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Saturday, June 11, 2022

June 11, 2022

One year ago today: June 11, 2021, Matilda is gone.
Five years ago today: June 11, 2017, two hours by Rebel.
Nine years ago today: June 11, 2013, customizing my Longhorn.
Random years ago today: June 11, 2012, I once spent $214 on dinner.

           Off to a slow start, so much that the high point was breakfast. Hope you are getting into the weekend as nicely. Here’s the banana nut muffins, from a mix. Lots of coffee and some cheesy grits, is that southern enough for you? Unable to get into high gear, I sat down and listened to the radio. How I got tired doing that beats me. My big plan for the day is that new shelf in the shed. That’s it, either that or play bass most of the day. I know, I’ll take the scooter downtown for a few groceries. Check with me later.
           Are we back already? I spent an hour trying to find the easy way to download memes from the net. No, not the links, which won’t link where you want them. It’s not easy and I cannot find a listing of gif code. It is a series of pictures so should have readable text, at least readable as C+ code, remember I refer to all C+ spinoffs as the same thing. Is it javascript? Python? I cannot find any examples except Dreamweaver, and they don’t show how to write the actual code. It looks like Python but I’m just seeking a basic tutorial. I don’t like Python.

           Zimbabwe is claiming success in re-establishing their agriculture after busting up all the white farms in the 1990s. In reality they expropriated the farms and divided them up to people like the tenant farmers, and production collapsed. The farms were run by big European corporations such as tobacco companies. Zimbabwe has enticed back some of the European farmers, but they lease the land from the black owners. No sense losing it a second time, right?
           But the thing is, to comply with international law, a wise thing if you want loans and foreign investment, the white former owners must be compensated. Thugs like Mugabe usually don’t think that far ahead. So, the current government is asking for money to pay the debt. They aren’t fooling the 4,000 whites who saw their farms “reformed” over to a million blacks, who instantly produced nothing they could either eat or sell. Mugabe claimed the whites took the best land and forced blacks into marginal areas. Not so, the land had to be irrigated and fertilized, a system that rapidly fell apart after the 1980 takeover.
           So, other than the Zimbabweans begging for a return to white-minority rule, the individual black farmers lease their land back to the whites, and return to work on that land as laborers. Net change in their lifestyles and working conditions is zero. Land reform never works well when you lop off the head the team.

           One good thing about it costing big pickup trucks $125 to tank up is you don’t see as many on the roadway. Remember, if it comes to that, I still have a sidecar that can be fired up again. Last for now, there is a group advocating StartPage, the browser I threw out when I got redirected to a Google look-alike server in New York. I’m still investigating Brave as a browser, but I’m getting close. There is something I don’t like about their installation process.

Picture of the day.
Programmable ammunition.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           A look at the cheapest land in this area comes up with two results. A$7,000 lot near Orlando that has not sold for close to the limit of 40 days, meaning something is wrong with it. And a 1/100th acre triangle shape in Apopka for $15,000. It’s been clear to me Biden has to in some way go after those retirement plans. His government is on life-support and he is woefully behind on his kickbacks. Even cramming billions to offshore accounts via the Ukraine isn’t saving his bacon. Like the declining Roman empire, there is still plenty of wealth but unless you grab it early, later you will have to use force.
           The cute one that saved him last year was the $2.3 billion “fine” to Pfizer. You cannot punish these big corporations with fines. Because they have insurance that pays it, hence the fines get passed on to you as increased premiums. Nobody asks who gets these big fines paid by the corporations, but you can bet it isn’t anybody you know.
           Here’s a pile of bones the bad guys are trying to say was taken in Poland in WWII. You know exactly what narrative they are pushing. Then have them explain why the two cowboys are wearing Stetsons and how all the skulls have horns. These are buffalo bones and the picture is in Montana in 1868, though don’t quote me on that.

           It cooled down just enough to get me working, where I had one of those sessions where everything went wrong. Changing the kitchen lightbulb, I lost a screw. Lifting my box of pipe fittings spilled water down my shirt. Measuring some wood, I knocked the chair off the laundry deck. Closing the shed I stepped on the spout of my watering can. I figured this was just not my day for working and I packed it in. I went downtown, bought a small center punch, and the rain got me a quarter mile from the house on the way back.
           That raises a point and a question. The point is work is actually progressing each day. The question is, will I live long enough? One plan was to replace my bass strings but the way it just went, I don’t dare. On top of it all, the chasing around took so long I saw the rain coming and did not have time to get any groceries. What do you want for supper? Leftover cheese grits, an apple, or muffins again? There ‘s unshelled peanuts and a can of mushroom soup. Go away mad, but don’t go away hungry.

           Karma strikes again. The past two years that moron, Justin Bieber, has only allowed vaxxed people into his concerts. He’s just been diagnosed with facial paralysis. Facebook has blacked out this news from their largely teen user base. This is just 90 days after his wife had a stroke from a blood clot in the brain. It sure shut his mouth in a hurry, but not before he claimed this exceedingly rare disease would have been much worse if he had not got the jab. This Bieber is so stupid even other rappers are beginning to notice.
           I also read a not-too-flattering commentary on hybrid vigor. I’ll let you look up the details, but it is form of superior qualities that result from both parents. Alas, the effect lasts only as long as there are purebred parent stock. The moment there is mixing with other genes, the tendency is back to average. The example given was Mexicans, who among the most genetically mingled people that exist. Far from producing Nobel prize-winners and Olympic athletes, the national IQ has fallen into the low 80s. And as for their lifestyles and character, read the news.

           Another Osprey has crashed, killing the crew. This disaster of an aircraft exists purely from pork-barreling. It is flawed in concept, design, and construction. It can never be made safe or to operate reliably. This is the tilt-rotor airthing that does nothing that cannot be done cheaper and safer by specialized aircraft. They cost $72 million each, around three times the price of a helicopter. While it fills some specific roles, everything about the machine is a compromise. It was at least 18 years in development which cost nearly $30 billion. It is easy to shoot down, a highly visible radar target, and can be heard ten miles away. What a waste.

Last Laugh

Mood ring toilet seat.