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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

June 1, 2022

One year ago today: June 1, 2021, I support NOYB.
Five years ago today: June 1, 2017, toy wooden pistol.
Nine years ago today: June 1, 2013, I’m the youngest forever.
Random years ago today: June 1, 2007, weird Canadian laws.

           As hot as Florida, the only thing on the map is a look at that 22” lawnmower. Me and the dogs, with JeePee in the back yard lying in his water dish. This mower failed the pretest, the usual check-out that determines if the unit is worth salvaging. The vote was to continue as a learning experience. I got the spark plug out and it was nasty but still good. I don’t have any vise grips in Tennessee, so I’m stuck not testing a few things and from sealing off uncooperative gas lines. The Reb is out of town all day so me and the boys are busy fomenting rebellion and sleeping, roughly in equal propotions, with nobody keeping score.
           Remember DeLorean, the Irish car company that went under after only 9,000 units. You may ask why I don’t call it the “Back To The Future” car. I’ve never seent he movie or the TV series, whatever it is, that’s why. They’ve back, this time with an EV (electric vehicle). And about to discover they are much easier to fantasize about than build. The Alpha5 has all the hallmarks. No wait, I did see the movie. I just did not like a lot of people mistake it for anything special.
           Hours later, after going downtown for some non-ethanol gas, I have the air cleaner off and the inner parts spray cleaned, but not yet removed. The real gas is only available in 87 octane, so I learned that. A guy called back about the Taurus, so it will likely sell tomorrow for $800. That’s my new air conditioner back in Florida and possibly a new table saw—the one I’ve wanted for years now. You see, the old one almost works most of the time, so I put up with it.

           The news feed is active inside as I stop hourly to cool down. Seems the Minister of Basic Education said for blacks, education is “actually not our thing”. June is portrayed as “Gay Pride” month by the media, mostly for overseas consumption. The reality is gays and queers steer well clear of most situations unless their victims are children or corporate employees who know they are being watched. More like queer joke month, we always get some of the finest annual humor during this season. TMOR nobody likes or associates with queers in this country except mostly other queers and people with some kind of weak point to prove. My view on queers is equal, but separate.
           Canada’s largest fast-food chain, a donut shop called Tim Horton’s, was caught using its phone app to track people. This is illegal, but same as America, money talks and Horton’s faces not fines or penalties. Just a stern warning to quit, which they might, for a while. The app detects when the phone is moving and tracks location every four minutes or so, even when the app is turned off.
           Look at that, our own penicillin supply. What you see when you don’t have your time-lapse camera. The Reb like her lemon juice but these organic brands don’t last. Here’ what you get when you buy one too many. I read this blue-green mold is penicillin but I also read that name also applies to the shape of the cells, which might have no medical meaning. I’m keeping this one overnight to see what happens. The entire mold away from sunlight and I’m curious how important that is to this fungus.

           What else is rotten? This Amber Heard woman. There’s a big uproar that she lost because her opponebt was too likeable. Naw, she lied and exaggerated things too much and thereby lost credibility. Sorry, ladies, a sob story isn’t enough any more, you have to come up with facts and other real evidence. Even supposing there was a basis for Heard’s claims, she went overboard building them up and got caught at it.
           Not only am I not buying this “chip shortage” crappola, my recently-found understanding of how the chips operate tells me this is more of a wake-up call. There were things wrong with the industry, largely due to lack of standards and compatibility. Search an on-line chip site and it is not uncommon to get back 30 pages of chips and a bewildering stack of datasheets. Other than price and quality, the only real differences are often the pin arrangments, meaning they can’t be interchanged on most circuit boards.

Picture of the day.
Portuguese stone house.
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           By late afternoon I had the entire regimen I’ve learned and the mower will not start. This is the spark plug which was fouled a bit but otherwise looks good. The carburetor on this model is not version of the smaller same brand. This seems attached to the mower casing and used screws instead of bolts. Rather than mess with that, I’ll wait until Lem can take a look. I bought just enough marine gas to test a few items and any left is coming back to Florida with me.
           A couple ladies called about the car and I quickly told them no. I’ll ask if they know how to check the water level, if not this isn’t the vehicle for them. I know when you are broke the temptation to find a cheap car that runs but those days in America may be long over. You do not get a carefree vehicle for a thousand bucks. The questions asked back show that vehicle sale fraud is a problem in Tennessee. I’ve assured several people all the documents are in order. Funny, nobody was that leery before integration and diversity.

           I dug out the “Last of the Mohicans” DVD and settle in with the boys around 7:30PM. I never followed that story even when it was new, but the depiction of historically accurate firearms got my attention. The dogs are not used to the downstairs with movies playing, so I get all the piece and quiet I like. Cats too, they will dig in their claws if they are not regularly patted. The dogs won’t eat when the Reb is away, so I called for instructions. Put the food out late and leave it. I can do that.
           How about race-based grading, now in Chicago schools. The reason they say, is standard grading procedures cause inequities. Will the new policy address math, science, or reading? None of those, instead, blacks will no longer be docked for bad behavior, skipping class, or not turning in assignments. Asians and whites get nothing under the “new” system. In Chicago, only 1/4 of the students can read by eighth grade and most of those are whites. The Democrats set a big egg factory on fire overnight. Everybody knows the Democrats are behind the attack on the food supply.

           Two hours later off and on I’m watching this Mohican movie and it doesn’t make sense. Well, if you were paying attention to who is Huron and who is Arapaho I suppose. The opening credits said 1757, so the British were still using volley fire into the forest, which is about as dumb as it gets. The entire idea of muskets was they could kill enemies with hand weapons at a longer range than they could hit back. The Indians ducked till the bullets whistled by and closed in. Fortunately, there was a party of blue-eyed English-speaking local friendlies nearby, which is usually the case this early in the movie.
           By 10:00PM this movie is crawling along and I recognize small parts of it. That’s usually a consequence of a TV playing on the wall during my gigs, since I don’t know any of the sound track. Here’s another view of the mower with the carburetor exposed. As far as I know, this is the extent to which I would attempt any type of repair on these things. Beyond this involves ordering parts. Show here are all the tools needed for removing parts, this is very light work other than lifting the mower. If I knew where to buy a new spark plug, I’d give that a try. If it is the magnetic system, that I don’t care to bother with.

           My calendar shows the amount of time spent in Tennessee makes this a second residence—and the center of any future finances. It’s much easier to do business in Tennessee though I could not point out exactly why that is. Less paperwork, better atmosphere, and an economny that does fluctuate with the tourist season. But my house and tools and place I will wind up is in Florida unless I win the lottery. I did by a ticket for Tennessee Cash, but to prove I was here for other purposes. I got one number out of five, no prize for that. So here I am and my flowerbeds back in Florida probably overgrown again.
           The up side is that I’m ahead on my budget. Here, I don’t buy much except food and that’s only because vegan doesn’t fill me up. Thus, we regularly dine out a few times a week and I’ve asked the Reb to choose some place extra special this weekend, some place we have not been before. Tennessee is always an adventure but it isn’t home for me. This is a rental and my house is paid for, which makes most of these stays and visits possible.
           The news is housing is becoming unaffordable to most people and the average rent in America is now $2,000 per month. The average income to pay that rent, when matched up, is $51,000. That puts your average person out there in the same position I started out with at age 21, where I worked more than half the month to pay the rent. I also know when you save what you can on rent, you wind up having less than optimum types of neighbors. You can smile that I stayed so long in that trailer court, but I only had neighbors for around half the year, and they all spoke a foreign language. I want to go home this weekend and back to my routine. So I hope the Reb chooses some place really nice since I haven’t told her yet.

           How about loot boxes? Europe wants to regulated them, but in America they are open season for the stupid and I would leave them alone. Those who want to use the computer for games should be allowed to do so. I’d curb what they could sell to children if I thought that would work, but such age restrictions never work right. I’m informed just now some readers are not familiar with loot boxes. Many on-line games sell packages of features to help win video games, but are called loot boxes because the contents are not known until after purchase. It’s a slimeball practice which I shrug off because the slimeballs are using it on each other.
           Video games are the type of grey area that often arises in the American system. The providers want full protection of the law but strive to not be labeled as existed systems which they would find restrictive. Thus, a video game is not a pinball or a computer or a gambling machine or anything that is already regulated, meaning if it does become regulated, it demands a whole new body of law.
           Hidden way down here where the Reb is least likely to see, I hit a bird on the way home last evening. It was dead of night but I went back to see if it was only injured. Alas, these birds are fragile creatures. I put it on the rock by the driveway and it was gone by morning. So sad.

Last Laugh