers between accounts of the same owner. It took one glance at the code chart for the Indian rupee to see they copied that from somewhere. What’s more intriguing is eCash, the money substitute. It is not issued by the Federal reserve nor subject to the 1976 US ruling that when you put money into a bank, you lose the “expectation of privacy”. A total bullshit law to begin with.
           The term banks and the government use for tracking your bank transactions has an official title, it is called “account-based” money. Every transaction you make on a bank or credit card is recorded and added to your profile. The way I break the link is to withdraw cash and pay for things the right way. You can’t tell a thing about my usage by looking at the statement except that I take out the same amount of cash every Thursday.

Last Laugh