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Friday, June 10, 2022

June 10, 2022

One year ago today: June 10, 2021, audiobooks – fun without profit.
Five years ago today: June 10, 2017, Smithsonian goes bad.
Nine years ago today: June 10, 2013, a monstrosity.
Random years ago today: June 10, 2009, the thing about cobbling.

           Most of the morning over in Winter Haven means I was caught in the first summer monsoon. They have not yet received my order for bass strings. That two months and they say some orders are now five months behind. There is no supply chain crisis, there is a crisis of people refusing to cooperate at some point in the process, causing all these delays. My thinking says it is the Green New Deal people forcing their agenda on us. The music store just received notice this week that Shure, the microphone people, will not be shipping anything until 2023. There’s not one among us who does not know this is contrived, but keeping us divided is part of the strategy.
           I see now that the prototype bass will be built when I build it. The people I talked with earlier at the music store have so far not lifted a finger. Their initial response was probably curiosity rather than enthusiasm. We are no stranger to that. I picked up a set of light “acoustic bass” strings for now, which go on the five-string bass. They are a copper-bronze color, which will stand out against the black finish. Twenty-eight bucks a set of four.
           The Reb & I did some recording with this bass, just amateur clips, and while the sound is okay, the corrosion attacks the fingertips. These strings are purported to be immune. Unlike guitar strings, a bass set can last easily twenty years with great sound. My Longhorn still has the originals.

           Was it a good idea? I borrowed a hand truck from the neighbor, the one who pays too much attention, and got the washer moved into place. I still cannot find my PVC cutter. The laundry shed dimensions are correct so we’ll gather the materials soon. And the dryer is moved over behind the building where I can get at it some shady day. Next off to Wal*mart, after pricing some fans for the shed, I see I’ll have to spend $300 most places. I opted for the $64 unit which the carton says can be mounted on the walls.
           Quick trips to Winter Haven are always several hours long, with the weather steadily worsening. My hopes of stopping at the library for coffee were drenched (ha-ha). I got the phone bill paid and picked up a bolt extraction set. I’ve never used this tool before, it seems you drill a pilot hole into the head and apply a right-hand thread shank until it cooperates. The task requires a hole punch, which I don’t have. No, I won’t try to get you a picture of the rain. The polarized lenses on the camera can’t capture the intensity. These are not prairie storms over a wide area, but sudden downpours with the sun shining a mile away.

           I’m inside with a coffee, so let’s check the news feeds. All radio stations are ablaze with gripes about the inflation. There are three significant changes from a month ago. One is that nobody is blaming anyone but the Biden people, no matter how they twist and turn the facts. Two, growing unrest as people ever more openly blame undue influence over government affairs by a small special interest group. And a real backlash against people who say Trump “stepped down”. Those who say that are openly called out. Many Christians post the little white cross on a purple oval as part of their signature. The Washington Post published a hit piece saying it is a symbol for White Supremacy. Overall, the commentary is getting more polarized.
           If there is, as I suggest, now an actual third political force called the Patriot Party, they are far more unified than before. The opponents have always had a policy of divide and conquer because they know they are a minority and are mostly the non-academic types. It’s as if they believe an small heavily-armed minority can rule the US the way it’s been done in other countries. I’m glad I’m fifty miles from the nearest of these people. Even the pro-Biden polls are listing his approval rating at 22% and they probably had to conduct the survey in Atlanta or Chicago to get that much.
           It’s past noon, siesta time. Rumors are that Trump will announce his third run for Presidency on July 4, but I can’t think of any reason he would. His very presence is causing the radical left to go haywire and they have already spent a fortune trying to keep him smeared. He has a much freer hand staying uncommitted, which means he is not subject to their rules. I think the Bidenistas are trying to impeach him yet again and the J6 committee have already been caught lying and editing videos. It’s the Internet. It has shortened the lifespan of each new fake news report so much that the bad guys have been forced to repeat themselves too often.

Picture of the day.
Smuggling, Congo-Zimbabwe border.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           In the continuing assault on affordable housing, big equity is buying up trailer courts and tripling the rent. Golly, am I the only one who saw that coming. The Washington Post article adds that the prices of the homes themselves has risen in some cases to over $100,000. Soon, finding a place to park it will be as expensive as the mortgage the inhabitants were seeking to avoid. Suddenly, I like my little cabin a whole lot more.
           If the lot rent becomes unaffordable, the renters are also likely to lose their equity in the structure. It costs at least $10,000 to move these things, trust me, they are not really “mobile” homes. They will also face competition from apartment and condo renters who can no longer afford where they live. I keep thinking I should buy a plot of vacant land just for the purpose. In fact, let me look for the cheapest nearby property. It’s near Orlando and they want $7,000 for it. I’ll look again over the weekend.
           Remember the little gal in the rash of memes ten years ago? Here’s an update to remind us all of the passage of time. My favorite was the gif of Clint Eastwood and the bad guy staring each other down in the graveyard when this tyke appears. I never thought it was a recent picture at the time, when I stumbled across this. See, now she’s gonna break a lotta hearts.

           There’s a gap here where I took a long nap and then went downtown. I could tip-toe around or just tell you what happened and let you decide if I’m lying. I walked into the old club and it was that guitar player who we never remember each other’s names. The guy to plays too far away, but years ago we had traded song lists and one of those was “tunes I’d play if I could find a decent second”. We had joked how close our lists were. Funny indeed how the COVID slowdown and gas prices have forced his circuit back to this immediate area. The place was full of noisy drunks, so he said get your bass and we’ll drown them out. Twelve tunes and we gasted their flabber.
           To the crowd of newcomers, we looked like two dudes who just met. The reality is between us we have almost 100 years of experience at this. He instantly remembers the cover versions when there is a bass structure and we basically played material normally considered impossible for a duo, but I’ve said before the best instrument is the human mind. They only think they heard the orchestra. Factor in they don’t usually get big city shows in that club and how we were both in tip-top form at that moment. But music isn’t the point, and this blog is committed to recording the best of each day. Was it the best, or am I making this up? You decide.

           There were two babes in the place, by which time I was back sitting down. The first one, a slender blonde, introduces herself but fails the “are you married” test. I simply do not mess around, or [furthermore] even usually make friends, with married women unless the husband is around. She introduced herself, but standing on my blind side so I guess I did not see or hear her at first. The men in the place probably thought I was crazy. But until she put her hand on my shoulder, I knew nothing. She was socially but not man-woman assertive, used to getting her own way. As with most women, she was “interested” in what I was writing so I had to give her the chicken coop story. Let’s just say the entire room saw the meeting and if she had been single no imagination would be necessary. Age, maybe 35.
           The second gal had a purple dress, a spirited lass, quite the figure. I was walking to the stage to hand over an updated bass list when she sort of slinked right into my arms, she made it look like an accident. I automatoniously asked her to dance, the guitar player catching my ear to say she was alright. We proceeded right out on the floor, where it was plain she had never danced with an even mediocre partner before and was raking in the limelight. For me, that’s the end of it, but yes, I felt that electric touch through that clingy dress wherever the dance moves pressed us. You don’t need more signals than that. It was agony to set her down but I am not on the prowl. As I went to leave an hour later she stopped me to say thanks, that I was the first man she’d danced with in this town that didn’t, at which time she winked at me. Age, late 30s.

           I repeat my formula, after 40, or some other arbitrary age, if you are not on that stage, you are simply not going to meet the outgoing women no matter what you do. This blog is rated PG-13. But it is wise to have options even if you do not take them. There were a couple dozen stag men in the room last evening who got absolutely nowhere. If I was the vindictive type, I’d walk over and tell them they were “trying too hard”. But that would be coming from I guy they just saw didn’t even try at all. BWAAAAa-ha-ha-ha.
           The point is, the guitarist has that updated list and there is a jam in Riverside tomorrow with some really committed people. It depends on the weather, that’s a 60-mile round trip for me and I am not doing that in heavy rain. After that presentation tonight, I’m more convinced that Tennessee that I must pursue this solo bass act. One warm-up set [on guitar] to engage the audience, then hit them with a one-of-a-kind show. It works or it doesn’t and I’d be a coward if I didn’t try.

           It seems the J6 “Unselect” committee are getting a taste of their own medicine. Like Trump says, everything woke turns to shit. Under examination, dozens of uncomfortable facts have emerged that were glossed over by the media, but can’t be hidden in a hearing. Liz Cheney, the lady known as “Miss Piggy” has taken to outright lying that she was present and saw the violence. She’s a strange one. This committee is made up of very questionable people and are not doing so well. They’ve spent months and millions building it up as the most important event of our era only to have 6% of Americans tune in, about as close to a total flop as it gets.

Last Laugh