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Saturday, April 2, 2022

April 2, 2022

One year ago today: April 2, 2021, my biscuit joiner.
Five years ago today: April 2, 2017, that sandblaster’s still mine
Nine years ago today: April 2, 2013, a busy day.
Random years ago today: April 2, 2005, that’s toaster oven, not microwave.

           This photo is either proof there is life on Mars or a piece of lint that got stuck on one of my slides. I emailed it to CNN as the next mutation, to see if they run with it. To give it creedence, I set my VPN to a mirror in S. Africa. Unable to fire up this morning, I went shopping at Wal*mart and Dollar Tree. This card reader was on sale for $10 so I had to download the microscope, resulting in this mystery for a while. This unit will magnify up to 1200x but I rarely have any need to go beyond the 40x shown here. Did I mention I finally got the camera part to work? It was a matter of download every Barska driver that was not on their “members only” website until one of them worked.
           I was downtown over three hours just picking up supplies, including twelve cans of dog food. About a two day supply for the big guy. Prices have fallen, actually quite a bit but still leaving the things I buy twice what they should cost. Other than push the shopping cart, I had no exertion but I’ll be napping for a bit. Over half my gas budget last month was that trip to Miami. And my minimum budget has risen from $66 to $101 for one month of gas, except on Tennessee months. It now looks like that trip is close to $200 each way.

           Perfect motorcycle weather again, and me with no sidecar. I may be paying the piper for the last few weeks of energy when short nap turned into five hours. And I only got up because a noisy dragonfly got into the room. My emails tell me everybody is at low ebb so if it’s not me, then the season is my suspect. An electric butter dish, is there such a thing? I’ve never heard of one but logic says with the increasing common appearance of Peltier devices, it makes sense. And it is called the Butter Wizard. Rave reviews from the owners on Amazon. No more brick hard chunks or runny half-clarified, but spreadability does not come cheap. At $50 one might hesitate, but not me. This is Florida. I read they no longer make fridges with that butter tray in the door, likely because the damn thing never worked right for most of us.
           Downside. It is not portable as they say, since it has no backup. It has to be plugged in at all time, taking counter space. And it is much larger than a pound of butter. I have the advantage I can plan in advance for its place in the kitchen but a battery unit would make sense. I’m thinking, what if no more crushed toast, ever again? What a boon to breakfast aficionados everywhere. I fall into the “never eats dry toast” category. Now to find one, it’s not something you find at Wal*Mart. They seem more common in the UK and NZ, maybe a climate thing.
           The last forty pages of “Tear It Down” and things have to pick up. It was Civil War gold under the house, but something has to be wrong with it. Heroes are not allowed to get rich in Hollywood. My guess is gold from teeth filings. This book goes on, trying to build an action scene into every section, which gets old. And the days of the “mystery man” are long gone. They’ve got everybody on computer in some form.

           What about these slope-heads who criticize Trump for giving military aid to Israel? It’s true, he forks over the money, but not for the reasons they say. This is not like Germany or the Philippines with billions lost to countries that should be defending themselves. Israel is a bargain, an outpost in the middle of an area that otherwise would be one large semi-unified American-hating land mass. The money to Israel probably does mostly go to keeping a western presence in a part of the world that has been a hell-hole for 1500 years. To give you some idea of what Arabia is worth to the world, if a substitute for oil is ever found, it is expected these tribes will revert to eating camel dung within a couple of years. Billions of dollars poured in and nothing to show for it but western-style showcases.
           There are sources now saying the vaxed and boosted have around three years to live. I know of around ten people total who have been boosted, all due to peer pressure. It would be a pity to lose anyone that way, but how do I feel about the millions of others? Nothing. They thoughtlessly, by compliance, supported and evil regime that tried to force the poison on everyone. Since the danger of the vaccine was apparent almost immediate, they promoted death unto other either by ignorance or social ideology—and should expect about as much mercy in return. I know people who watch CNN and declare they know “both sides of the story”.

Picture of the day.
Victorian ice box.
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           Just in time. See this awkward photo? That’s the two pieces of cull plywood now covering the laundry deck area. Moments after this, the summer afternoon rains began. That’s weeks early this year, and I now have that water tank to protect. Not a moment too soon, yes that small overhang is where the last rafter goes if I ever get around to it now. I can’t find my leftover roll of tarpaper, so this area may get a coating of what I do have- tinfoil insulation. You can see a small corner where I ran out of material. The important areas underneath are high and dry.

           How about that Michigan Trump rally? I get to say I told you so, the statements and focus are getting stronger and tougher in the direction this blog has always held. That liberals only know how to run matters for their own benefit, this is actually their definition of politics, for I’ve seen it around the world everywhere except America. The language is getting raunchier and the crowds love it as much as the left must hate it. The left has a lot invested in shaming people into not speaking their minds. You see, Trump uses profanity only as a figure of speech so the rotten press and corrupt left has trouble isolating each word the way they are used to. Nobody cares any more if Trump uses the F-bomb unless you say how he used it.
           He’s now naming names and calling out the bad people directly and the Democrats know it is getting worse by the rally—but they can’t touch him because he is not running and if they dare go after him as a civilian, it is game over. They have to do something and that could mean the end of Biden one way or another, but it better be soon. They have to create a Democrat power vacuum to call back the Hildebeest. Problem Kamela is in the way. Everything woke turns to shit. Who recalls that Portland moron who set his own shoes on fire? He just got ten years. And Obama, who thought he got away with anything, is now being dragged back into the fray, which he is not dealing with so well in a situation where he has to do something.

           By this evening, I have a tale from the trailer court for you. I was near the old club on 60 so I stopped in for a couple. I intended to do some sketching in my booklet, since first Fridays are paydays and you get the middle-aged parent couples kicking up their heels. The disco-rap crowd pushing 40. I don’t know any of them by sight or by name. So imagine my surprise when I was cheered until I agreed to get on stage and sing some country. A first for me, and two more songs because the ladies in the room insisted. They did not seem like a country crowd but they knew the material. And they plainly knew who I was. Back home by midnight, I’m still unsure what to make of this. Middle-aged housewives are a crowd I avoid because we have so little in common.

           What’s this, the National Traffic people have again mandated an emissions standard. Haven’t we seen this before, California was supposed to be zero emissions by 1990 or some ridiculous thing. Now they want 40 mpg by 2026. These crackheads have been around too long for any good they are doing. This originates in California (where else) and is to be foisted on the public in the form on higher new car prices.

Last Laugh