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Tuesday, April 19, 2022

April 19, 2022

One year ago today: April 19, 2021, he owns an airplane.
Five years ago today: April 19, 2017, five mouse clicks . . .
Nine years ago today: April 19, 2013, the $1.25 was a deal.
Random years ago today: April 19, 2018, politics, money, & music.

           Four hours today, that’s my limit, and I managed to lose my garden trowel. There, I said it, those were the big deals of a day like today. April has always been a nothing month for me. There is not an April in my entire life that stands aout. Tomorrow is the birthday of the greatest statesman of the 20th century and I still don’t have anything to remember about this time of year. I grew up where it was always cold in April, so I never even rode a motorcycle much. Even the news today was blah, something about some reporter in trouble and a fake hit piece that there is a dark Trump organization or something that intends to hunt down his enemies once he’s elected.
           Ha, isn’t that what the Democrats tried first. I remember them announcing they would be going after Trump supporters. When the time came, however, they didn’t dare. They are collectively cowards and only attack those who cannot defend themselves. There, I said it. I also watched a documentary claiming to finally tell the truth about World War II. More garbage, but it is very high-quality garbage, if you know your history. True, Churchill was never “tainted” by compromise with Germany—but that’s because he was bought and paid for in advance.
           Here’s the map I use when checking Tennessee real estate. If you look closely at least five of the counties have no name. One each near Lincoln, Macon, Scott, Roane, and Hawkins. It’s just a dumb mistake, the title was too big so they put it in the next space over. The snag is this map is also used by many real estate ads, where it becomes a frustrating annoyance.

           I watched an interesting video about some cocao bean farmers in the Ivory Coast. They were unaware that it was use to make chocolate. This guy takes a chocolate bar back to the farmers and lets them try a piece. They are somewhat amazed and conclude that the sweetness of the product is “the reason white people are so healthy”. And another documentary on the 5-1/4” floppy. I began using computers so early in life I still have boxes of those around, which I’d like to archive some day. There was a problem so many people had with those floppies that I never personally experienced. It is that there are eight ways to insert the disk and seven of them are wrong.
           The big TV screen is too big for the silo. So let’s put it in the kitchen, where I don’t even have a radio. Or a clock. That seems odd to some, but after I retired, I never bothered to keep a clock in every room, but sometimes I’ll set the clock on the stove. That only lasts until the next power failure. I want an old radio, not a clock radio, for the kitchen. Why? Because two the handiest switches I have are motion sensors. When you enter the bathroom, the oscillating fans start and the news station begins. You can’t to that with a clock radio.

           I spray painted the Roman A/C ducts with all the primer I had around the place, so it is mostly done. I really wanted to get to the rubberized spray, which I cannot apply when the pipes are installed, but I just know will scrape away when I try to mount the pieces. Even the slow pace got me whooped. What say we go shopping on the scooter? Show of hands? Awright, unanimous. We soon discover that the local stores are out of CPVC 90° elbows.
           That drill gauge last week with the 12.5/64ths hole turns out to be such high quality, it rings like bell when tapped, I hung it on the bedroom door as an entrance chime. I can’t find my Nero install disk. This happens when you move stuff around, like when renovating. It was the version that has the best menus, the later versions got progressively worse and would also burn disks that would sometimes not play back on every computer. Losing disks is big news around here.

Picture of the day.
One-inch thick glass.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I planned out more of the back yard, including where to place eight potato plants. The word is out everywhere that the Democrats are attacking the food supply. It’s astonishing that this could happen in America – unless like myself, you saw this coming. They are slaughtering chickens over the same “flu pandemic” excuse, and delaying shipments of grain and fertilizer. It’s a double-whammy. Without the grain, no beef, pork, or ham. And without the fertilizer, no crops next year. The tactic fools nobody, there’s not one of us who believes all of a sudden the trucks and trains quit working all together at this time.
           Blackberries. They grow in a bush, and since I’ve had only a 50% success rate with trees, let’s try something else. Bushes grow where trees don’t, right? And I like blackberries. I got a small bush that it says will bear fruit in two years. That’s something Biden won’t see. He held another rally and, as this photo tells, only 46 people showed up.
           It’s with maximum mistrust I hear these claims that the Swedes have a chip that will store solar energy for 18 years. You plug it in today and come back for it in 2040. I’ll read more on it, but 18 days or even 18 hours would impress me.

           More is coming out like I told with Win 11 is a privacy disaster. MicroSoft pitifully attempts to excuse itself by saying the trouble is an “unofficial upgrade”. See how they’ve got their cult conditioned to accept upgrades as a norm rather than an admission of failure? Another sign of our goober society is the tech feeds. This morning 52% of the headlines were about Netflix. I had no idea how important it was to hundreds of millions, never having used the service myself. Apparently the company left some way people could cheat by sharing a passcode and now are miffed that it happens.
           We are settling in for another cold spell. Warning, central Florida does get them. I’ll use the time to catch up on work, hoping the cool means it is still too early for the summer rains. The way things have been lately, I’m paying attention to the weather. Maybe I should head to Tennessee, I mean, I worked my whole life to be able to get on a vehicle and just go. In 39 days, with this cabin, I pass the point of $50,000 in rent I have not paid.

Last Laugh