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Thursday, June 2, 2022

June 2, 2022

One year ago today: June 2, 2021, protesting 101.
Five years ago today: June 2, 2017, 20,000 molecules.
Nine years ago today: June 2, 2013, 60 songs.
Random years ago today: June 2, 2015, back to Win XP.

           Today is my graduation test. My lawnmower mentor cam by early, he has a relative that needs help. The parts arrived, so he left them on the workbench. We all know this scenario doesn’t happen often enough, so le me get that mower moving. Good morning. An overnight thunderstorm had the dogs trembling, I wonder how they reacted in the wild? A glance around shows everything is soaked. The Reb must have stayed over in Franklin, the direction this storm came from. There, that uses up all my pre-coffee logic, see you later.
           The kitchen is wired and as the coffee brews I can hear this insane black lady cooking up some narratives to support Biden. I had to look. Sure enough, it is that new black wierdo that replaced the old white wierdo as the press spokesperson. You know, the one that was supposed to assist the President, not replace his appearances altogether. What a disaster but also what a great example in the sense that it shakes the image the media has built up about America worldwide. People out there now know for sure something is haywire.Here’s the tune-up kit for the mower. Included spark plug, air filter and a much nicer carburetor than the factory issue. I did not get around to this, I was content to simply identify all the parts and know what they were for. If only people were that easy to work with.

           Seeling the car meant dealing with people who get themselves into ruts—then expect you are going to crawl in there with them to do business. Examples today would be I don’t go to Tennessee State and I’ve never been there. I don’t live anywhere near it either, but I can tell you exactly where it is. I don’t know where half the towns are, but I could point you in that direction. It seems to me people who want to buy a car should have some rough idea of where they are located and maybe a clue how far it is. No fair saying it is just me because I’m not the one that gets into jams over it. I finally told the guy to Uber his way to the parking lot of Shooters and we’ll do the deal, for crying out loud.
           That “easy way out” routine extends to other things, like have you ever asked anybody to look something up on-line because you can’t find it? That’s how you find the true definition of computer illiteracy. II have yet to meet a person that does not believe they are better than you are at looking things up. They are ten years younger than you so they know more about search algorithms than you do, but they are really using trial and error. Often, they are such amateurs at it that when you finally say time’s up, they are insulted. What an unclear paragraph, sorry, no time to clean it up.
           A variation on that theme is when they want something looked up and you begin with techniques they’ve never seen before. They conclude you are wrong and don’t know what you are doing. Have you had that one happen to you yet? No? Then you are not dealing with millennials as much as I have to. How many more times will I make the mistake of thinking something simple and easy to look up will be so for somebody else because they “use” a computer ten hours a day. That’s kind of like your Class of 2012. They will assure you they are expert driviers and drive every day but never ask them to replace a thermostat unless you totally love blank stares. To coin a phrase from the Supreme Court wannabe lady, “I’m a driver, not a mechanic.”

           So, it took six tries to sell the car. The guy that finally came up with the dough was from Colorado, attending school here. As always, the bus schedule and class times don’t match so he just needs something that will get him to his lectures for a couple semesters. Hell, this car, once he finds that minor leak, will take him all the say back to Colorado after he graduates. I wound up selling the car for $800, which is $700 more than I would have got before I fixed that plug. The buyer is fully aware of the leak and the toe-in problem. I was sad to see that car go.

Picture of the day.
Cella Bar, Portugal.
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           The procedure exhausted me, except for the energy required to drop over to Shooters. I needed this break, the main purpose of this trip was to sell that car. What I mean is down time, I don’t allow for it in Tennessee. Well, this made up for it, I was there three hours and a lot of it on the phone with JZ. Ha-ha, I’ve stolen a march on him again with the lawn mowers. It’s not a big leap, he says, to fixing chain saws. Maybe we’ll see. Even if I can, he’s more likely to want to use a saw than sell it. When is he going to admit he’s not 35 any more? Probably around the same time I do the same. We meant to talk business but as soon as I told him about the carburetors, the convo stayed focused on that.
           We also got to talking women. He is never going to find a nice girl in Miami. They exist, but in frightfully short supply. And even the remotely good-looking ones are on-line the day they turn 18. Here’s a picture of that Kardashian woman that JZ finds attractive. I fully understand why men who don’t get a lot think that is pretty but this broad does nothing for me. She’d be around 40 now (I guess) and is beyond desperate to keep her looks. To me that is not aided by the black stripe down the middle of her hair. Again, I see what many men would like about this dame, but I’d walk right past her in a club. I think she looks freaky.

           Bandmix, and my on-going drive to find a working musical situation. I remember seeing a talented lady playing drums in a manner very compatible with bass solo. So I checked bandmix to find in the entire central area of Florida near Winter Haven, there is only one advertising female percussionist. I’d check her out except in her profile she includes the word “Christian”, which always spells trouble.. They can be antsy about playing in an ordinary pub, why it is the road to perdition. I dunno, I’ve played in pubs for close to 4 decades and I’m still in one piece.
           I’ve asked the Reb to choose something special for the weekend. We tend to always have great times but I’d like to go some place that entertains us, you know what I mean? It’s that we don’t need external input for fun, but it would be nice for a change. We’ve been out to the Sunflower, the vegan place near Briley, a few times this trip. There must be something along those lines [in Nashville] but more upscale. It was odd the last time we were tat the Sunflower, in that the place had quite a few good-looking women all around. Most restaurants these days you would not say that about the clientele. I thought it was great, because attractive people pay far less attention to what people around them are doing and that suits me fine.
           Here’s something for my detractors to chew on. These pretty older women show a pattern. I don’t define pretty, but think sensible and toned down. As I say this, remember the Reb has been gorgeous her whole life so may not even have noticed, but I at least notice. All these great-looking women were there with, I dunno, boyfriends, husbands, whatever. It struck me how the menfolk were some of the blandest, plain, and dumpy sorts you’ll find. Is it that hard for these women to find a man who shows a little refinement? I’d wear a tie if the Reb would let me. You see, to me these type of outings are a reward that cannot be repeated. So guys, lose the ball cap.

           We have a family of rabbits, third generation, and one of them likes the front lawn. A nervy fellow, hopefully much faster than the canine population. I further take note that Rittenhouse is considering suing Zuckerberg for defamation. Rumor is a settlement of $1 billion is not far-fetched. That is a thousand million dollars. How about we take a look at a random site for what is big in the millennieal world, the first generation of Americans who have never invented a goddam thing. The winner is Engadget and here are their “tech” offerings.
wireless headphones
smart lights
compact kitchen gear
air fryer tricks
best gaming devices for highschoolers
work at home
travel gear for graduates
Yes folks, it’s time to cull the herd.

Last Laugh