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Tuesday, June 1, 2021

June 1, 2021

One year ago today: June 1, 2020, the home-grown bastards.
Five years ago today: June 1, 2016, batbike pose.
Nine years ago today: June 1, 2012, 37 years so far . . .
Random years ago today: June 1, 2018, the Boeing announcement.

           Cookie ban terror, a concept making headlines in Europe. This is where on-line operators make it difficult and confusing to opt out of tracking cookies. Austria leads the NOYB (none of your business) faction in demanding a simple yes/no choice for the consumer. Good idea. If you can’t run your piddly-ass website without all that skullduggery tracking, then we don’t want you even around. This morning, in a couple hours when they open, I’m driving to the shop for a new A/C expansion valve. I would have thought that is the first thing the would have checked when I first went in on April 2.
           By mid-morning, the bad news. It isn’t the valve, but a slow leak in the rear compartment A/C. Too small to be detected with dye, it shows as a small dark patch on this scope thing. Repair estimate in $622. That would mean I’ve sunk $1,000 into a $2,000 van—but look at the finished product. The van turned out to be just what I needed, as it has already hauled materials to this cabin that got me working again on a daily basis. I’m considering the repair, although it is not a given that will solve the problem.

           One thing that gets my goat is the way A/C lines are designed to be non-repairable. The logical move would be to pinch off the rear A/C which never got used anyway, and it is a cargo area with no seats. But the nature of the lines is they cannot be plugged, or so I’ve just been told. I do not accept I am the only person who’s had this car trouble. You can cut them, they said, and braise them shut, which is taking a chance. No shop will do this work for you. Chrysler, it is shit like this why you lost your place in line.            By now, you’ve figured out what the picture is. Yep,
custom made rear A/C line block plugs designed to do what they just said can’t be done. Do it yourself and save $567, that is, if you have some way to get under the van to reach the lines. You undo the factory couplings and these fit over the lines, twist-tight. I had two pro shops this morning say no way; I wonder if I should even tell them about this. The part comes with a training video that looks exactly like what I saw on the van two hours ago.

           We need another term, once more something derogatory. It’s for AOLs that post “solutions” on line that are specific to their own equipment. These are idiots, or they would know that the other guy wants to fix his problem, not yours. There’s always “worm” or “dipshit”, but I seek something more computer-esque. The world never did adopt my sure-fire method of what to enter into text boxes and they made a mess of it.

           [Author’s note: my method utilized the square bracket thingees beside the letter P key. They are otherwise mostly useless, so use them to encase verbatim strings. Here’s an example. [“Enter name.”] would mean you type everything between the marks, including the quotation marks, space, and period.] But they’d rather waste money than take advice from anyone born before 1991.]

Picture of the day.
Rolls-Royce “Silent Shadow” EV.
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           The hard part. That’s the impression I get from on-line business plans, including publishing. Every job has some part nobody likes to do, so the format is to devise a business plan that does the easy bits and sell the rest. Keep telling people there is hard work involved because that is the challenge these plans don’t tackle. Face it, if the plan made money when put in place, the last thing they’d do is announce it on-line. There isn’t enough money to go around, if you find something of that nature, you keep it a secret. That’s why they keep telling you the business takes a lot of hard work—by getting you to do it. Fortunately, I happen to like writing.

           Research found me on the computer for half the day, where I’m exposed to Internet news. These Democrats are finished. They make up their mind about something and then seem unable to adapt when conditions change. Like they way they hyped up last year that Trump was not going to leave peacefully. They needed that scenario. When he said keep your stolen election and walked out, they had to orchestrate something fast. The best they came up with was trying to turn the protest on January 6 into an “insurrection”, which fools nobody who doesn’t want to be fooled.
           Now it, and seemingly everything they do is coming back to bite them. The border fiasco, inflation, broken promises, their own people saying they’ve had enough. They’ve alienated the military. The world watches as thousands of productive people flee the Democrat states, leaving the dregs behind. Enter a new term, "Leftugees". Don't overlook this, it means four million people so far have cleared out of cesspools like New York, Delaware, and California. The claims by CNN that these are woke people moving to red states to turn them purple is a farce. These are staunch patriotic Republicans and a major shift in voting power.
           How about that situation in England. The politicians letting in hundreds of "boat wankers" against the will of the people. We know about illegals here, but nobody gets across the English Channel without help from the inside. It's disgusting to watch navy and government patrol boats ferrying these healthy, military age people with their cell phones and credit cards, and releasing them into the heart of conservative population centers. There will be hell to pay.

           Another descent into anarchy as the US plans to regulate crypto-currency. The globalists would like few things better than to label all cash-like transactions as “shadow-banking” and ban it. Few Americans are aware of how dangerous electronic cash is, or what position they would be in if they were cut off even for a day. It can happen, and it will happen. Most people won’t give a twit until their electric car delivers them to the FEMA camp for routine interrogation. Do I have anything against electric cars?
           No, not the concept. But I have definite warnings about the type of people who will be creating the control systems. You don’t know who they are, who they really work for, you don’t know their family, their motives, or even their names. You can trust them any time you want, but I don’t. Not after what we’ve seen them do with cell phones. The big warning signal is EVs are not a trend resulting from public demand. It is, if you’ll excuse the pun, being driven by the car companies. And we know how ethical that bunch has been.

           Several companies are pursuing methods to confuse facial recognition. It’s a chimera, as what software creates, other software can put asunder. To keep the public on top of things, I will now translate Twitters newest three categories of misinformation.

                      Level 1 Get the latest: you are stupider than the staff at Twitter.
                      Level 2 Stay informed: the wimps at Twitter are having a sissy-fit.
                      Level 3 Misleading: it’s the gawdawful truth and Twitter can’t handle it.

           A final note for today in technology. The UN, that trustworthy lot, has announced that last March, there was an “autonomous drone attack”. As with the Democrat’s “directed energy” attack, it likely means they don’t have a clue what happened. But it brings up the more serious factor of where the stupid used to blame computers, they are now blaming artificial intelligence. See the pattern. And my yet-to-be-named rule applies here. That with C+ coding, no software can ever rise above the intelligence level of its creator. And that should scare the shivering daylights out of you.

Last Laugh