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Thursday, May 12, 2022

May 12, 2022

One year ago today: May 12, 2021, redacted,hard to read.
Five years ago today: May 12, 2017, early silo planning.
Nine years ago today: May 12, 2013, the band that never played.
Random years ago today: May 12, 2012, um, academic breakfast?

           Back in Tenessee one is reminded far more that this place is “closer to DC”. Government restrictions everywhere but they got rid of the mask mandate. However, I still wear one whenever dealing with a civil servant and I met a doozie this morning. It was a work day and first thing I threw my shoulder off a bit at the recycle bin. That is my chore and I have not been around, so there was a van load of material and at the recycle place, the hatches on the bins are six feet off the ground.
           The locals call this hot but it is middling for Florida. I had the doggies in the back. The KIA has the rear A/C nozzles on the ceiling so the dogs have learned where the best spots are and zonked. Gone are the days when they ambled along to everything but I’d best be careful they don’t say the same for me. For the first time in six years we saw another couple walking dogs, so we are no longer the exception. Since I like being different in those ways, I now point out that we are the only ones who walk our dogs cross-country. Keeping to the sidewalks isn’t a real walkie.
           The Reb said to pick up some blueberries on the way. This, folks, is $400 dollars worth of blueberries in Biden’s America.

           That’s how the doggies wound up exploring the motor vehicle office, which is where I ran into one witch of a clerk. You can tell by most people if they are obviously up to something and this one treated everybody that way. When I showed the required two pieces of mail, she squawked. They were two different bank statements, but to her that was not different enough. So I had to go get more mail, a twelve mile found triip. But I noticed she had hit enter on her keyboard. Instantly I said what if I come back when you are at lunch,, thereby finding out witche’’s desk and said let’s start over Good. For the second time, I have a properly registered vehicle containing a mistake anybody could make. And it is their mistake, not mine. This is the rebel in me but then again, what business is it of the goverment whether I have two bank accounts, anyway. If it ain’t in the Constitution, it ain’t their place to even know.

Picture of the day.
Mustang Creek Feed & Seed, TX.
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           Later, this increased “government” nonsense had the Reb & I chatting. I believe the civil service is the control mechanism, and thus even if the Patriots take the mid-terms (which looks likely but watch out), I don’t think the extra government grip is going to loosen. I figure we should be prepared in what ways we can. There are plenty of things we’ve already planned so we don’t have to be as anxious as if we made wrong choices. So time to get to work. The freeze plug on the car, mow the lawn, and get to some music.
           Some rental outfit, not BackRock, bought Jimmy’s house and it sits still vacant. They cut down all the trees, not just the big maple. More than a few neighbors were miffed, as the place now looks out of character on the street. The new owner’s said something to the effect that trees could fall down and crush the roof. Yeah, they did not cut down the much bigger trees on the vacant land next door.

           The Reb observes that I should do a bass solo set and proceed with my act. Her entertainment contacts are a world much more speciaized than mine. Therefore my act is more blended, more balanced she says, to the overall audience cross section. My feeling remains as ever, that I don’t feel up to this sort of solo but I fuly agree, there is only one way to find out. And I have done it successfully before.
           Putin, who blames the upcoming food shortages on the US government, has a record 130 million tons of grain to harvest, more than enough to fill the gaps in any western supply interruption. Texas oasses a law protecting speech by allowing people blocked to sue the blocker. The left goes insane, since they have a right and duty to censor what is “harmful”. And any opposing view is just that. This could be interesting if some Trumper gets censored and gets a huge award. But as usual, no matter what law is passed, some fringe group will abuse it and start some new nonsense.

Last Laugh