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Thursday, May 26, 2022

May 26, 2022

One year ago today: May 26, 2021, characteristics of intelligence.
Five years ago today: May 26, 2017, teen music today.
Nine years ago today: May 26, 2013, 10,000 miles by scooter.
Random years ago today: May 26, 2011, the fact is . . .

           So much for a peaceful relaxing time. The dryer did malfunction due to something in the hose. No crimps or blockages, it just did not like the shape. The time to find this out was available because there are so many bastard businesses out there who have a phone, but will not hire anybody to answer it. Read my lips, when my call has been directed to a voicemail answering service, buddy, I hang up. I don’t have time to play telephone tag. I finally drove to a place on near Lebanon Pike and cornered the owner. Here’s the scoop.
           Most frame shops won’t touch vehicles more than (I guess) eight years old due to metal fatigue. Don’t quote me. The guy was familiar with the Taurus and said the fix is to install a new rear axle sub-assembly. That is beyond anything I would even attempt to have done. So it goes on the block for $1400, lowest price drive-away car in this town. Then a nice drive out to Lebanon to find out why one of my accounts was placed dormant. Turns out the situation was resolved by just making a deposit.

           Returning home, we discover not only did dragging the dryer out and straightening the hose cure the problem, the dryer is not getting old. She just didn’t know the hose was causing an early slow-drying problem. Because of this, we had both gotten used to throwing everything in there for an extra ten or twenty minutes. At the bank a clerk and I recognized each other, turns out her husband is a drummer I probably jammed with somewhere. I only remember because of his distivintive name, Rory. But that was in Louisiana twenty years ago or more. Amazingly, she has not aged a day. A real charmer but not my type.
           Which reminds me, Bryne wants to take a break and go camping. He’s overzealous if you ask me, not up to such exertion. He’s had a liver transplant. I advised him to consider driving his Harley out to my place and staying there a few months. He’s near Vero Beach so it would do him good to get back around white girls again. Live in south Florida too long, you can forget they still exist. Real blondes. With lily-whites.

           I haven’t followed the Rittenhouse lawsuits for a while, but something today about another settlement, this one in the $22 million range. Mentioned also was how that horrid Whoopie Goldberg got the boot and something about apologies that must contain specific wording that Rittenhouse isn’t a murderer. That’s letting the media off easy. They should be required to print they were liars and name themselves.
           The country reels at the performance of the police at the recent school shooting. They stood around doing nothing, fearful they might get shot at. They handcuffed and pepper-sprayed parents trying to save their children. The police are cowards on this one, the gunman was subdued when border patrol agents showed up. The mainstream media doctored the photos of the shooter to make him appear white. TMOR, hispanics and latinos are not white, they are classified as such to make crime rates look more balanced. Non-white commit u pto 94% of violent crimes in the USA. As for the on-going investigation of the “insurrection”, nobody worthwhile believes Trump did anything wrong.
           And if disrespect for the authorities isn’t enough, this school shooter, an 18 year old, had two $3,000 rifles, $2,000 in body armor, and drove up in a $70,000 truck. This must seem outrageous to people around the world, but the fact is these things happen because this is a free country with no special forces in place to stop the police or politicians from this sort of behavior.

Picture of the day.
Stetson U Dorm rapist.
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           I discovered a credit card is needed to list a car for sale on CL, the only really well-known spot to advertised such things any more. They don’t say it directly but there is no other way they accept payment. These millennials are too clever for words. My DVD playing computer crapped out on me again, it must be a memory card problem and I can’t repair that here. So instead, I took the doggies on an extended walk. Something is amiss with the older little doggie, Sam, the one about to turn 14. He is acting like a puppy again in too many ways. Plus at times he seems deaf and short-sighted. We’ve been pals for 6 years and I fear his time is near. I’ve been wrong very often on that, so let’s hope for the best.
           Protonmail, which I have used since I can’t remember, is now becoming just “Proton”. It is aiming to become Google without the invasion of privacy. I ready today they have 70 million users, I believe when I established my account it was around 40,000 people. I would remind people that no e-mail is secure unless both ends of the transmission are using encryption. For reasons unknown, this fact is rarely made clear by those who market VPNs, encrytion, and security apps. And even then, be sure to purge your files twice a month, because e-mail is stored on a server, not on your computer. Need something permanent? Copy and paste your email, then delete the original.

           In another amazing bit of millennial bullshit, I continually meet “power users” who cannot describe or teach what they claim to have mastered. I’ve met people who work at the phone store who cannot show me how to disable unwanted features on my device. I’ve met those who derive their income on-line but have no idea how to send a picture as an e-mail attachement. To me, that is the equivalent of my day, where I met people who wanted to write down a phone number in their own house who had to spend five minutes scribbling to find a pen that works and had to tear off a corner of old newspaper for something to write on.
           There’s your proof that spending 60 hours a week on-line has no bearing on how much these people know about how the cyberworld actually works. They have no actual clue how the thing works. It kind of parallels how they drive cars and vote. And on that note, the investigations into the Trump-Russia hoax have, as the saying goes, proven the only parties who had nothing to do with the collusion are Trump and Russia.

           I watched a sidebar chat of a millennial going on about how ill-done-by they were as a group. My conclusion is they will never understand the world does not see it that way. The fact is, they were handed and incredibly rich platter by the Boomers. All they had to do was, like every previous American generation, invent a few new things, make a few discoveries, and be creative. Instead they failed miserably and degenerated into a whining rabble who excel mostly at blaming others.
           Mind you, I see a few conguencies. White nations educate their young differently, so every generation sees a portion of their best trying to fix things in their own favor. That’s why we get a turnover at the top. But for the hipsters and millies, where are their best? Where are their innovators? Where are their movers and shakers? So I kept reading as the chat kept ramping up. I do think the average Boomer worked much harder than the average millennial. One never sees hard-working sweating teams of millennials doing physical labor, something some of even the richest Boomers had to do when young. I’m not going to say hard work builds character, but it puts a lot of other matters into perspective.

           I’ve piled lumber and cribbed basements and I see no reason that millennials need to be spared from such occupations. They say it no longer pays, but it did not pay in my day either. Instead, they accuse Boomers of greed and avarice, while at the same time trying to squirm out of their own debts, demanding $15 per hour for grunt work, and screaming special treatment for every freak show they attach themselves to.
           What really gets me is their priping they inherited a hopeless situation. Nonsense. One look tells you they have opportunities, tools, education, supplies, and resources on a scale that was barely imaginable in my day. Scroll through any college website for page after page of scholarships, bursaries, and free rides. That doesn’t tell the whole story and I’m not saying it does. But the college I went to had 111 offerings for 9,900 students, a fifth of what you get today. And the ones in my college definitely could and did exclude of the basis of religion, national origin, and mostly were not available to poor white students.who were expected to “work their way through”.
           I’m make you a deal. I’ll report it here the next time I see a millennial working so hard he has sweat is pouring through his shirt and dripping from his brow, stinging his eyes.

Last Laugh