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Wednesday, May 4, 2022

May 4, 2022

One year ago today: May 4, 2021, a “businesswoman”.
Five years ago today: May 4, 2017, New Yorkers, 99% quitters.
Nine years ago today: May 4, 2013, 42 diodes, 7 resistors.
Random years ago today: May 4, 2007, a 144 year supply.

           That Florida summer saps you to nothing and it isn’t even started much. I have the bird bath operating but all this is heading for a massive afternoon siesta. I took the van in for new tires costing more than 10% what I paid for the van. It’s a good thing I got it so cheap. I shopped around and all price quotes were within $9. That’s what I mean when I say the Internet has made the world flat again. Do you think I’ll ever “tire” of saying that?
           I dropped off the van and went to work on the NYT crossword Their 11:00AM didn’t show so I was in next and done in 22 minutes. I’d planned for delay which is the only time in Florida things go well. If you don’t plan, they got you, if you do, the system hates you.

           Look at those zinnias. These are in the potted plant with the same soil mix as anywhere else, but they are ten times the size of any of their cousins, all planted at the same time. They get the brightest sunlight except for the window boxes, but grow like this after just a few days. I’ll do some experimenting tomorrow but my aim is to fix the van interior for camping as soon as early next week. I wonder which of these plants will survive by the time I return. The next best crop is over by the silo, but they got to four inches high and stopped.
           It’s not every plant that won’t grow, it’s the flowers and I happen to like flowers the best. Here’s that tiny agave shoot again, now the size of a barrel. These are not friendly plants, they are cactus and that’s not my idea of a friendly yard. This one is standing more than four feet high at the center, notice the discolored lower leaves from frost damage.

           Who is Divvy? I’m getting junk mail from them and the offer is mighty strange. They say if you put away $444 per month for three years, well, let me back up and hopefully I get this right. Okay, you fill out an application and if they approve, they buy the house for you and you move right away. Essentially it is rent to own, but they ask you to put away a little more each month until you’ve worked up a down payment, at which point they “sell” you the house.
           It’s a decent idea but the numbers, as presented, don’t add up. True, you are losing everything you pay in rent, and the amount you extra you pay can be adjusted, but still. The amount you pay them for rent includes an amount you are “saving” for that down payment.. they been positively reviewed by Time and Forbes. Their website is little help, but there are a lot of independent positive reviews.

           Following the Mars missions, the Marscopter has now been in operation for a year. Originally designed for five flights, to date it has flown 27. The copter has not discovered anything, so it is now being used to look ahead for the rover, finding paths that can be navigated safely. Last month, this allowed the rover, Perseverance, to roll over a thousand feet in one day. We need drones that can map out hundreds of miles of the surface, rather than a few thousand square yards, or nothing will be discovered in my lifetime except by accident.
           Reusable booster rockets are a neat idea, until you consider the cost of recovering the spent units. The unpredictability of where it falls means it is done over the ocean. That costs money. A company called rocket lab has successfully snagged one in mid-air with a helicopter. The booster deploys parachutes to slow it to 20 mph and a helicopter then grabs the parachute lines. They said it worked well and in the future may use a balloon to hold the booster still.

Picture of the day.
Nigerian fashion model.
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           What’s happening in the big bad world? Much the same, good Americans like Trump, bad ones support Biden, who has completely lost his cognitive abilities. The constant vaccine broadcasts are gone, replaced by anything that the left thinks will distract people from the economy. Alas, it isn’t working like it did even ten years ago. That’s what I mean when I say the Democrats missed the Internet boat. Where before they could use their mainstream media to blast something into prominence. Then it would fix in the minds of enough people to become their reality. Nowadays, however, this tactic is countered by almost instant scrutiny by the opposition and the Democrats have been caught too many times.
           Now they are trying the abortion angle to stir things up. Nobody is paying real attention to the Ukraine so they needed something. The issue is big, but abortion is not something at directly affects enough people to impact the upcoming Democrat turkey shoot. No media outlet is pushing the angle, but I stand by my original position that Trump stepped down because he realized he was up against millions of entrenched liberals and it would be just another four years of fending off hoaxes and impeachments. A better plan was to let America get a dose of what the Democrats were up to. Maybe not precisely as I describe but it certainly has worked.

           All the traditional Democrat minorities are dropping support even in the polls cooked to favor the left. Trump learned their dirty tricks but his masterstroke was not running for president. The campaign finance laws the Democrats have put in place were meant to cripple opposition using taxpayer dollars. But as long as Trump doesn’t run for office he can hold all the rallies and take all the money he can get—and that is causing huge problems for the left-wingers.
           You see, the left doesn’t use tax money to run the country, but to overpower any rivals. We’ve seen them spend a million dollars to get some flunky elected in Nowheresville. The left seems to know exactly how much the other candidate has to spend and they can crush him. Problem, Trump is about to make that tactic incredibly expensive. His endorsement alone caused Democrats to waste millions running smear campaigns in Ohio and they still lose every contested seat. Worse for the left, they won solidly with numbers that foreshadow a Democrat slaughter in the mid-terms.

           If that isn’t bad enough for them, Trump has not yet had to dip into his war chest. But when he does, the Democrat tactic of trying to outspend him at even two to one, much less the usual ten to one, becomes prohibitive. There is some talk Trump is endorsing the wrong people, but no matter what their label, they are being installed in the very key positions the Democrats have dominated for decades. If you ask me, I say it is only beginning.
           And that;s where this lovely picture of my peach tree comes in. Look at those lovely leaes. But no peach flowers yet. Just the one that started a week back, then sat there. My records show this was the time of year the last batch of peach blossoms were underway. So, maybe like the Trump plan, things will take a little longer and then it’s bumper crop time. Don’t forget, the 22 to 0 win in Ohio is only part of the story. Trumps total score for 2022 so far is 55 to 0.

           So I’m backing out of my parking spot when I see this lady from Dollar Tree throwing out a whole tray of Twinkies. They are out of date, she said. Like most Americans, I thought that near-food product was indestructible. Turns out that’s a bad rap. It’s still junk food. I looked up the specs and actually, it is a very perishable snack with a shelf life of only one week. After that it goes to Dollar Tree for one more week, then into the dumpster. The reputation as junk food, she says is unfair, that they do spoil quickly.
           I’ve only ever eaten one package. I found them distastefully sweet, so I pulled up the ingredients. Hmmm, mostly what you’d find in ordinary donuts. Nothing out of the ordinary, mostly wheat, sugar, and the fats you shouldn’t eat anyway. But the rest is just packaging, sweeteners, and colors, none of the poisons you’d expect from a product that we thought had a 100 year shelf-life. Still, I would not eat this product unless I was starving, but if I was, it is not at all that bad a choice.

Last Laugh