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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

May 25, 2022

One year ago today: May 25, 2021, Zoom sucks.
Five years ago today: May 25, 2017, remember mitnicking?
Nine years ago today: May 25, 2013, dynamics, that’s why.
Random years ago today: May 25, 2008, first names are fine.

           I’m no closer to home than a week ago. The new dryer has been replaced with the old one. And we did it in less than half a morning. Forget not that I was never built for this kind of work and pulled both my shoulders—which sounds bad but it is actually okay. It resets things in a way and relieves a permanent stress from my old injury until gravity takes over.This is the condition I’m left in from therapy, who remembers Big Loretta? My shoulder blades do. She found her calling.
           This is heavy labor for me, getting the new dryer down the stairs and the old one back up. I know what is wrong so if it fits in the van, I may take it back for repair and sale. Other than taking the dogs on three long walks, the remainder of the day was as quiet as any I can remember. I ran through some bass lines using my newest material. I’m still unable to find the new DR strings for my five-string. That’s the bass I drilled out two pounds of surplus weight. It takes getting used to. I played a four-string since I was 12, with one ten-year gap age 21 to 32, when I met the Reb. The rest of the time I was working and in school to catch up.

           You know that tale from the trailer court. By the time I got my degree, everyone my own age had the same degree plus ten years experience. What saved me was they were, demographically, over the hill without ever having reached the top of it. Within nine years, most of them were either fired or working for a living while I retired in comfort. But that’s another book not written.
           This photo is a color chart from the art supply store. I mistook it for a periodic table. Later, the dryer isn’t crying indicating the hose is somehow block or crimped, likely while putting it back in place. I don’t leave here until all these wee issues are resolved. Feel free to drop over and give a hand.

Picture of the day.
Inishmore Island
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           Tomorrow I drop in to the auto frame place that says they can correct most damage for $500. Calling does not help because you get a Gen XYZer on the phone who gives you customer service instead of straight answers. Bring the car in, says the numbskull, like you are not phoning so you don’t have to do that in case they can’t fix your make and model. The Reb & I canceled movie plans and took the doggies for another long walk, which has a sad side story.
           The neighbor lady has two dogs, one medium, one small. But she never walks them other than a quick poop break in the far back yard. She works a late shift, so gets home just before noon and goes to sleep. Same lady had the fat daughter move back home who doesn’t walk herself, much less the dogs. I’m not being critical overall, this situation is very common in America. Hence the dogs are cooped up all day and the most exercise they get is barking at passersby from the window.

           They are lovely pets, Oreo and the dog with three legs, I forget. I am the only male she will approach. Teh Reb & I have toyed with the idea of taking them on our walks, but you know how quickly that would become an obligation. Still, it is sad as those doggies are now getting fat and old, quite the destiny.

Last Laugh