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Friday, April 15, 2022

April 15, 2022

One year ago today: April 15, 2021, remember that “teaming up” bullshit?
Five years ago today: April 15, 2017, more birdie news.
Nine years ago today: April 15, 2013, more than 16 wedges.
Random years ago today: April 15, 2005, the ultimate abuse.

           Seven hits on my Bandmix ad, must be something going on out there, though Bandmix only reports once every two weeks or so. It’s a lazy morning, so I put the mister on early for the birdies. Normally it doesn’t photo well, but I crept out there in the chill and in my ginch to get you this view showing the morning sunlight hitting two of the sprayers. Don’t say I never car about my viewership, or the 60% of it that is left these days. They’ll all be back, this the blog that wouldn’t be the blog without the blog.

Video has sound!

           Rumors out of China say starving people are being welded shut inside their “living units” in Shanghai. The Democrat elite in America must be having wet dreams over that. What’s this, a large group of you-know-whos got together and bought back a controlling interest in Twitter. Not so fast, that is not quite the whole story. You see, the you-knows never fight wars with their own troops or spend their own money unless they have to. While the Melon used his own money, the Vanguard group used investors money. If Melon dumps his shares now, the stock price will plummet. Then he can buy it back twice as hard.

           To give an idea of the mood in America, the top Democrat candidate for state governor held a rally y’day. Ten people showed up, that includes counting the staff. The midterms will be a Democrat extinction event though it is unwise to underestimate desperate people. Techradar’s survey shows that around half of Americans would delete themselves off the Internet if they could. Almost half also said they don’t trust anything on-line and 42% said they fear eventually being hacked. One in six say they wish the Internet did nto exist, and one in twelve don’t use the Internet. There is no classification for people like me who manage a complete separate and conducted presence on-line.
           We’ve seen footage of Iron Dome, the Israeli anti-missle device. It was developed in parallel with Iron Beam. The concept is that some incoming ordinance, like mortar shells and drones don’t warrant an expensive missile, and today’s laser beams aren’t powerful enough to shoot down big targets. News today is that Iron Beam has successful shot down an artillery shell and an anti-tank missile. Makes senses to me, as radar-based systems are more analog than digital in their accuracy and response times.
           I estimate during every middle east war, the Arabs loose around 500 such projectiles per day, which is pretty puny. But if Iron Beam works, it proves those few rounds are enough to cause the Israelis a headache. This weapon’s biggest limitation is lasers don’t work in bad visibility. If you can’t see it in the clouds, neither can the laser.

           That guy I think I jammed with years ago sent his song list and I’m more certain that ever it is that guy who came into a jam at the Fubar, in which case I would have played bass to his strumming several times. Just something familiar, and how his list leans toward Neil Diamond. I would not forget that because Diamond bass lines can be melodic and tricky to play. His song list is extensive, so be mindful of comping. Ten of the tunes are on my active list and many of the others I’ve played at some point in the past. Tunes like “The Boxer” and “Driving’ My Life Away”. Never get you hopes up but if this is that guy from Eagle Lake, that could streamline things.
           It would also mean something else. I kind of suspect he was the one in that band in SW Winter Haven that could not find a bass player for the longest stretch. The ad said rock music and the list he sent does kind of look like a rock list that somebody went over to find country-like tunes. That means watch for the Type A guitarist. The unemployed rocker who claims to play country just enough to get you hooked into learning his song list.
           That’s fine, but I’m mighty downhearted about the band business at this time. Anything is better than not playing, or almost anything. About the only situation I won’t accept is something so guitar-centric that there are not good bass lines. The guy mentioned Sunday, which is Easter, but to me that is just another excellent excuse to hold a rehearsal. It demonstrates ambitiousness.

Picture of the day.
Riverton, Wyoming.
(The city Hillary tried to destroy.)
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Transistors are only one part of a computer’s workings, the bulk of the logic is pushing signals through logic gates. So it’s interesting to see how engineering is adapting to transistors getting so small that their very functioning interferes with this process. I tend to pay attention when Gizmodo posts anything on this subject. Well, Nebraska, a university that went computer-friendly long ago, has come up with something that could challenge the standard operation. They’ve developed an easy way to measure electron spin. Left or right can correspond to 0 or 1, which takes logic down to the sub-atomic level, and I like to read about such although my technical understanding of physics is now approaching 50 years outdated.
           Cambridge U reports it rejuvenated skin cells on a 53 year old woman to the equivalent of 23 years old. It’s probably pure coincidence they did not publish a picture so experts on women’s age such as myself cannot judge for themselves. And CNN admits Biden is the most unpopular President in history, but adding “at this time” as if it’s subject to change.
       Here’s a gif of the spectacular growth of the peach tree. It’s weird if you think like me that leaves and fruit grow on the branches. These leaves easily grow right out the sides of the trunk and limbs. I believe we have one blossom just on the verge.

           LKH, whoever you are, yes I’m sure you play excellent guitar. But Ohio is at least a thousand miles from here. Please read my ad, 25 mile radius preferred. I put in two hours on the silo today, mostly cleaning wood for the exterior And finish bracing the shelves. That new big monitor is too big. It needs 40 inches of clearance. If I install it in the silo, I’ll have to move one of the existing major shelves. Still, it would turn the shed into a semi-habitable space and the way things are going, don’t scoff. The sides and back are only scabbed together with odd pieces, with up to eight inches space between covered only by tarpaper. It’s been weeks since a good supply of pallets has shown up.
           Other than yard and plant work, my job performance this week has been atrocious. The primary benefactor of my labor has been the birds. Most unusual item of the day? Some of the seeds planted y’day have already sprouted, some kind of flower mix called “cosmos”. We’ve been fooled by fast growers before. Oh, and the marigold seeds thrown by the shed are growing just as well as the batch in the planters.

           The Roman A/C ducts are in place, though not in final form. They make a difference, but not very much. If I didn’t say, I calculate the area of pipes shown here would have to be eight times larger to make a comfortable difference. Then again, the experiment is not over. There is no reflecting surface and the pipe have not been painted. Plus they are drawing air randomly into the shed rather than only from the north shady side.
           This may look like a repeat picture from April 9 but the improvements are there. All the pipes are now capped against rain water and varmints and the correct fittings make the array fully operational. All that remains is to make a bracket so the pipes look nice and straight and get equal exposure. That greenish bar across the bottom is to keep the footpath away from the row of plants near the wall. This is where the marigolds just said are cropping up.
           In local news, an illegal alien killed a cop, then shot back a pursuing SWAT team, who opened fire, shooting the immigrant 68 times. When asked by the libtard Tampa media why they shot a poor, undocumented immigrant 68 times, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd replied, “Because that’s all the ammunition we had.”
           The coroner’s report said the immigrant died of natural causes. When the same Tampa type asked how that could be, he was told, “When you get shot 68 times, naturally you gonna die.”

           In a rare comment on today’s picture link, Riverton is still with us. Because Hillary lost the 2016 election. With Obama, Hillary conspired to wipe this city off the map as a warning to other places where almost 100% of ballots case were for Republicans. Despite a history of treaties that establish the city boundarys over 100 years ago, the Federal government under Obama used the EPA to grand the land to the nearby Wind River Indian Reservation.
           The EPA is typical of the Federal Agencies created solely for the purpose of spreading Federal over-reach. The Constitution explicitly forbids the growth of centralized power in this fashion, but that was before the world was burdened by the creeping cancer of communism, always disguising itself as for your “protection”.
           This move would have punished the 10,000 people who live there by forcing them off their land and out of their houses, which they would have been forbidden to sell or give away. I have no news of how the EPA was stopped, but it happened under Trump.

           As for this photo, this is one of three huge agave plants grown from the tiny cuttings in Redlands just over a year ago. They plainly ove the good weather here but are not tolerant of the bad. We get frost and it kills their leaves. I’m searching for prettier plants that will grow as well. That search has gone on for years.

Last Laugh