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Saturday, May 28, 2022

May 28, 2022

One year ago today: May 28, 2021, some Airbnb backlash.
Five years ago today: May 28, 2017, remember the Jag & I band?
Nine years ago today: May 28, 2013, it was forty, pal.
Random years ago today: May 28, 2016, I went for 30 tons.

           You bet I forgot it is Memorial Day, but don’t misinterpret that. I am an isolationist of the highest degree attainable. America should have sealed its borders to all but skilled northern Europeans since 1960 and demonstated to the world what could be achieved by a common culture of hard and honest work. Spare me the narrative of who fought for my freedom since Congress has not declared war in my lifetime. Those who fought may be as noble as you desire, but I’m not sure the true principle of freedom is best served by unquestioning obedience to orders.
           I went over the lawnmower again and there are parts missing that I don’t know. Leave it until next time. I crawled behind the dryer and shortened the hose. It is now impossible to slide it in or out unless you crawl in behind it, which is how I discovered it is not a laundry, but a hall closet. Strange is this place indeed, considering it is owned by a building contractor. He also installed the outlets and dryer ports on the floor, making it necessary to move them for any real maintenance. It’s done and being tested as we speak. Please. I don’t want to climb back there again.

           Here’s Sam by the flowerbed this morning before breakfast. Half-blind or not, the tyke knows when his picture is being taken. Seems I know more and more of that personality type [in women] as I get older. Let’s look at some “tech” sites to see what’s considered part of that category these days. Don’t expect any inventions or discoveries, that’s not how the upcoming American mindset works. Just the parts I find interesting. An inventory has sued the patent office because it would not recognize A.I. inventions. To me, A.I. is just another tool and that should not prevent its owner from securing protection rights.
           How about A.I. to produce images from text? The concept is that instead of paying for stock pics or a photographer, the application (I don’t like that word in reference to A.I.) scans the Internet to assemble a picture and from what I hear it is easier than it sounds. I predict the next step would be to have a custom picture for each user who has been profiled. Biden, for example, would get nothing but cartoons. And software programmed in the UK to select the brightest and best students of the world for student visas consistently lists no black Africans.. The software people insist their criteria is accurate and there is nothing in their data that is flawed or that intentionally excludes anyone. Nor are they willing to adjust their algorithms to favor those who complain, [who are] mostly Nigerians.

           [Author’s note: the last paragraph demonstrates a principle my long-term readers—that I will form opinions based on what is known that later change when facts emerge. It’s somewhat different that ordinary human nature in that forming an opinion is not the same as making up my mind. Stay with me, this is leading to something. I read the news reports on the patents, not the patents themselves. The articles hint but do not say he tried to patent the inventions in the name of A.I.rather than himself. That’s where both the article and I could have been more clear.
           You see, if the guy did try to register a patent to software, this is a big deal—meaning it was wrong for the article to imply the guy was wrong and crazy, meaning the article was written with a component of evil toward the man. And, if I was to be clear, I would have read the other side of the story, but my intent was that the man should have received some type of patent protection, not just a quick “go to Hell” from the patent office, as the article implies. So there. However, I didn’t bring you this far for nothing. The “magazine” site that the Reb suggested has a free space with a few features.
           She would not normally go for that, instead opening for an account that has an API. This makes sense because she is at the height of her working career, where I am retired and have trained myself to commit to as little as possible. Hence, the situation I’ve described, knowlingly making decisions on partial facts is great magazine material—but only if you knowingly know a little more than anyone likely to read such a magazine. After all, why else would they buy the magazine. That’s all.]

Picture of the day.
Russian tree cover.
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           It looks poor for the politicians on the left. The score is now Trump 100 wins, 2 undecided, and 6 losses under very suspicious circumstances. Six narrow wins all in districts with drop boxes with thousands of people noticing every time the Republican pulled ahead, his count stopped while the Democrats moved up. Next is a serious challenge to that Liz Cheney woman who it seems everybody hates but somehow keeps her job. Robinhood, the fake stockbroker, has essenntailly gotten away with cheating their clients. The woes of driverless cars increase with the complexity of the code and now one blocked a firetruck, albeit for just 25 seconds, but it’s symptomatic.
           The highly variable situation here means I may stick around longer once more. I’m caught up in fifty things here, which is a new thing compared to not that long ago. Good example would be the Taurus. Back in Florida, it’s take it or leave it chum. Here, there is tempation to use it to haul the doggies around. They love cars more than vans and it has been so noticed. Originally, I looked after the doggies while she was away, we did not visit for weeks at a time. I didn’t have to adapt so much but this is nothing compared to what I know others go through. They don’t allow for enough private time. Here, you can have all you want. She’s off to a church gig tomorrow, so the boys and I will have the better part of the day. Maybe the lake?

           If I stay, it can be one week max. I got some supplies for the Taurus station wagon that make it possible to drive about while waiting for a buyer. I purchased a case of starter fluid for Lem, the mechanic, now that I know how important that is. The Reb wanted to practice, so I took a trip up to Hickory, where I stopped in to see the Sisters Wade Revival. Except I got it wrong, they did not start at 9:00PM as I waltzed in, but had just finished. My interest is in the way such girl bands present material. It has proven a wonderful source of music adaptable to bass solos. That’s what I worked on four hours tonight. I’m sticking my neck out, musically, but that’s never stopped me. Bass solo is only the biggest, riskiest move, that’s all.
           Part of driving the car to the lake tomorrow will be for pictures. I’ll explain. The car is 25 years old and I get inquiries to tow it for parts. They don’t read the whole ad and presume it is a clunker. I’ll prove it is driveable with pictures at the lake with today’s newspaper headlines. Long weekend or not, I’ve had eight inquiries. By and large, people are stupid and lazy, but one of them must have the $1,500 in cash. That’s not much money today. I regularly look at the paychecks Amazon employees post on line. I don’t see why so many of them have so many problems. These people spend much less a ratio of their pay get to and from work than I did. I had to maintain a car at an apartment within driving distance. The car alone cost $3,000 a year to drive to work (gas, insurance, repairs), a small fortune at the time. And double that for a convenient apartment.

Last Laugh