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Tuesday, May 3, 2022

April 3, 2022

One year ago today: May 3, 2021, consecutive serial numbers.
Five years ago today: May 3, 2017, I won that bet.
Nine years ago today: May 3, 2013, my early ROM design.
Random years ago today: May 3, 2008, practicing for retirement.

           Have you ever heard of Mark Felton? He does video documentaries and quite well except for one factor. While he does great research and presentation, he has fallen prey to the propaganda and often narrates matters with a them-bad-we-good tinge with no basis in reality. He’ll do a documentary on German weapons, but never one on US soldiers shooting down Germans trying to surrender at war’s end. And he vilifies outfits like the SS who, when the crap is stripped away, were not different than elite US units like the Rangers.
           Anyway, while the van was in the shop, I caught several of his posts, including the last WWII U-boat design. These were upgraded Type XXIIIs, built after the war as Type 209, used mainly for training. But they were definitely U-Boats and I guess one wound up in the Falklands War of 1982. Yet some more Pakistanis in the news, the Twitter gang and now something with the Supreme Court. I warned the Americas about letting these people in 40 years ago. I’ve been there and they are not like us right down to the DNA level. But, I was a lonely, lonely voice. Who recalls the Switchblade 300 weapon I reviewed not long ago? I’m expecting some bad news, since dozens of them have disappeared in the Ukraine.

           My latest crop of flowers has passed the five-week point and same as ever. Great start, then they kind of stop growing. Except for a few spots, like the marigolds I put in their own pot, which they will soon outgrow, all of the species get three or four inches high, then stay that way. Later tomorrow, I may try transplanting them to bigger containers, a stage I never got to before. The birdbath dripper is a winner, so that’s mild compensation.
           And this is a photo of a fifty-year-old water tap. I think I’ll dismantle it just to see. I stopped in a the music shop to find my bass strings still on back-order. They report some of their shipments are five months behind. Talk about an artificial shortage. Five days behind is the American standard wait. I also saw a Belgian bass, a semi-acoustic that may have a built in amplifier. But the ads don’t specify. It’s called a Safran, and lacks a price tag. They don’t differentiate between a bass with an amp built in, or one with the now standard internal pickup with volume controls.

Picture of the day.
Waylon Jennings water tower.
(Littlefield, TX)
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           The latest guitar player tryouts turned out to nothing but the usual time-wasters. We got us a Type A and a Type B1. That’s the rocker who knows 2 country riffs and thinks that can fool all us know-nothing bass players. One azzclown even tried to pass off a Telecaster with an “acoustic simulator”, although the Boss A-3(?) sounds okay. I’m just leery of allowing such a device for the problems it will surely cause with the wrong guitar player.
           I’m again fed up with these liars and posers. Most this time are Type B2, their concept of joining a band is handing you their song list and waiting for you to learn it. One hint that they should learn anything sends them packing.

           The cruise control has a problem, but the horn is working. It was a fuse, which miffs me because that is the first thing I tried. Must be some trick to it. Then I find out not many places will work on cruise control, and a spare key for the KIA runs around $80. That’s typical of how America has degenerated. A chip is worth maybe a few cents. It should not have caused the slightest price increase.
           Not much new today, but I’ve decided to try using some of the soil from near the laundry deck. It has been in the shade for fifty years and has a darker color, like more humus or something. This afternoons picture shows I’m not up against just my own incompetence at making repairs. When I drove into town to buy a special screwdriver, the entire section was missing. See the sign? Aisle 4. Empty. Florida really makes you wonder.

           It finally had to happen, the government attacks VPN providers. It’s begun in India, pretty much a non-democracy, and contains all the elements to track down opponents of the state or system, including reaching into the past. I double-advised against VPNs, first because the system should have been designed with them included automatically so the technology could have evolved by now to be impenetrable. And secondly, the need to pay via credit card for a VPN is a concept that reveals how innately stupid the wired generation are when the lights come on. This move won’t affect us because we use the only system that works.

Last Laugh