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Friday, April 1, 2022

April 1, 2022

One year ago today: April 1, 2021, unless you got there first.
Five years ago today: April 1, 2017, terrorists love summit meetings.
Nine years ago today: April 1, 2013, a sweet little company.
Random years ago today: April 1, 1981, my Barbarossa.

           In half the package listed time, we have marigold sprouts. It’s guesswork, alright, but the soil was sterilized and all these wee chutes coming up are identical and in the pattern I spread the seed. So until otherwise, them’s marigolds. It was a blustery warm morning so I had a helping of double-dipped French toast. It will be a nothing morning since I’m still weary. The birds have not taken as quickly to the back yard, it may have something to do with the windows giving reflections. Time for some awnings, y’think? Flower-wise, I’ll keep you posted.
           The news from England is about some guy who got convicted of posting “offensive” material. I deplore laws that have such ambiguity. Any bit of humor is bound t offend someone and they should not be the judge of what is offensive. I believe in England it is the “Communications Act” beneath the troubles. The accuser does not have to define what they find offensive and that is a dangerous situation. I read the post, it says the only good Brit soldier is a dead one. Some could argue he was only stating historical fact.

           What attracted my attention was that he almost immediately deleted the tweet yet the system was able to track him down and put the gears to the lad. It also places power in the courts to decide what is offensive at a time when trust in the system is at an all-time low. Too many weak specimens find any criticism offensive.
           Take note America, the current regime would love to have a similar American law and in many ways behave as if all criticism is automatically offensive. Good morning, I’ve made my first call on my smart phone, so expect me to find out every way I can limit what they will be tracking. I will try to find out how to block every call except the Reb. You never know when I might post something that a complete imbecile of a woketard ass-clown might find offensive.

           I spent two hours going over the lists from a single county in Delaware, there are three counties in the whole state. Once again, the lists were designed by a deranged idiot. Using the d dreaded merge cells feature which cannot be copied and pasted without losing data (even the copied data will disappear, the whole list is a mess. But you have two choices. Format it or go through each cell one at a time and hope you miss nothing. I’ve learned to do the formatting. But I forget how I concatenated cells by values only. It will come to me. I think you copy the whole sheet as values only. That’s the thing about millennials, they don’t know how screwed up they are for rejecting knowledge in favor of popular opinion.
           Bandmix, I never listed that much with them because I’ve never heard of anyone who successfully connected using the service. I’ve never even walked into a room and recognized anybody I’ve seen on that platform. It double-surprised me to spot a pattern in who looks at your profile. Those who are local have an explainable interest but what’s with people from Las Vegas looking repeatedly. Ah, I get it. They, too, know there are wannabes everywhere and are sifted through for something else. Alack, I have no clue what that might be. I’d need $500 per show plus tips and a free hotel to play in a town like that.

           Damn millennials screwed up my 800 number. There are two numbers on the same account, but now I cannot access my private service and it won’t take messages. My old phone number is defunct, but funny thing, the 3G network is still there being used by Boost. Possibly it has to do with the difficulty of tracking 3G phones. They want the private service for themselves.
           The magazine Social Psychology Quarterly says a recent study proves that people like me have a bad attitude toward those living in poverty. How so? Their logic works like this. Since I believe the theory that in America, anybody can get ahead, though I do not think hard work or ethics play as big a role as they used to, but you must work. They say I believe in meritocracy, which I merely agree with in a large way. I merit every scrap of everything I earn or own. Well, the psychology people say that means I look upon the poor as not worthy or that they are poor because, stay with me here, I believe that since they operate under the same rules that were forced upon me, that they are poor because they did not do what merits getting ahead.

           It’s a twisted way of saying those with merit are down on the poor, where except for the taxes I have to pay to feed them, I am quite indifferent, and I am also that way about the rich. I like to be left alone by both extremes. Myself, I say in the majority of cases, when you see a poor person, they are the largest contributor to their own failure. If you look at their lives, they had multiple opportunities, but never followed any up. Worst are they have consistently bad attitudes toward people who do get ahead. They tolerate those born rich, but those who achieve riches in their lifetimes are branded traitors or something.
           You see my bass? My van? My computer? My house? I have those things because I merit them. I worked extra, I worked long, I did without things, and I behaved in the ways that caused that merit, doing things I would never have bothered with had I been born with money. And I see little reason why others could not do the same. I’ve said before I would never work if I had money, so let me add to that I would have made a thousand different decisions over my life.
           It’s atrocious that somebody come along and say I have things because I merit them means I think those who don’t have things are meritless. They are often wrong, stupid, gullible, uneducated, dull, boring, and everything else one would associate with cable TV addiction, but I’ve never said they had no merit. On the contrary, they are getting exactly what they merit.

Picture of the day.
Rangeland grasshopper outbreaks.
(Wyoming, 1944 – 1994)
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           At the expense of my shelving, I got the slats ready for the lawn chair. They have to be fitting one-by-one as the metal on the frames has gotten a bit chewed up over the years. I added a couple inches to the width, no, not for fatter arses, but so there is room to hold a guitar while sitting. Since deck lumber fades well, I opted not to add any weather proofing, which has never worked right for me anyway in Florida.
           Damn millennials screwed up my 800 number. There are two numbers on the same account, but now I cannot access my private service and it won’t take messages. My old phone number is defunct, but funny thing, the 3G network is still there being used by Boost. Possibly it has to do with the difficulty of tracking 3G phones. They want the private service for themselves.

           How is Biden still in office? He’s messed up everything and the lid is coming off the election fraud scandal. People know he’s guilty and the only question is how guilty. They’ve got hundreds of people in jail they can’t charge or let go and they have to steal the next election to have any chance of survival. Even if they get away with it, States are talking cessation. The pendulum is swinging back and gaining speed. A college that slandered a bakery for stopping black shoplifters has been ordered to pay $31 million in damages, which will begin a stampede.
           One thing is certain, the American mood has shifted and the looney left has united the factions against them by sheer idiocy and bad policy. It’s evident they only know how to steal and don’t really have much of an idea how to run a government the way it is supposed to. They appointed morons to high level positions. And the public this time is in an unforgiving mood, they are not forgetting how the left tried to buffalo them when the woketards thought they had the upper hand.
           Trump is up to something. He’s become his own political party and exposed enough RINOs to upset the entire DC establishment, yet he is surprisingly quiet about his intentions. He’s learned not to let the Democrats know in advance what you are planning. I say he’s got something cooking to surprise the hell out of the opposition when the mid-term elections come around. What could it be? The Democrats are outclassed by Trump, they were incensed when they got caught in the last century not even knowing what a tweet was until they had to ban the President. And libtards are always the last to catch on, so what has Trump got up his sleeve?

           If you are a military buff, watch this video on the Switchblade, a rather novel loitering munition whose real danger might be the low price tag. ($5,999.99.) Using off the shelf security camera parts, a Garvin GPS, and an Arduino-like processor, this puppy is mainly used to take out soft targets. It has a big brother for tanks. It is tube-launched but not a rocket. It has a toy airplane motor from a hobby store, hence it can wait around a bit, then strike. And Biden is shipping these to countries we don’t know who is getting them.
           Speculation is some of them will be carried across the Texas border by the influx of terrorists. They will launch enough of an attack for Biden to pre-empt the Democrat disaster heading this way in November. Forget the steal, we are being attacked! They know if they don’t invoke martial law before the mid-terms, they are history. And hopefully so is Disney. They’ve, shall we say, shown their true colors. TMOR, do not believe a single word you read in American media that queers are now accepted in our society. They are grudgingly tolerated in public, but in private they are the most detested sort in the country.            It would have to be a three step operation. Line the Hildebeest up for power. Take out Biden, the only way they can get rid of him and save face. But nobody will accept the horrid Kamela, so she also has to go. Am I right, or am I right?

           This video caught my attention through the open back window, so I watched this guy make his own bricks, but then the next video was about a guy who built a cabin from pallets. This, I have to see. Whaddaya know, except for how he built his own studs from pallet strips, and his peaked roof, his procedure and mine were mostly identical. He also made his own shingled siding, an idea I’ve dallied with. He made his own bed and table and stocked the place with candles and lamps, a good idea. There’s nothing there I could not have made except his clay stove, but what a bother that was.
           This is blog post 6,295. I used to navigate to that lame don’t track your own visits button, but it cancels itself every log-out. Once your readership passes the hundreds of thousands, it makes little difference. Besides, some of the older posts need to be taken down and put up again due to the way Google mucked with the titles. The clicks associated with the original are wiped out, so I figure it is pretty even, give or take 5,000 clicks one way or another. My next milestone is projected toward the end of 2023. But readership has taken a real dive the last few months. I always attribute that to social media. Here’s my latest one-liner. Forty years ago I threw away a boomerang and now I live in constant fear.

Last Laugh