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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

May 26, 2021

One year ago today: May 26, 2020, a murky vocabulary.
Five years ago today: May 26, 2016, a generic day.
Nine years ago today: May 26, 2012, gear, and idle time.
Random years ago today: May 26, 2019, The Wait.

           How about those journalists in Gaza, whining their Internet access has been cut off. Seventeen of them and they can’t figure out a workaround, that’s about right for that bunch. A hundred years ago their excuse would be the phones were down or the telegraph didn’t work. What kind of self-respecting operator puts all his eggs in the Internet basket that has been censoring political view for the past four years? These people need to go lick door knobs.
           The pistachio trees are growing wild all over my yard, so I’ve decided to put them to use. They have huge shady leaves and I noticed if you top them at around eight feet up, they eventually grow sideways outward. Let’s see if I can train them to grow across to each other and form a shady canopy. There’s never enough shade in Florida. These trees are quite easy to trim and clip.

           Ha, did you see Old Joe unable to read his own notes? The liberals trying the angle that a vote for Trump is a vote not for the Republicans. At least not for the old Republican party they came to know and love. For letting them get away with all kinds of shenanigans. As a requirement of the modules I’m watching, I logged on to a Zoom meeting this morning. My god, you’d think these things would reveal to people how friggen boring they are. Instead, these disgusting milliennials just lower the bar and call it the new standard. I fell asleep several times before I killed it.
           I admit , I suffered this morning for moving all those cement blocks. It was minor aches but they are new and a big signal. That I should have an extra coffee and get some research done. Here’s something, a survey-research list of characteristics of intelligent people. Sure, I’ll step through them and see if I have any.
1) Play music a musical instrument.
2) Eldest siblings are smartest.
3) Are in better physical shape.
4) Are cat-owners.
5) Left-handed.
6) Are tall.
7) Naturally curious.
8) Began reading early.
9) Have raised anxiety.
10) Sense of humor.
11) Disorganized.
12) Don’t believe in luck.
13) Were breast-fed.
14) Stay up late.
15) Viewed as lazy.
16) Ability to focus.
17) Silent type.
18) Admit when wrong.
19) Love challenges.
20) Hang with other smart people.
21) Perfectionists.
22) Self-questioning.
23) Listen to news.
24) Have several projects.
25) Don’t think they are smart.
26) Use fewer electronics.
27) Love facts.
28) Highly empathetic.
29) Internet savvy.
           What a load of bunk, you could be reading a horoscope. It’s more a dumb-bastard wish list and the vocabulary is consistent with that. I mean, do you know any really smart left-handed people? The list is self-contradictory, I mean if you say people are disorganized and yet can have several projects on the go, you are on the outside looking in, dude. Other items have paint-thin explanations, like how thinking looks lazy to the lower orders. Theresa thinks I “play” on the computer. Shit like that.

Picture of the day.
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           I had to drive to Auburndale, a waste of time. This gives me an afternoon to work on the shed roof. I was there until after dark and got half of the smaller unit done. Please, no windstorms for another day, because tomorrow I will be in Auburndale getting the compressor and taking the van in. The job is done right, with flashing and 38 fasteners per panel. I’ve got the sheds built, but don’t dare put anything in there until I have regulation watertight roofing. Leaks have always been a problem and I’ve resorted to roofing over all the gaps until the sheds run together. Enough to give the inspector a conniption.
           The new fire pit is the regulation ten feet from anything combustible and twenty from any major structures, but I decided to double the height anyway. It’s now the size of a small incinerator, looking much more solid than it really is. It will take pieces up to three feet long. That, you might say, cuts down on all the cutting down. It is so tempting to put in a grill asap, as the camphor logs reduce to a beauty of a coal bed for up to 80 minutes. (There is no camphor aroma, but the color shows a blue tinge that they make movies about.)

           I didn’t get the compressor, I have to return before 8:00AM tomorrow. This area, anyway, is allowing double-wide trailers to be hauled on the freeways, photo nearby. I got caught behind one moving seventeen miles per hour. Here’s the sight as it blocks 1-1/2 lanes, and in Florida, you do not want a ticket using the shoulder to pass. I was on the way to pick up the compressor, so this leg of the trip took 40 minutes. And they turned onto the tiny side road I needed to get to the dealership. I will say, blocking the road or not, that was one nearly incredible driver they had.
           My question is not how long before they begin allowing those half-sections they usually tow but now this wide? My question is how do they know precisely when I would get stuck just a few car-lengths behind them while my A/C was on the kibosh on a day when it was 95°F out here. How do they know? If it is just Murphy’s Law, explain how they get the timing so right? Murphy said at the worst time, but this situation requires supernatural feck-up skills.

           All this activity cuts into my solo guitar time. It’s a crossroads I’ve met many times, I have enough material. But my old bass habits are tough customers. I would have to use a music stand and lyric sheets, things I’ve always viewed dimly. Well, I mean when people use them as a habit, that’s what I don’t care for. I would strive to learn the material for the reason that only then can you devote attention to how the audience is reacting. Musicians may not care, but to “we entertainers”, the importance is paramount. Did I just use “paramount” in a sentence? Hand me another Ying-Ling.

           I found an explanation for a certain amount of miscategorized posts. It does not really apply to the situations I don’t like, such as mobile homes without the land advertised as real estate. This time it is books, when you do a search on topic A and get results way off the subject. It is bottom-feeding, but for a reason I did not know until now as I figured it was random. Nope, it has to do with search rankings. If I write a book on dogs and post it in some obscure section, it may begin to show as a bestseller in that category.
           To a trained programmer, this is an error. A creator with brains would have barriers against such misplacements as well as a method for the reader to flag this abuse. As I’ve said, in C+ code this becomes an almost impossible task. It’s smarter but not cheaper to dump the whole system and start over. The modules have another defect, they are designed for people who totally trust the Internet, Google, Facebook, and any spyware that comes along. I’ll need time, but I’m setting up a complete different computer only for this program.

           CNN and the mainsteam media in general is dying. Today’s polls show a 70% loss of their viewers. Ouch. The whole Democrat extremist ideology is a massive fail. They have sunk to an embarrassing insanity as their agendas collapse. It’s bizarre to watch them chase policies that few citizens agree with. If they don’t shut down the new media now, they’re in trouble. They are lucky the elections are not held tomorrow. This is so much fun, I wonder if anyone is watching the weather report.
           And if youTube pop-up and banner ads are not annoying enough, guess who just bought MGM movie studios for eight and a half billion? Amazon. Get ready for a whole new level of intrusive modes pushing free merch. Laxatives, fat pills, grammarly, they even kind of go together. Hey, millies, and how great is that! And don’t forget Mental Health Action Day, or they’ll kill you.

Last Laugh