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Sunday, May 22, 2022

May 22, 2022

One year ago today: May 22, 2021, I was content.
Five years ago today: May 22, 2017, 306,000 inches.
Nine years ago today: May 22, 2013, her daughter’s mini-skirts.
Random years ago today: May 22, 2010, my first unrehearsed.

           Other than brunch downtown and a three-mile doggie walk at the lake, nothing to report. Here’s a small orange fungus we found in the path, it looks like spaghetti. This picture gives you the size and shape, weird or what? At least I think it is fungus, it is not as fragile as it looks. As can be usual for this blog, a quick Internet search reveals nothing. Orange doesn’t even register as a keyword for this shape. Those are not tendrils, they are loops, like shoelaces. It was a freshly wet morning from heavy overnight rains, so no chance of finding this for a closer look.
           We took a sde trip to Germantown. It was an oddly vacant stretch near downtown Nashville, where property values soared. For some reason, they built block after block of lofts. They are small and overpriced. That’s 500 square feet for $700,000. So it’s not for families to be living and you know, they look like abandoned warehouses. The Reb assures me it is all new construction. Who would build such bland shapes is beyond me. If there is not an upcoming generation of suckers, those become instant tenements.
           The actual Nashville downtown is undergoing more condo-growth and it is not helping the infrastructure. The streets are still narrow and not in a good grid pattern. She tried a shortcut from years ago and we found a maze of new one-way streets instead. The Civic is a larger car than the KIA and thus harder to drive in such conditions. We plan to have the KIA towed tomorrow, they may replace the motor but even so, that makes it a Frankencar. So let’s go on the non-mainstream news feeds and see what is making the rounds.
1. Somebody called Janet Lee wants to go “off-grid”. That’s called running away, Janet, they’ll find you.
2. Responsible white lifestyles is what causes people on the other side of town to commit crimes.
3. Another Jewish woman arrested for painting swastikas in her neighborhood.
4. China is buying huge tracts of Florida farmland.
5. White advocacy is racist, Black advocacy is “promoting a sense of community”.
6. Biden announces baby food airlift from Europe as a “win”.
7. Stay at home and vote by mail to prevent monkeypox.
8. AIDS “research” still gets $35 billion per year.
9. Leftist declare anonymous posting is “cowardice” while threatening to kill posters.
10. Another vaxxed marathon runner bites the dust.
11. Brazil tells the WHO to go jab themselves.
12. Biden calls 87 monkeypox cases worldwide a “cause for concern”.

           [Author's note: a reminder that later the Biden regime was caught posting an old photo of shingles as a recent monkeypox case.]
Picture of the day.
Meat pie (tourtiere).
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Call this a nothing day, albeit a well-deserved one. We drove to Whole Foods for some groceries and I did nothing else. Tomorrow is scheduled for work, that’s close enough for me. I did get some communication from the latest guitar player, he is very keen on duos. He may be over-estimating my ability to sing harmonies, however. His site posts pictures of some very expensive guitars, at least in the sense of fancy scrollwork. If I get my asking price for the Taurus, there will be some quick improvements at the cabin.

           Here’s the Reb and doggies framed by some trees at the lake. The city has cleared out a lot of the underbrush and installed 108 trash cans. The party-goers still leave a mess but the longer the walk, the more away you get from it all. The water levels are high, usually portending a dry summer, say the locals. People who fish say the overnight rain makes the fish lay on the bottom, so no bites. Like golf, I can think of other things to relax than fishing. And I doubt I’m the only one who thinks a lot of golfers and fishers kind of all look and act alike.
           I’m thinking of heading back to the cabin earlier than planned. There is still a chill in the Tennessee air. On the way home we stopped at an art supply store, where I often find neat little tools but not this time. I was stunned by the cost increase for supplies. Here, I’m holding an ordinary paint brush that sells fo $116.66. Nothing special about it I could see. This location was mostly canvas and picture frames, I’m surprised because the first thing I’d do if I was a portrait painter is get good at building my own frames.
           Originally I was going to take the long way home, but if I stay even a few more days, it is another marathon drive through Georgia. Now $75 to tank up, I don’t know how other people manage. I tank up the Reb’s car when I borrow it and last day was $40. This is beyound serious for anybody who works by the hour. The Biden people are talking nonsense, saying that these are all problems Trump promised he’d fix but he failed. It’s odd they still try such tactics in the age of instant communication. I remember years ago when any lie they spread had roughly six weeks lead time before any source could find the facts. That has now shrunk to a matter of hours but there are still plenty of suckers out there.

           There it is, the $116 paint brush. It was well-balanced to the feel, for sure. I’m old fashioned enough to think the talent should be in the hand, not the brush. How hard can painting be when gronks like Churchill and Hitler could do it? Speaking of that, there is an apparent surge of Internet posts that don’t like the influence of certain groups on US policy and administration. They’d best be careful, the stranglehold on the American system is much stronger than it ever was anywhere in the previous 100 years.If I didn’t say, the libtards look they are going to try pushing monkeypox as an election issue. Stay indoors, they say, vote from home. But the charade is already exposed. The pictures they circulated were copied from a medical text showing a case of shingles. The very pace at which the Biden people have to cook up news releases has been working against them for some time now. Somebody has suggested Musk or Trump buy CNN and turn it back into the once-respected news outlet it began as so long ago. Google announces it has A.I. that can rival human thinking, which is probably true for the caliber of people who work at Google, meanwhile their Gmail security has been used to hack millions of Facebook accounts. Sorry, you morons, you can’t have it both ways.

Last Laugh